Why do conservatives hate AOC?

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I think part of it is that she is mestizo. The RW likes white people, and they like the right kind of black people, but when they look at her, she is a mutt, and that makes them uncomfortable because, eww, impure blood, racial mixing. They do not want to think about what has already happened, that race has gradually blurred into, hey, goddammit, how do we divide these people out when there are so many of them now?

She is literally the face of the next century, and they are not ready for that. And her words make them face the failures of RW ideals, make them realize that their ways will not carry forward. That people will look back on the RW and say, "dumbshits".

Lot's of truth to what you said. I believe we, as a nation, squandered eight years of having Barack Obama as president. Is it a coincidence we now have Trump? That the far right racists and "traditionalists" turned into a nationalist Tour de France? We've come to a heartbeat away from becoming a fascist nation. The same forces are at play here.
This year I seriously consider getting up a Christmas tree this time around (an abomination to do it before Dec 24 where I grew up...).
When I was a child living in SE Washington DC, timeframe early 1960s, we’d put up a tree and decor 1 week before Christmas. As an adult and as we all know, the season morphed to Christmas starting post Thanksgiving. However I am still riled when I see Christmas decorations in the store at Halloween, even Sept.

We used to see these at places like Macy’s at the Mall, but now it‘s at Lowe’s, a home supply and hardware chain. It almost seems like the malls are dead, but I assume after the vaccine, we will go back to one on occasion. The damage of online shopping done to retail brick and mortar establishments, the malls, I predict is significant.
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I’m sure conservatives won’t have much to say about her being the VF cover story.
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Too late, they already did, questioning the hypocrisy of a “socialist” and expense of her borrowed outfit, not that they realized it was borrowed for the photo shoot, as if socialists are sworn to poverty, a little too much Country Club attitudes revealing themselves. :unsure:
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Too late, they already did, questioning the hypocracy as a “socialist” and expense of her borrowed outfit, not that they realized it was borrowed for the photo shoot, as if socialists are sworn to poverty, a little too much Country Club attitudes revealing themselves. :unsure:
They're bashing her out of one side of their mouth and hitting on out of the other. In any case she get's their panties in a bunch that's for sure.
It's also because she happily embraces & epitomizes everything they feel they have to hate
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334543240742260737/
It's stuff like this, where the concern isn't about enriching any one person, that seems to set some off. Or to quote an obsessively repetitive individual elsewhere, "radical leftists/liberals", which boggles the mind because improving things for others, helps others. Including businesses.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1322163888314556416/

Because what do these obsessively selfish individuals screaming "radical" thinks happens when an area improves? Clue, ask anyone who's improved their neighborhood what 'gentrify' means. You improve areas with better housing & infrastructure, you attract small business, you create employment, which is a thing I thought cons wanted. Evidently though, it seems to always depend on WHO is helped & improved, that determines where improvement is allowed & desired.

I can never understand how some people who worship the image of this country being about individualism, so eagerly embrace wanting monolithic business entities to get all the tax breaks & not want more opportunities for small businesses. Small businesses that will thrive in more successful neighborhoods & counties. Hoping to improve people's lives with better housing & resources, tossed in with being more effective with the environment should not be 'radical'.

For clarification I said casual gamer for easier understanding, but I believe she played League of Legends which isn't completely for casuals. I say it that way as she obsessively wasn't playing 4 - 8 hours a day that "l33t gamers" demand of anyone to have any cred, let alone female gamers.

It's the fact that she knows Twitch & it's reach that sets her apart from her critics who would likely look at it derisively unless they saw a personal profit incentive. Like imagine if a certain mewling congressional critter in SC had a clue about anyone but himself...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1321281118935670786/

What I cannot understand is how righties will go off on AOC and Rashida Tlaib over the public banks proposal and yet have zero objection to (and maybe even zero awareness of) the American Banking Association dumping a last-minute-blitz-fund of around a million dollars of the banking lobby's dough into the GOP candidates' attempts to retain their Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections in January.

Is it fine for private monies to attempt to buy a Senate seat in expectation of favorable treatment of for-profit banks by federal bank regulators? But not fine for the taxpayer to facilitate development of nonprofit banks that are public-facing and meant to invest in projects and businesses to the public's (and national economy's) benefit. rather than to making a buck directly for taxpayers, the financial stakeholders of those banks?

