2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates


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I assume it's your intent for this to be the place where Biden's suitability for a second term is discussed, though it's been brought up in other threads.

A recent poll showed that while 52% of Democrats don't want him to run, 81% said they probably or definitely would support him. I count myself among Democrats who would prefer a younger candidate. I don't believe Biden is nearly as challenged as many Republicans say, but I do have concerns, especially since he'd be 86 at the end of a second term. However, I would certainly vote for Biden over Trump, given what we know about Trump as a person and everything he's done in and out of office. He is more manifestly unfit for the presidency than any viable candidate in my lifetime, and his age is as much of an issue as it is for Biden.

The dilemma for Democrats is two-fold:

If Biden runs, would he choose Harris as his VP candidate? I'm glad that a woman of color was elected VP, but I think the country could do better. I think many Democrats would be more comfortable with Biden if he had a different running mate, someone they would eagerly vote for as a presidential candidate.

Second, will anyone in the Democratic party be willing to challenge Biden's candidacy? From what I've seen so far, I doubt it. I'm sure Biden and his team are anxious to announce soon with the hope it will forestall any opposition, though I wish someone would try, for the country's sake.


Mama's lil stinker
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I agree this needs its own thread, I'm not a fan of busting out several different topics in unrelated threads, it makes things confusing and hard to find in this forum as it's so active.

On this topic it looks like the status quo will work for Democrats but they're not exactly thrilled about it. I'll do it for four more years, I'm enjoying how there isn't breaking news of epic proportions every other day ala Trump.

He's not the most exciting president but he's stable. Of course if someone like Romney were to run I might consider changing my vote, I've always respected him but there's simply no room for a middle of the road Republican in the current toxic political environment.


Resident Redneck
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On this topic it looks like the status quo will work for Democrats

What I don't think will work is Biden campaigning like he did in 2020. He is going to have to go out and talk to people, hold rallies, take questions, etc. More of a traditional campaign. Otherwise I think the press and voters will turn on him.


Mama's lil stinker
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What I don't think will work is Biden campaigning like he did in 2020. He is going to have to go out and talk to people, hold rallies, take questions, etc. More of a traditional campaign. Otherwise I think the press and voters will turn on him.
The same will hold true for Trump, for some reason people only seem to care about Biden's age. I think Biden will be out campaigning when he needs to but he's not nearly as sharp as he once was and appears doddering in a lot of ways. They really need to cap this thing out at like 70 years old lol.


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I have no problem with Biden and I have more confidence in him on his worst days than I do Trump on his best.

He’s old, there’s legitimate questions to be asked, but again… mental faculties clearly aren’t your primary concern if you’re willing to cast a vote for Donald Trump.


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Are we going to have a new thread every time someone announces candidacy? Could get crowded. OTOH, I can’t wait for that Florida man to finally announce. We can have a lot of fun with that.


Mama's lil stinker
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No, but this was a big one.

How about I change the title to "2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates".

It will still be mainly about Biden as I doubt anyone of substance will run against him.
Agreed, IMO this one is justified since it's the sitting president. Same goes for the top Republican nominee.

BTW I don't think either way of posting is right or wrong, it's just a matter of preference. For something like this it seems worthy of a new topic.

Chew Toy McCoy

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I know this is probably fantasy land right now (when America was great?) but it would be nice if we could return to a time when we vote for a candidate instead of against the opposition candidate/party. Seems like ever since after W Bush it's been all about which side shows up in greater numbers to vote against the opposition. Sure, there are voters fully on board with the candidate, but I think the voters against the opposition made the ultimate difference in winner. Of course you have to factor in the fraud machine that is the electoral college.


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I know this is probably fantasy land right now (when America was great?) but it would be nice if we could return to a time when we vote for a candidate instead of against the opposition candidate/party. Seems like ever since after W Bush it's been all about which side shows up in greater numbers to vote against the opposition. Sure, there are voters fully on board with the candidate, but I think the voters against the opposition made the ultimate difference in winner. Of course you have to factor in the fraud machine that is the electoral college.

It’s going to take our national political leaders to reprimand their own and make deals with the other side, and push bipartisanship. Seems easy enough, but damn near impossible.

IL is strange. Jesse White - an old black democrat - was the most popular politician of either party in the state. We have different party governors and many small, Republican towns have democrat mayors. Yet democrats win the senate seats and presidency with ease.

The national political scene is tainted, but I fear we will see the breakdown of the more bipartisan local government before we see a return to normalcy on the national stage. It’s odd because I think republicans have more to gain through bipartisanship than the democrats.


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It’s going to take our national political leaders to reprimand their own and make deals with the other side, and push bipartisanship.

Newt Gingrich as House Speaker pretty much set the stage 30 years ago creating a combative atmosphere in Congress, leading to where we are today.


Resident Redneck
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Interesting article about how RFK Jr. could hinder Biden's campaign.

The progressives aren't really Biden fans, so siphoning them off shouldn't be too hard. But his anti-Vax stance will certainly hurt him with almost all Dems. Unless he can frame it as a concern it was rushed.


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Unless he can frame it as a concern it was rushed.

That will be very tough, if not impossible (hopefully). If he had a science/medical background as a virologist/epidemiologist, his concern could possibly fly.

I and no doubt many other people, are sick and tired of politicians believing they have the background to make such judgments and determinations, and then causally toss that out to the public as a concern, hoping people will give him cover.


Mama's lil stinker
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Interesting article about how RFK Jr. could hinder Biden's campaign.

The progressives aren't really Biden fans, so siphoning them off shouldn't be too hard. But his anti-Vax stance will certainly hurt him with almost all Dems. Unless he can frame it as a concern it was rushed.
I would say a mild headache at best, his stance on some issues are way out there and he's really too extreme to get very far. However, if things are close he could always Nader things by siphoning a few votes but that would really only matter in a super tight race I think.


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I would say a mild headache at best, his stance on some issues are way out there and he's really too extreme to get very far. However, if things are close he could always Nader things by siphoning a few votes but that would really only matter in a super tight race I think.
There's no way Kennedy will win a primary against Biden. If he runs in the general as an independent, I can see him getting some votes from both Biden and Trump, so it would be a wash.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Of course if someone like Romney were to run I might consider changing my vote, I've always respected him

A decade ago, Willard was a total [deleted][redacted][arrgh you did not just say that][deleted]. He is not currently less of that, the Party has just gotten even worse than him. I, personally, would never consider him, any more than I would consider Strom Thurmond (in his present condition).
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