why did you choose the Avatar you are using on TalkedAbout ?

(same one as MR) - My Dad's place on Lake Huron - some of the most amazing sunsets on "Ontario's West Coast". Many treasured memories when my parents were alive.

Heh - that shot was sitting on the log in the photo on the right. :D

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Awesome, was considering directing you to this thread after seeing the picture, but you made it here anyway. 🥳
I meant to say

I still think either you, or the universe is trolling us all with that avatar.

I meant to say

“C’MON MAN… THIS AFFECTS ALL OF US, MAN… I’m staying, finishing my coffee… enjoying my coffee…”

My avatar:

This was shortly after I added the XGA upgrade/retrofit (which was a hot mod to do with these back in, uh, 2007, but taking me until 2018 before I had all the right parts to make it happen).

During all of that, I discovered a little-known feature of all the clamshell iBooks:

In 1999, Apple actually purpose-designed the iBook to have a backlit Apple icon on the lid. But sometime between design, testing, prototyping, and first manufacture, an executive decision was made (probably by Jobs) to cover up the translucent window with opaque, adhesive-backed aluminium foil (not unlike the kind you might find sealing your yoghurt tub).

The reason? The Apple logo mark is right-side-up when self-propped (with handle at top), but when using it on a table or on your lap, the logo mark appears upside-down to other people. I guess Jobs wasn’t keen on this, because the foil backing was clearly thrown on very late in development. It wouldn’t be for another year when the Pismo PowerBook came out that the familiar glowing Apple, right-side-up when in use, premiered officially.

I removed that adhesive foil because of course I did. :)
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Good call, I stayed with a Futurama theme, it's the Robot Devil (kind of a halloween-esque change ...)
Mine is a Boob Cube. Just one of the many, many Rubik's cubes I have. Which is just part of a much larger puzzle collection. I love puzzles. When I die, my kids will have hundreds of puzzles to sort through that ought to net them tens of dollars on the open market.
Have you seen the scrap metal version outside Las Cruces?

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(obviously not the actual UTSA mascot, as such, but)

I haven't seen that one, but we have something similar in the Houston area. I used to drive by it when going to my ex's house lol
Ours is on the side of a freeway and I could never slow down enough to get a good picture, and I don't want to have an accident. Maybe one day I'll just stop on the side of the road and get a good pic.
My avatar is an image done by one of my favourite artists, Rodney Matthews and is his interpretation of Arioch, lord of chaos from the series of Elric fantasy books by Michael Moorcock.
My first MR avatar was Von Braun. NASA = Not enough power.

My second MR avatar - the one most people even here are familiar with - was Henry Kissinger. Secretary of State has decent power, but not enough.

My current avatar is Marcus Aurelius. Emperor of the known world is ok for now.