Since when and why not? Since public banks might compete robustly with corporate banks and disrupt the center of gravity in American banking, aside from stimulating small businesses and infrastructure rebuilding? I thought Republicans were into competition and small biz support.

Oh i forgot, the righties are into cutting taxes, reducing government investment and making ever larger profit margins in the private sector. And selective encouragment of certain small(ish), maybe, businesses.​
OK. I get it. AOC and Tlaib are coming for Jamie Dimon's profit margins.​
Hoooo boy. Buckle up. It was never really about Hillary coming for our guns in America, was it. Was always gonna be some socialist foreigners coming for our money?​

I'd like to think it's just boomers and whoever's left of my own older generation are responsible for this bullshit because that means in another 20 years or so the AOCs and Tlaibs of those times won't catch so much flak for having good ideas. But sometimes I wonder. The younger generations today have experienced dashed expectations, and sometimes that can still lead to a lot of scapegoating as well as xenophobia. I'd rather hoped we'd moved on past that in the USA but it's clear from the last 12 years --and especially the last four-- that that is not the case.
We missed our chance to ask them while they were blocking the Whitestone Bridge and NOT getting arrested like voters & BLM do.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1323020722286010369/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1323061421907668993/
They better be real careful. New Yorkers in general are not Trump fans.
They better be real careful. New Yorkers in general are not Trump fans.
Those were New Yorkers.

My brief time hanging with Fire Fighters in NY & some of the guys I got to know during that time, says otherwise about 45 fans. It may not be in general, but there is a considerable amount.
Those were New Yorkers.

My brief time hanging with Fire Fighters in NY & some of the guys I got to know during that time, says otherwise about 45 fans. It may not be in general, but there is a considerable amount.
I'm sure that's true. The ones I know hate Trump with a passion, and they've ALWAYS hate Rudy, even during 9/11.
Those were New Yorkers.

My brief time hanging with Fire Fighters in NY & some of the guys I got to know during that time, says otherwise about 45 fans. It may not be in general, but there is a considerable amount.
New York City is overwhelmingly liberal, but it’s a big place and there are many Trump fans there too.
If you go to the cnn map, click on New York and zoom in to the city, you can check all the boroughs for how they voted. Bronx, New York, Kings and Queens were all in the 70~80% range, but if you look to the left, you see Richmond (Staten Island) is comfortably red.

My county (other side of the country) came in blue, but only by about 11 percentage points. I have seen no shortage of MAGAtry around here, but, fortunately, they were not in the majority.

In fact, I challenge someone who can spare the time to pore over that map and try to find even one county that voted 100% either way. Everywhere you go, there are people of the other stripe. I mean, just ask Alli.
AOC annoys me, I don't hate her, but I don't have a lot of tolerance for her either. I find her to be a bit of a spot light grabber and her ideas are just way to abrasive to get anything done in congress. I know, I know that we need to at least have these progressive conversations, but... There is so much broken with the country right now, and we are so divided that she is making the whole side double down in their posturing. Get them to listen by watering down the rhetoric, then once you have some on your side start to change their views.

I don't know, maybe I am just to old and cantankerous. Just realized how true that statement is, as I just signed up for virtual trivia and my team name is "get off my lawn".
AOC annoys me, I don't hate her, but I don't have a lot of tolerance for her either. I find her to be a bit of a spot light grabber and her ideas are just way to abrasive to get anything done in congress. I know, I know that we need to at least have these progressive conversations, but... There is so much broken with the country right now, and we are so divided that she is making the whole side double down in their posturing. Get them to listen by watering down the rhetoric, then once you have some on your side start to change their views.

I don't know, maybe I am just to old and cantankerous. Just realized how true that statement is, as I just signed up for virtual trivia and my team name is "get off my lawn".
In fairness one has to realize she didn't just get a spotlight because of who she is. She isn't from some political dynasty or celebrity, she was a nobody that Faux New & the conservative press decided to make as some kind of albatross to hang around the neck of democrats. That spotlight was given to her, which helped her to win, and pushed her to prominence. It'd be silly NOT to use that spotlight when so many never get it, also as the saying goes "you leave with who brought you to the dance". It's her progressive ideals that weren't the conservative democrat norm that got her elected, and it would be a disservice to those who elected her 2X NOT to stay that course.

