“...its origin and purpose still a total mystery.”

Or that alien life forms with technology we could never understand travel trillions of miles just to leave a crop circle. Seems legit.

Maybe you’re being shortsighted here and they are indeed alien teenagers taking the spaceship for a joy ride. It’s like their equivalent of knocking over mailboxes and tipping cows.
That reminds me of a somewhat topical, yet entirely off topic story I remember hearing back in the day.

Everyone around here seems to have at least one dipshit cousin who's done something incredibly stupid in their lives. Hell, I know for a fact that I have, like, 4 of them myself. It's not an uncommon thing, so hearing that this one dude's cousin did this thing wasn't exactly a stretch of his credibility.

So this guy and his friend were out cruising the farmlands, probably in an El Camino with a racing stripe, and one door that's a different color than the rest of the car (if I had to take a guess). During their ride, they spot a cow sticking its head through a fence to eat that delicious grass that only seems to grow right next to the curbside, and dipshit cousin gets this BRILLIANT idea.

"Hey, Bobby", I imagine him saying as he looks upon the cow, "you put the peddle to the metal, I mean hot DAWG the sumbitch, and I'll lean out the car, and punch that stupid cow right in the head!"

The driver, likely being someone's dipshit cousin themselves, obviously thought this was a brilliant idea. They proceed to put the plan in action. The peddle is put to the metal, guy leans out the window, and as they approach the cow, he leans back, and throws his arm forward with as much might as he can muster.

From what I heard, they killed that poor cow. But it came at a cost. The guy, Mr. Punchee, broke every bone in his arm, and severely dislocated his shoulder in the attempt. I don't think he ever fully regained the use of it.

The moral of the story is that to someone in the 1840's, that shitty El Camino would be a nigh magical marvel of technology, yet it's being driven by complete fuckwits living in a society that views said marvel as nothing more than a shitty El Camino. It's not a stretch to assume that there are some amazingly stupid aliens out there in command of advanced technology doing similar stupid things to us.
That they're a technologically advanced species, easily capable of traversing the vast gulfs of space between the stars, doesn't change the fact that they could still be a bunch of petty fuckers out for shits and giggles.

The whole notion of screwing with the rubes could be a universal constant.
Those bastards are trolling us?!!
That they're a technologically advanced species, easily capable of traversing the vast gulfs of space between the stars, doesn't change the fact that they could still be a bunch of petty fuckers out for shits and giggles.

The whole notion of screwing with the rubes could be a universal constant.

Why are we mocking them though, our [possibly] hypothetical extraterrestrial scientific explorers?

I mean if they're not from here then they came to this planet from somewhere outside our solar system (unless we are a lot more stupid about astrophysics than we have come to believe), they then dug a hole and copped a soil sample, pulled up stakes and managed to leave with their gear and without leaving a mess behind or bothering us.

We just did that ourselves, remember? But it was "only"an asterroid that we managed to sample, and I'm pretty sure the NASA team responsible for that gig are justifiably high-fiving / elbow-bumping each other even though the soil samples grabbed won't return to Planet Earth until 2023....

We just did that ourselves, remember? But it was "only"an asterroid that we managed to sample, and I'm pretty sure the NASA team responsible for that gig are justifiably high-fiving / elbow-bumping each other even though the soil samples grabbed won't return to Planet Earth until 2023....

Yeah, about that,

The U.S. probe that collected a sample from an asteroid earlier this week retrieved so much material that a rock is wedged in the container door, allowing rocks to spill back out into space, NASA officials said on Friday.

Greed is one of the several treacherous transgressions.
The structure was found on BatcaDoamnei Hill in the city of Piatra Neamt, which is situated in Romania's north-eastern Neamt County, on 26 November.

Officials say they still do not know who the monolith belongs to, and have launched an investigation into why it's there.
One has to wonder how this thing stays perfectly polished in all of these dusty places.
Polished? That Romanian monolith looks like it has a serpentine pattern ground into it.
This thing is gone. Someone posted a YouTube video describing it. It honestly doesn't sound as impressive as some make it out to be. It's hollow, three-sided monolith made from thin aluminum held together by rivets. Not exactly the kind of craftsmanship you'd expect from extraterrestrial beings with the technology to bend spacetime and wormhole their way through galaxies. Rivets, guys. Rivets...
This thing is gone. Someone posted a YouTube video describing it. It honestly doesn't sound as impressive as some make it out to be. It's hollow, three-sided monolith made from thin aluminum held together by rivets. Not exactly the kind of craftsmanship you'd expect from extraterrestrial beings with the technology to bend spacetime and wormhole their way through galaxies. Rivets, guys. Rivets...

Yeah I don't think they are rivets.

We are NOT rivets.jpg
Here is an alleged first-hand account of the removal of the Utah thingy. The narrator describes the area as a zoo of gawkers, tearing up the desert. Of course, we are talking about Utah: tearing up the desert is what people do.
According to the account by the photographer, the team that took out the monolith in Utah said, as they were leaving with the pieces, “leave no trace.” now, I am of two minds on that.

I mean, it really is good to have wild lands that are truly wild. I watch them ripping out trees around here in order to slap up crackerboxes, and it is pretty galling. Especially when you look at those ugly things. I grew up in the late '60s, and the houses were far from a joy to look at, but at least they had personality, not like this assembly-line crap designed to look expensive and big.

But I digress. Leaving a mark may be warranted sometimes, especially if it offers food for thought. The odd discordant thing in the middle of WTF is that doing here? It is not "unnatural" because humans are ourselves part of nature. But there has to be some measure of control, to keep everyone from leaving their mark everywhere they go. I am not sure how to achieve balance between art and nature.
(Shrugs.) To me, a two sided object means it's two dimensional and exists only in theory.

Edit: I guess a piece of paper is typically said to have two sides, but the monolith was thicker than that of course.
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