Woman Sues Anti-Abortion 'Pregnancy Center' After Her Ectopic Pregnancy Ruptured


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Aug 15, 2020
I want to know where in the Bible it says it's ok to lie and deceive people in the name of Jesus? hope she gets a lot out of them.

A Massachusetts woman claims that an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centerfailed to diagnose her ectopic pregnancy during an ultrasound appointment and that the pregnancy later ruptured, requiring emergency surgery to remove one of her fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies are never viable and can be life-threatening; the pregnancy should have been terminated immediately.

The woman, known as Jane Doe, filed a class action lawsuit on Thursday in Worcester Superior Court alleging that Clearway Clinic in Worcester didn’t follow standard medical care. The suit also claims that Clearway engages in deceptive practices to lure in people seeking the full range of pregnancy options, when its actual purpose is just to dissuade them from getting abortions.

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I want to know where in the Bible it says it's ok to lie and deceive people in the name of Jesus? hope she gets a lot out of them.

A Massachusetts woman claims that an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centerfailed to diagnose her ectopic pregnancy during an ultrasound appointment and that the pregnancy later ruptured, requiring emergency surgery to remove one of her fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancies are never viable and can be life-threatening; the pregnancy should have been terminated immediately.

The woman, known as Jane Doe, filed a class action lawsuit on Thursday in Worcester Superior Court alleging that Clearway Clinic in Worcester didn’t follow standard medical care. The suit also claims that Clearway engages in deceptive practices to lure in people seeking the full range of pregnancy options, when its actual purpose is just to dissuade them from getting abortions.

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Based on the article, this is mostly a medical malpractice situation. The woman's pregnancy was diagnosed as intrauterine when in fact it was ectopic. This should be easy past a certain point in gestation. Early on, it may be difficult to tell, which requires follow-up. That the scan was done and interpreted by an RN makes it worse for the center's case, since that's not in their scope of practice.

BTW, it's not true that ectopic pregnancies are never viable. A very rare form called abdominal pregnancy can result in live birth.