I think for some conservatives though, what seems to rile them is she puts a spotlight on their very own hypocrisies they have no issue with. With all the controversies they've had, to make one of her dancing in college or wearing clothes provided temporarily for a photo shoot, just reeks of being mad because one can.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If AOC and the rest of "the squad" and other Dems (the ones with progressive lean piped in from their constituents) just sat back and waited for all the middle-roaders and all us oldies to retire or die with boots on, we'd not see any progressive nominations for high level slots from Biden.

Pelosi's good at herding cats but part of the reason is that when she "puts some stick about" --to borrow a phrase from the original House of Cards-- then there's at least an IOU for a carrot in there somewhere... and this bunch of progressives are not misplacing the IOUs or expecting Biden to be unaware of Pelosi's promises to Dems in the House who said OK OK to Pelosi on key votes she managed to get through the House before she had the gavel.

Biden does know all that.... but he's on balance still most comfortable with his coterie of longtime like minded Dem guys and they ARE middle of road, no doubt about it. Some of his picks are more progressive than others. He is a pol and he will have to work with an obstructionist Senate, probably. In theory enough R Senators have opined that Biden is entitled to is cabinet picks as long as they're "mainstream", which has long been a norm, so he shouold be able to get his picks confirmed as long as all the Dems also go along. Problem with that is that "mainstream" has kept moving right during times when the Senate has been led by the Rs. Other problem is that not all the Dem Senators are particularly progressive.

That said, Biden is prez-elect right now because of a lot of elbow grease applied by people of color, women and young activists in registration and vote turnout efforts. Those are largely "progressive" at least in the sense of not thinking the social contract aspect of government should be drowned in the bathtub the way the Rs act.

The progs voted for Biden because he's not a Republican and not Trump. And they don't want Biden acting like a 1980s Republican. Maybe blue collar Dems see Biden as a first-term Morning in America Reagan redux (before the anti-labor part got amped up), but what progressives see at this very moment is this at the top of the Democratic Party's goals: "first, ditch Trump... check" and after that for progs then it's time to nudge Biden left at least a little in his public-facing agency leadership, so he and America don't forget where some margin for Presidency actually came from.
AOC annoys me, I don't hate her, but I don't have a lot of tolerance for her either. I find her to be a bit of a spot light grabber and her ideas are just way to abrasive to get anything done in congress. I know, I know that we need to at least have these progressive conversations, but... There is so much broken with the country right now, and we are so divided that she is making the whole side double down in their posturing. Get them to listen by watering down the rhetoric, then once you have some on your side start to change their views.

I don't know, maybe I am just to old and cantankerous. Just realized how true that statement is, as I just signed up for virtual trivia and my team name is "get off my lawn".

AOC is much, much less abrasive and is much, much more reasonable than most far left people.

That doesn’t make what you’re saying untrue - but that’s where we are 🙂
AOC annoys me, I don't hate her, but I don't have a lot of tolerance for her either. I find her to be a bit of a spot light grabber and her ideas are just way to abrasive to get anything done in congress. I know, I know that we need to at least have these progressive conversations, but... There is so much broken with the country right now, and we are so divided that she is making the whole side double down in their posturing. Get them to listen by watering down the rhetoric, then once you have some on your side start to change their views.

I don't know, maybe I am just to old and cantankerous. Just realized how true that statement is, as I just signed up for virtual trivia and my team name is "get off my lawn".
If you appease the right and aren’t abrasive, the GOP lawmakers will see the light and compromise? How did that work out for Obama 2011-2016? Only time he got any legislation through was 2009-10 with full control. The GOP blocked literally everything he wanted to do after that. I say, stick it to them HARD if Dems win both Georgia seats. They will not compromise, and the only thing they respect is power. Show them the Dems aren’t wimps; they will force their agenda through if you don’t work with them, and then maybe, just maybe, they will realize they need to compromise themselves if they want ANYTHING.

I’d rather have somebody be abrasive than be a wimp.
Also, that dang woman keeps appealing to the wrong dang people!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337624776534319104/

Blasphemy I tell you! Blasphemy!

Next people will remember that Obama & McCain respected each other!