Yesterday was world lizard day

I had one of these in my early 20's I got from a local pet store.

Flash forward to 2020. Wait no, go back to mine. The internet didn't exist, maybe AOL was just coming out. Therefor there wasn't the access to information we have now. If you were young, interested, it was at a pet store, and you could afford it you just got it. You asked some general advice and that was about it. There was no "Don't get unless you absolutely plan to do this, this, and this." Needless to say it didn't live very long.

Now flash flash forward to 2020. They are hard to find, banned from export from their native habitat (due to earlier pet trade exploitation), are expensive when you can buy one, and probably not in the best of shape. I saw a couple available at a reptile expo a few years bag and they were missing some toes which is quite common when you don't monitor their shedding. Not to be subjectively cold, but even in that less than great condition they were still asking $700 each.

I actually got bummed I didn't take care of mine as well as I should have, not for rarity or financial purposes, but for not providing the proper care and respect like I do now. One of the things that got my attention at the expo was they were just hanging out on a big branch on a table. No enclosure, the only animal at the expo displayed like that. That's just how they are. Super chill and hardy, no worries about them bolting or easily getting injured.
Butters picked her side of the bed.



She is just too cute!
I definitely think so and there's no fighting over covers. ;)

I think at some point I'm just going to start a Butters thread because that's largely what this thread has become which takes away from the honor of world lizard day.
Woke up this morning and it was 52 F (Brrr!). We had some cardinals flitting around our back deck. We have a coat stand on the deck where my wife leaves her wet swim suits. One of these cardinals hopped around on the coat stand and disappeared between the swim suits and either grabbed an anole or knocked it out the swim suit where it was huddled against the cold. Now down on the pool deck they were staring each other down, the adolescent anole was opening it’s mouth in a threatening manner and I was a bit surprised thinking cardinals don’t eat lizards.

I did not want to deprive the bird of a meal, so I waited, but then it flew off, so I opened the back door and that lizard was so cold it could not move, so I picked it up, (it opened its mouth at me too) and tucked it back in the folds of one of the swimsuit where it could warm up. No, I was not going to adopt it... ;)

We have anoles, skinks, and used to have small geckos that hung out by the front porch light at night, but this last summer none appeared. :(
Woke up this morning and it was 52 F (Brrr!). We had some cardinals flitting around our back deck. We have a coat stand on the deck where my wife leaves her wet swim suits. One of these cardinals hopped around on the coat stand and disappeared between the swim suits and either grabbed an anole or knocked it out the swim suit where it was huddled against the cold. Now down on the pool deck they were staring each other down, the adolescent anole was opening it’s mouth in a threatening manner and I was a bit surprised thinking cardinals don’t eat lizards.

I did not want to deprive the bird of a meal, so I waited, but then it flew off, so I opened the back door and that lizard was so cold it could not move, so I picked it up, (it opened its mouth at me too) and tucked it back in the folds of one of the swimsuit where it could warm up. No, I was not going to adopt it... ;)

We have anoles, skinks, and used to have small geckos that hung out by the front porch light at night, but this last summer none appeared. :(
As I've gotten older I've found myself watching nature playing itself out and helping out if I think it's appropriate. Today's not your time little buddy.

Sounds like you live in nature's pet store. Most we have is blue belly lizards, the occasional alligator lizard, and basic frogs.

One of mine. Photo, not pet.
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Leopard geckos are great and easy to care for. Plus the morph (different colors and patterns) market has really exploded. The local reptile expo didn't happen this year for the same reason most things didn't happen this year. :(
Nice photo. Why not post to be visible in the post (said in a friendly tone)? :)

Did you take this in a studio setting or was the background whisked away?
I tried! Having a few issues posting images on here. In a studio. A light tent. He liked the warmth.
I tried! Having a few issues posting images on here. In a studio. A light tent. He liked the warmth.
It’s possible if the photo is too large there might be an issue. I’m mostly using my iPad and when I select a photo from the album (on the iPad), At the top of the selection window, a choose size link appears, where I will select “medium”. This especially applies when the photos came off my phone, transferred with AirDrop, those tend to be very large.
As I've gotten older I've found myself watching nature playing itself out and helping out if I think it's appropriate. Today's not your time little buddy.

Sounds like you live in nature's pet store. Most we have is blue belly lizards, the occasional alligator lizard, and basic frogs.

Leopard geckos are great and easy to care for. Plus the morph (different colors and patterns) market has really exploded. The local reptile expo didn't happen this year for the same reason most things didn't happen this year. :(
I usually rescue lizards in the house. If they appear weak, I place a drop of water in their mouths before turning them lose. I’ve noticed some when cold seem to enjoy the warmth of my hand. :)
It’s possible if the photo is too large there might be an issue. I’m mostly using my iPad and when I select a photo from the album (on the iPad), At the top of the selection window, a choose size link appears, where I will select “medium”. This especially applies when the photos came off my phone, transferred with AirDrop, those tend to be very large.
I always post images from my Mac so don’t get that option. I resize the images but they still seem hit and miss.
I always post images from my Mac so don’t get that option. I resize the images but they still seem hit and miss.
When posting photos from the Photos app on my Mac I first export them to my desktop. I found exporting them as unmodified original doesn't work. I have to do use the other export that exports to jpeg and gives the size option.

But as the site owner is a photographer himself I'm sure he'll get this all sussed out eventually.
Today Butters found my long lost (over a year) Apple TV remote, well, indirectly. I've kind of resigned myself to letting her use the bed as her play and explore space when I'm home because she's not arboreal (climbing) lizard because of her large potato body, nugget legs, and toothpick toes. It's just not in the cards. So the bed is somewhat like an island. Earlier today I heard a telltale thud on the carpet. Sure enough she tested her limits and failed. Didn't see her in the open areas so I grabbed my flashlight and she was behind the bed and close to her was my long lost Apple remote.

Interestingly she didn't just pick a random side of the bed and go for it. I've seen her gravitate with interest towards the wall left side of my bed where my fat tail gecko Sierra resides. From the bed it's eye level, lit, and decked out like an appropriate natural habitat. So while Butters is exploring amongst the sheets, pillows, and blankets it's like she sees it and goes "Hey, nature!". The world's first scientific behavioral study that shows even animals are attracted to zoos when they aren't in it.
Just found out the country's longest running and largest reptile shop is about an hour drive from me. 😮 It's in Berkeley so my first concern would be if my interaction with them isn't woke will they strike? I love reptiles but know very little about their justice movements. 😮 On average 5,000 reptiles under their roof at any given time. 😮
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Just found out the country's longest running and largest reptile shop is about an hour drive from me. 😮 It's in Berkeley so my first concern would be if my interaction with them isn't woke will they strike? I love reptiles but know very little about their justice movements. 😮 On average 5,000 reptiles under their roof at any given time. 😮
But you’re going to find out, right? And maybe take some pictures when you go check them out?
When posting photos from the Photos app on my Mac I first export them to my desktop. I found exporting them as unmodified original doesn't work. I have to do use the other export that exports to jpeg and gives the size option.

But as the site owner is a photographer himself I'm sure he'll get this all sussed out eventually.
Photos on a Mac? I never open it. Ive even had issues with images 1000 pixels on their longest size which is usually fine on most forums.