Who did Christians hate today?

Forbidding birth control is the pinnacle of misogyny.

I'm not sure where that's coming from. Christians believe in birth control. They call it "controlling your urges" and "being a good Christian". There's lots of reading the Bible and praying involved. If you still have urges after that, then you're a bad person (we all are) and are doing it wrong; add some more Bible and prayer.
While I am no fan of organized religion, and I agree with the points that the Pope doesn't have a direct line to God. I do feel that he was a more liberal Pope than some of the past. He was trying to change some of the catholic culture knowing full well there would be some resistance. As the head of the Catholic Church I applauded his seemingly new attitude toward the LGBTQ+ community, but this about face has me feeling like I fell for some gag.

He's better than the last one, no doubt. It's not so much this particular pope, as it is the whole setup in general.

Ask any of these people who or what god exactly is, and they can't give you an answer, but somehow still know enough about him, her or it to tell us what to eat, who to sleep with, in what positions you can sleep with them, what days he doesn't want you to work, etc.

They're just making it all up as they go along.

I'm not sure where that's coming from. Christians believe in birth control. They call it "controlling your urges" and "being a good Christian". There's lots of reading the Bible and praying involved. If you still have urges after that, then you're a bad person (we all are) and are doing it wrong; add some more Bible and prayer.

The Catholic church - especially Mother Theresa - were notorious for their missionaries going into poor areas and telling their women "no abortions, no birth control, and remain poor - the meek shall inherit the earth".

As Christopher Hitchens said, female empowerment is the best way to lift impoverished countries, and the same places these nuns and others go to and set up shop, the places are often no better off when they leave, and I bet the churches lined their coffers more than what they passed on to these poor folks. At the height of the AIDS crisis, they were still telling women to abstain and avoid birth control and protection. They even were against condoms.
I'm not sure where that's coming from. Christians believe in birth control. They call it "controlling your urges" and "being a good Christian". There's lots of reading the Bible and praying involved. If you still have urges after that, then you're a bad person (we all are) and are doing it wrong; add some more Bible and prayer.
Only if you’re a woman. It’s all fine if you’re a man.
Only if you’re a woman. It’s all fine if you’re a man.
It's never the rapists fault... The women didn't make it clear, they dress too provocatively, or shouldn't have been out so late. Worst of all, in the matter of he said/she said, it always falls in the favor of the man.
what a good Christian this asshole is. I guess she thought she would buy her way into heaven.

Rapture believer demands return of $1,000 tips at Florida taco restaurant​

A woman who left over $1,000 in tips at a Florida taco restaurant because she thought she was going to be swept up in the biblical rapture on the day of the eclipse, now wants a Rapture refund, claiming the restaurant defrauded her.

A server at the restaurant said on Reddit that the woman "was nice but kept trying to proselytize to me." Her bill came to $40, to which she added a $300 tip and wrote on the receipt "in case you don't rise on the 8th." The woman retured a few days later and tipped another server $777.

When the Rapture didn't happen, the woman returned to claw back her tip, accusing the restaurant changed the tip amount:
and then when it did not happen lie about it. I love how they think god will just ignore such shit. like god is going to rapture you when he knows you're an asshole.

If she thinks a $1,000 taco tip can buy her a ticket to paradise, I hope she’s good looking, because you could probably get more than your money’s worth out of the cost of dinner and a movie. As long as you don’t take her out before the next rapture. Catch her in a good mood six months out from the return of Christ and you’re golden.
Forbidding birth control is the pinnacle of misogyny.

Abortion obviously is a very controversial issue, but I find the opposition to contraceptives fascinating for many reasons- I’m talking about standard birth control contraception, not emergency contraceptives.

The Catholic Church has long been against contraceptives- not only birth control and IUD, but also tubal ligation and condoms. AFAIK as a non-Catholic myself contraceptive can be used for legitimate medical reasons other than preventing pregnancy- I would assume taking birth control for treating acne or managing ovarian cysts would be permitted.

Interestingly, polls show the overwhelming majority of self-identifying Catholics and even Catholics who report attending mass weekly overwhelmingly disagree with the Church. Per this Pew poll from 2016, 87% believe it’s not morally wrong or a moral issue- only 8% overall find it morally wrong. I imagine that number is even less today, 8 years later.

To my surprise this same poll shows only 3% of white evangelical Protestants believe contraception is morally wrong.

