17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

It's because the Trump cult has trickled to educated people like judges and CEOs. You think it's just rednecks that are brainwashed?

This country is fucked. The right is getting more and more crazy by the day.
To be fair, Fox News has a lot invested into this by both promoting funding for his defense and having their own people donate as well. Maybe after he walks they'll give him a show. 🤷‍♂️ All I can say is after George Zimmerman I have very little faith in this system, it's geared towards racial hatred and supporting vigilantism.
All I can say is after George Zimmerman I have very little faith in this system, it's geared towards racial hatred and supporting vigilantism.

To be fair to our justice system, Zimmerman's case was badly handled by the prosecution. Given the evidence they had on hand, they should've pushed for Voluntary Manslaughter.
I think it's a misunderstanding of how our justice system works, it's early ties to vigilantism and what the police originally were for.
To be fair, Fox News has a lot invested into this by both promoting funding for his defense and having their own people donate as well.

To counter this and the judge he should have to show up in court in black face every day. Doesn't mean he's guilty and I'm sure the jury won't read anything into it. It's just correcting the scale a bit from how far the right put their thumb on it.
Ooh! So it is a subjective thing. :unsure:

I wonder why the Rittenhouse judge won't allow the word to be used? 🤨
I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but we call people who died in natural disasters “victims” as well. That doesn’t imply a crime... so it’s just nonsense that this judge plays language police in this way. That being said, this judge has a history of blocking the term for all cases, so it doesn’t seem like he’s necessarily favoring Rittenhouse. But then, saying he would allow “arsonist” or “rioter” pretty much ruins any excuse I might be able to give the guy.
To be fair to our justice system, Zimmerman's case was badly handled by the prosecution. Given the evidence they had on hand, they should've pushed for Voluntary Manslaughter.
It is the prosecution that is perhaps the biggest problem in our justice system. Look no further than Kentucky and Breonna Taylor for a recent example of prosecutors doing everything they can to PREVENT criminal cops from being held responsible. Look at the prosecutor who let Jeffrey Epstein off with a slap on the wrist so he could go molest more kids before being caught again... and on and on.
Good point by the prosecutors, and I think some of us brought this up on MacRumors last year; even with the unrest in Kenosha, this kid is the only one who killed people. We need to hold people who interject themselves into certain situations accountable.
Exactly. Also, culture of personal responsibility. If you take a gun to a heated situation and people die as a result, you should take responsibility for it. Even if the acute circumstances weren't straight forward, the fact that nobody would have been killed if he 1) didn't break the curfew just like the "rioters" and 2) didn't bring an oversized loaded gun to a situation are very easy to judge.

To be fair, Fox News has a lot invested into this by both promoting funding for his defense and having their own people donate as well. Maybe after he walks they'll give him a show. 🤷‍♂️ All I can say is after George Zimmerman I have very little faith in this system, it's geared towards racial hatred and supporting >>WHITE<< vigilantism.
FTFY. The video of the Black guy who open carried in Texas was very informative about the color coding of vigilantism in America.

This trial will be the right's revenge for the conviction of Derek Chauvin.
I'm afraid so too.
Didn't understand this basic fact. They cannot call the people in which he murdered "victims", but they can call them looters, rioters, arsonist without a conviction of that crime?
Didn't understand this basic fact. They cannot call the people in which he murdered "victims", but they can call them looters, rioters, arsonist without a conviction of that crime?

It’s a blatantly biased decision by the judge. I’d be curious to learn more about this judge based on how incredibly contradictory those two issues are.

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It’s a blatantly biased decision by the judge. I’d be curious to learn more about this judge based on how incredibly contradictory those two issues are.

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Well, at least he didn't insist the defendant be referred to as the wrongly accused patriot.

BTW, Thanks to Trumpkins, I'm sure I'm not the only one who will probably have a reflexive negative feeling every time I hear "patriot" for the rest of my life. Does that mean I will have my white guy American membership rescinded?
I'm somewhat amazed at the level of indifference that's begun to rise in me, thanks to my fellow Americans

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1455963582441529348/

Now, I'm more amazed when we aren't a more shitty group of people.

Meanwhile in the Ahmaud Arbery case they selected a jury of 11 people White. It does say a "jury of one's peers".

I'm somewhat amazed at the level of indifference that's begun to rise in me, thanks to my fellow Americans

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1455963582441529348/

Now, I'm more amazed when we aren't a more shitty group of people.

Meanwhile in the Ahmaud Arbery case they selected a jury of 11 people White. It does say a "jury of one's peers".

I heard about the Arbery case this morning on the radio. If the over 90% white jury fails to convict, will the prosecution attempt to re-try the case because of the racial bias present in the jury selection (which the judge acknowledged but STILL ALLOWED)? Or will they be happy to let these (alleged) murderers go free? Considering how hard it was to get them to prosecute the case in the first place, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a half-assed job, and let these guys walk, and then never try again.
I'm somewhat amazed at the level of indifference that's begun to rise in me, thanks to my fellow Americans

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1455963582441529348/

Now, I'm more amazed when we aren't a more shitty group of people.

Meanwhile in the Ahmaud Arbery case they selected a jury of 11 people White. It does say a "jury of one's peers".


Oh that’s only part of it... did you see one of the jurors made a joke about the Jacob Blake shooting?

"'Why did the Kenosha police shoot Jacob Blake seven times? Because they ran out of bullets.'"

And the (former) juror didn’t see the problem with telling this joke to a deputy during the trial. Somehow this got back to the judge and the juror was sent home (over the objections of the defense of course). But there’s a 0% chance that he was the only one on the jury with that mentality.

Yep, they've got plenty of racists in Wisconsin. If this is the prevailing attitude around there, no wonder the cop who shot Blake didn’t even face trial.

Judge with a clear bias towards the defendant, racist jurors, defense lawyers breaking the rules because they know they’re on TV...

It looks like Kyle is going to get away with (alleged) murder.
… If the over 90% white jury fails to convict, will the prosecution attempt to re-try the case because of the racial bias present in the jury selection (which the judge acknowledged but STILL ALLOWED)? …
Such a thing would be problematical because of the Fifth Amendment, the double jeopardy clause.

The only way that works is if by “fail to convict” you mean enough jurors with a conscience force a hung jury, in which case a mistrial is declared and we start from scratch. Which, given the way this looks, is devoutly to be wished.
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Oh that’s only part of it... did you see one of the jurors made a joke about the Jacob Blake shooting?

And the (former) juror didn’t see the problem with telling this joke to a deputy during the trial. Somehow this got back to the judge and the juror was sent home (over the objections of the defense of course). But there’s a 0% chance that he was the only one on the jury with that mentality.

Yep, they've got plenty of racists in Wisconsin. If this is the prevailing attitude around there, no wonder the cop who shot Blake didn’t even face trial.

Judge with a clear bias towards the defendant, racist jurors, defense lawyers breaking the rules because they know they’re on TV...

It looks like Kyle is going to get away with (alleged) murder.
He'll get manslaughter charges at best, but will end up with weapons violations. If he gets out of this relatively unscathed, we'll see him back in court years down the line. This is a formative event, and well, the shaping a kid's personality gets from all of this is not a good one...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1456336344393781251/