“...its origin and purpose still a total mystery.”

Ok, apparently this thing had been around for a several years. Then it fell over but was re-erected, only to disappear leaving only a pile of sawdust. But, fortunately, it was quickly replaced by an even larger member.

Out of curiosity, who do we call crazy?

The new California monolith was torn down overnight by a group of right-wing young men who livestreamed their vandalism in a grainy video posted on the blockchain streaming site DLive.

In the video, a group of three men are seen pushing the statue over and chanting "America First" and "Christ is King." The men, one of whom was wearing a "Make America Great Again" headband, called part of the monolith's construction "gay" then replaced it monolith with a wooden cross. It is a decidedly bleak turn in the ongoing monolith saga that has generally been a delightful distraction for a world wracked by a pandemic.
“Christ is king in this country. We don’t want illegal aliens from Mexico or outer space,” a man in the video says. “So let’s tear this bitch down.”
Throughout the video they mentioning burning crosses and white power.
...And that's why we can't have things.
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Yeah, about that,

The U.S. probe that collected a sample from an asteroid earlier this week retrieved so much material that a rock is wedged in the container door, allowing rocks to spill back out into space, NASA officials said on Friday.

Greed is one of the several treacherous transgressions.

Japan's asteroid soil sampler just made safe landing in Australia... don't think it spilled anything.

The spacecraft, launched from Japan’s Tanegashima space centre in 2014, took four years to reach the asteroid Ryugu before taking a sample and heading back to Earth in November 2019.

Early on Sunday, the capsule lit up as it reentered the earth’s atmosphere and landed in the Woomera restricted area, around 460 kilometres (285 miles) north of Adelaide, where it was found by scientists and brought to a local research station, JAXA said.

Their tweet had a cool picture of re-entry.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335421246700462080/
That one appears to be peeling apart at the top and bottom.

Nevertheless and in spite of the fact that they're not as "2001"-ish as they could be, I like the whole phenomenon. Maybe it's because I love the Kubrick film; maybe because it feels like somebody's ironic comment about human evolution (or lack of same).

With regards to the latter, those yokels who tore it down and replaced it with a wooden cross need to get their heads examined.
I spotted one in Washington, D.C.