Most surprising to me was that of those who believe contraception is wrong, there is hardly a difference (likely no statistically significant difference) between right and left political affiliation. 5% of R/right leaning and 4% of D/left leaning believe contraceptives to be morally wrong. Upon further consideration, this probably has to do with Catholics generally leaning more left while Evangelicals are typically associated with right.

i suppose Catholics to some extent are far less interested in imposing their beliefs on others compared to evangelical Christians. Catholics also don’t have the same political influence as evangelicals.

I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised to see increasing conservative beliefs among evangelicals between 2016 and today, but it appears the number of people who believe these radical religious ideas is vastly overstated. As we saw clearly in referenda votes in red states with large evangelical populations, policies like banning abortion were overwhelmingly opposed. I think the numbers suggest the most radical voices are disproportionately amplified and while most evangelicals might legitimately believe abortion as morally wrong, they still recognize the need.

I think these polls are fascinating. They demonstrate widespread misconceptions and stereotypes not only perpetuated by left wing groups, but also how the evangelical right leaders may use these same misconceptions and stereotypes to promote unpopular ideas among their base as being much mainstream when they actually appear to have minority support.
If you put 50 of the most devoted and brainwashed religious cult members in a room, you couldn’t get them to agree on a detailed definition of god, much less any mainstream church or religious organization.

I’d be far less inclined to call it made up fiction if it wasn’t being used as a foundation for… anything, really.

It’s as absurd to me as someone living based on the teachings of Clifford the Big Red Dog. Well, much more absurd, Clifford doesn’t advocate for slavery, murder and eternal punishment for eating shellfish or making incense for yourself.

I don’t care what these people think of abortion, you could probably talk them into stabbing some pregnant mothers if they somehow thought it was a hobby of Trump’s.

Parent Fumes After School Board Nixes Gay Actor’s Talk Due to His ‘Lifestyle’​

We had an HVI-positive gay male come to speak about his disease in front of a class of HS sophomores.

We had a mixture of kids of different relgious, social and economic backgrounds. I come from a center-right, mostly moderate town, but definitely conservative. Democrats win here, frequently, but its conservative. Tolerably so.

No issues. No hatred. No angry parents yanking their kids. We kind of had a thing where we trusted teachers unless and until they couldn't do their job, which never happened with any of my teachers, certainly not the alpha-male, well-liked gym coach who also taught this health class.

Let your kids learn and let the teachers do their job. If anything, all this did was humanize someone with a serious illness who was giving up his time to teach kids what not to do. Kids can be cruel, but also incredibly mature - more so than the parents these days, it seems.

Also, most of the parents who rage about this are probably closeted themselves, will end up having kids that are LGBTQ, or too hateful and shallow to keep their kid home that particular day. Plus, their kids already know all of this stuff, they just don't have a mature grasp on it. Most of these bible-thumping parents are turning their kids into disgusting adults with this holier than thou attitude. Have a dumb and uninformed kid if you want, nobody else should have to join you.
this person is making Jesus proud. wait thats the devil he is enjoying christian nationalism.
“We need to make church the state’s business again,” Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”
this person is making Jesus proud. wait thats the devil he is enjoying christian nationalism.
“We need to make church the state’s business again,” Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”

First, she needs to prove Jesus exists. Not even existed, because to my knowledge, dead men can't manage things very well, provided you're outside of North Korea.

Then, she needs to be sat down and explained to - slowly and in simple, plain language she can digest - that a religious state does not enhance individual rights. We have a few thousand years of experience and recorded history to know this.
A growing Christian supremacist movement that labels its perceived enemies as “demonic” and enjoys close ties to major Republican figures is “the greatest threat to American democracy you’ve never heard of,” according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC, a civil rights organization that monitors extremist groups, released its “Year In Hate And Extremism 2023” report on Tuesday. A significant portion of the report, which tracked burgeoning anti-democratic and neo-fascist movements and actors across America, is devoted to the New Apostolic Reformation, “a new and powerful Christian supremacy movement that is attempting to transform culture and politics in the U.S. and countries across the world into a grim authoritarianism.”
Emerging out of the charismatic evangelical tradition, the NAR adheres to a form of Christian dominionism, meaning its parishioners believe it’s their divine duty to seize control of every political and cultural institution in America, transforming them according to a fundamentalist interpretation of scripture.

Desperation. Church attendance must be down. Gee, I wonder why? At least these freaks are at arms’ length from me, imagine being a child of one of these cretins.

A theocracy won’t work in America, it would self destruct before it got off the ground. Once they start debating which denomination’s god is in control, they’ll start fighting each other over which version of the invisible Marvel hero they should worship.