Why do I find these videos addictive?

Where we are moving in AZ there is a $5k fine if you have to be rescued because you drove into a running arroyo.
Where we are moving in AZ there is a $5k fine if you have to be rescued because you drove into a running arroyo.

New Hampshire got tired of idiots going up into the White Mountain National Forest alpine areas without proper gear despite huge signs warning about the continent's worst weather (even in summer).

So now if they go anyway and need rescue, they get billed and charged and fined. This after a few too many trips where rescuers came close to getting dead from fishing lost hikers off the mountain.
I remember this one situation when I worked for Domino's Pizza way back in the late 90's. One dark stormy night, I find myself delivering pizzas in the midst of one of those once every 500 years torrential downpour. There were rumors floating around of various roads in the area being closed due to flooding, and management was debating on whether she should even keep the store open or not.

It was during one such conversation that we heard the phone ring. Someone wanted a pizza. They wanted it delivered on a certain road that everyone KNEW would be flooded in weather like that.

"Yeah, it probably is," said the man who wanted the pizza, "but don't worry none about that. Just meet me on the other side of the bridge on the creek, and I'll pick it up."

The manager decides to roll with it. Worst case scenario, the guy doesn't show, and it's given to one of us at the end of the shift. As it turns out, I was next in line for a delivery run, so the task fell to me. I was to go down this road, mindful of any flooding along the way, and wait for this guy to pick up his pizza.

And so I went, 10 minute drive south of the store, take a right, pull up near the bridge over the little creek that floods if you so much as look at it wrong. I was told not to go above and beyond for this delivery, and to only wait about 5 to 10 minutes.

Sure enough, that bridge was flooded out when I got there. So flooded, in fact, the water was just shy of engulfing the guardrails along the side. I park a little ways away from the edge of edge of the ever rising water line, and wait. Not even two minutes had passed before I saw a car appear on the other side of the water, flashing it's high beams at me. Three people are in the car. Two kids in the front passenger seat, jumping around all excitedly, and the driver, who I assume is the one who is responsible for me being there.

I lean my head out the window, getting instantly drenched in the process, and shout hey to the guy across the water.

"You the pizza guy," he yells.

"Yeah, but I don't see how you're gonna be able to get to me. What do you want to do?"

"Just wait, man! I got this!"

The guy hops out of his car, opens the back door, and I shit you not, pulls out a plastic paddle, and an inflatable raft. He checks it to see if it's seaworthy, then plops into the water, and starts rowing his way towards me, keeping the raft near the upper edge of the bridge rails to keep from being swept downstream.

Nothing weird followed, fortunately. Guy paid for his pizza, gave me a $5 tip, and went on his merry way back across the river-creek. It ended up being the last delivery of the night, and the store closed soon after due to the weather.

So why do people do stuff like this? I guess they're just hungry. Hungry and suicidally dumb.
New Hampshire got tired of idiots going up into the White Mountain National Forest alpine areas without proper gear despite huge signs warning about the continent's worst weather (even in summer).

So now if they go anyway and need rescue, they get billed and charged and fined. This after a few too many trips where rescuers came close to getting dead from fishing lost hikers off the mountain.
19 year old girl just died in the mountains here. She was trying to climb all of the 4K high mountains in NH before her 20th birthday. 0 degree F temps there while she was missing. What a waste.

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