17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

Facebook allows armed gangs to organize, and does nothing to stop it. They said they wanted to kill protesters in Kenosha.

Facebook still didn't intervene - the owner of the group took it down apparently. Facebook is a cancer and it's not worth saving. Everybody should cancel their accounts if they have them - immediately.
Facebook allows armed gangs to organize, and does nothing to stop it. They said they wanted to kill protesters in Kenosha.

Facebook still didn't intervene - the owner of the group took it down apparently. Facebook is a cancer and it's not worth saving. Everybody should cancel their accounts if they have them - immediately.
Lately they've been busting these right wing pages left and right so I'm a bit surprised they let this slide TBH. They have their work cutout for them that's for sure, these people are everywhere trying to stir trouble and suppress voting.
Lately they've been busting these right wing pages left and right so I'm a bit surprised they let this slide TBH. They have their work cutout for them that's for sure, these people are everywhere trying to stir trouble and suppress voting.

They don't care about the actual problem. They care about bad PR. They just swat a few flies here and there when people complain, but they leave in place the massive pile of poop that attracts all the flies in the first place.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1304514941194514432/
They way Trump went after this was beyond belief and when all were exonerated he admitted to no wrong doing. He showed his true self a long time ago and people in this country still followed and voted for him. Says more about this country than it does Trump.
They way Trump went after this was beyond belief and when all were exonerated he admitted to no wrong doing. He showed his true self a long time ago and people in this country still followed and voted for him. Says more about this country than it does Trump.
B-b-but nobody had ever been treated as badly as he has been!!!@@$@!!!! Not even Lincoln.
I just can't take watching him anymore, regardless of the topic. He's in the news every minute of every day, the overexposure is real.
Again he's trash, but there's also a lot of irony there. You can smell a great deal of desperation for paternal approval, a hint of psychostimulants (I've spent half the interview trying to measure his pupils), and a lot of insecurity overcorrected by overinflated sense of self-importance backed by no substance (not by legal ones at least...).
The judge in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse doesn’t want the people killed to be referred to as “victims” because it’s a loaded word. He is ok with them being referred to as “arsonists,” “looters,” or “rioters” though. Oh, those aren’t loaded words?

Apparently, disallowing the word “victim” has become commonplace in court (not sure why - people that die in car accidents are called victims too). But allowing blatant smearing of the victims (yes I will say it) while disallowing the word “victim” - that seems very biased towards the defense.

The judge in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse doesn’t want the people killed to be referred to as “victims” because it’s a loaded word. He is ok with them being referred to as “arsonists,” “looters,” or “rioters” though. Oh, those aren’t loaded words?

Apparently, disallowing the word “victim” has become commonplace in court (not sure why - people that die in car accidents are called victims too). But allowing blatant smearing of the victims (yes I will say it) while disallowing the word “victim” - that seems very biased towards the defense.

It's so absurd, I've shown it to my EU conservative friend who went to law school and he had the same question. What is the right terminology? Bullet recipient? Also, if we are going to label everybody the same for being out on the streets after curfew, that means the Rittenhouse starting position is armed rioter who is still alive, unlike the "recipients of his bullets". There are things to argue about, but the fact that Rittenhouse is old enough to understand the that there would be no trial if he did not with transport his weapon across 2 state lines as a minor to be out after curfew to riot.
The judge is clearly a terrible… judge. This is so clearly biased it’s almost absurd.

The kid will probably get off, being another George Zimmerman-like “hero” to the right. The kid is already embracing his “celebrity” and white supremacist friends.

How many people are serving life sentences for less egregious acts? It’s ok to arm yourself and start shit with people now? God help us.
The judge is clearly a terrible… judge. This is so clearly biased it’s almost absurd.

The kid will probably get off, being another George Zimmerman-like “hero” to the right. The kid is already embracing his “celebrity” and white supremacist friends.

How many people are serving life sentences for less egregious acts? It’s ok to arm yourself and start shit with people now? God help us.
At least it's making the news everywhere, even local news and hopefully to the ears of potential jurors, the bias here is glaring. Fox News must have their pants down to their ankles over this judge.
Ooh! So it is a subjective thing. :unsure:

Prosecutors in Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking case will be permitted to use the words “victim” and “minor” in referencing accusers during her forthcoming trial in federal court in New York, it was ruled on Monday.

Judge Alison Nathan’s decision permitting the use of “victim” stemmed from a challenge by Maxwell’s defense team, which had requested that the word be barred from the trial, due to begin in Manhattan this month.

Nathan said: “Precluding the word is both unnecessary and impractical.”

“It is appropriate to use the terms as representative of its litigation position,” Nathan said of the prosecution.

I wonder why the Rittenhouse judge won't allow the word to be used? 🤨