17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

Take this verdict to its logical conclusion. A small group of heavily armed people confronts a large group of peaceful protesters. One person in the crowd throws a water bottle. The group of armed people feels threatened and kills hundreds in the peaceful crowd. None of them go to jail for the killings.

Coming soon to your city.

This is what I fear. The law and these socially/politically/racially charged cases that end up with the perp getting off free and clear seems like it would make it very easy to put yourself in a circumstance to kill people. I guarantee we are going to see copycat killers seeking the notoriety and "thrill" of taking a life.
For me the worst part is that he went there ostensibly to “protect”…well, something.

He went out of his way to put himself in that situation—which makes him nothing more than a vigilante.

So yeah, this sends the message: roam the country freely looking for trouble. If you want to kill protesters, place yourself in a plausible “threatened” situation.
Rittenhouse innocent. Here is the applied legal gun philosophical framework:
  • White: 50% innocent
  • Bought a Gun to a protest: 50+40= 90% innocent.
  • Shoots and murder unarmed protestors who feel threatened by a gun pointed at them: 100% INNOCENT FOR THE WIN!! 🌈🍾👏 Not even manslaughter. As a bonus, welcome to your civil lawsuit.
  • Lesson learned: Be white and be sure to bring your own gun. The armed citizen get extra stars when it comes to shooting unarmed citizens under the eyes of gun owning jurors. Surely there was a good reason the white gun wielder used his gun. :unsure:
Out of the gate his biggest advantage. No way in hell a black man under these exact same circumstances would have ever survived this judge, jury or trial.
Hell, the police would have shot him if he was brown or black, no worries about a trial…
If one wants, they can arm themselves, hunt him down and then shoot if he resists. Precedent has been set.
Posted this on Reddit in r/news and got banned from the sub as a result, if you don't have anything nice to say about Rittenhouse or that trial they're throwing the hammer at you. Tons of dissent towards the prosecution, some deserved but this kid has a lot of supporters.

Really would like to see how the proud boys respond if BLM shows up with AR 15s, sounds like they'll welcome it based on their reaction here.
Start arming yourself if you aren’t already. Train and learn how to use a weapon. These crazy right wingers are only gonna get crazier. When shit hits the fan with these crazy fucks getting into office you don’t wanna be defenseless.
Start arming yourself if you aren’t already. Train and learn how to use a weapon. These crazy right wingers are only gonna get crazier. When shit hits the fan with these crazy fucks getting into office you don’t wanna be defenseless.
I'd like to think we aren't that far down the road. Maybe I am being a polly-anna, but that is too grim of a thought.
This was NEVER truly about the kid.

The judge laid that out early, it was about sending a message. It was about what is the order of things. From those being shot can't be labelled victims, but those on the streets can be 'rioters'. The judges reactions solely to the prosecutors. The judge deciding on what charges can be applied, :oops: especially the dropped weapon charge. His behavior with his phone, that you know he would have railed on the prosecutors doing the same thing. Asian food. Having the court applaud a witness on Veteran's day for the defense, that was established earlier in the trial as a veteran. The judge's railing on the use of camera's in court, solely because his behavior became a focal point earning criticism Acting on the allegations of what MSNBC supposedly did, but he admittedly didn't know for sure & the police hadn't concluded yet. Watching the groups that championed & embraced the kid for actions they'd want any other kid shot on sight.

The kid became a side thought at one point & was nothing more than the title of a show to remind us how things work. There is an order to things, and the law ( in this judge's case ) would like to remind you how things REALLY work.


That was some literal 'thumb on scale' behavior on display, but a helpful reminder of how justice & the courts work for SOME.
I'm not quite ready to start a screaming fit just yet. Yeah, the thumb was on the scales of justice for Rittenhouse, but the evidence presented against him was fairly weak, not showing any moment that could be pointed out as provocation on Rittenhouse's part, and the prosecution was inept at best.

It was a complete and total clusterfuck to close out a complete and total clusterfuck.

Now if the same thing happens with the McMichael's case, THEN we can say that the shit is truly hitting the fan, and justice has become a fiction in these United States.
Gonna throw in one of my own here. Hypocritical Republicans are suddenly "concerned".

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1461789844821135370/
I'm not quite ready to start a screaming fit just yet. Yeah, the thumb was on the scales of justice for Rittenhouse, but the evidence presented against him was fairly weak, not showing any moment that could be pointed out as provocation on Rittenhouse's part, and the prosecution was inept at best.

It was a complete and total clusterfuck to close out a complete and total clusterfuck.

Now if the same thing happens with the McMichael's case, THEN we can say that the shit is truly hitting the fan, and justice has become a fiction in these United States.
Already is fiction. Black Florida woman in 2012, stands ground and shots abusive husband... Sentenced to 20 years, serves 6 years.
I'm not quite ready to start a screaming fit just yet. Yeah, the thumb was on the scales of justice for Rittenhouse, but the evidence presented against him was fairly weak, not showing any moment that could be pointed out as provocation on Rittenhouse's part, and the prosecution was inept at best.

It was a complete and total clusterfuck to close out a complete and total clusterfuck.

Now if the same thing happens with the McMichael's case, THEN we can say that the shit is truly hitting the fan, and justice has become a fiction in these United States.

Basically my thoughts. The prosecution failed to prove that Rittenhouse was the aggressor, the only situation in which he could've been found guilty.

Could he have been guilty on some of the non-homicide charges? Perhaps. But everything I've seen about this case indicates to me that it was self-defense. That does not mean he should've been there.

The problem is this case is more about what "side" you're on than it is about the facts. Anyone saying he's a hero or pure evil is not really worth listening to.
Already is fiction. Black Florida woman in 2012, stands ground and shots abusive husband... Sentenced to 20 years, serves 6 years.

I wouldn't say that. Not yet. But it's hard to deny it can be arbitrary at times, and unevenly applied.

In the end, we're all at the mercy of the selected jury, and the quality of our representation.
Basically my thoughts. The prosecution failed to prove that Rittenhouse was the aggressor, the only situation in which he could've been found guilty.

Could he have been guilty on some of the non-homicide charges? Perhaps. But everything I've seen about this case indicates to me that it was self-defense. That does not mean he should've been there.

The problem is this case is more about what "side" you're on than it is about the facts. Anyone saying he's a hero or pure evil is not really worth listening to.
I don't know, looking at that video it showed that he was the aggressor IMO, looking for the fight by jumping into the middle of it. Very much the same way Zimmerman was looking for it with Trayvon Martin. These guys all think they're tough shit until they start getting their asses kicked, then fire their weapons and claim self defense.

Going just by the videos, it shows guilt, adding in all the legalize around self defense made them question all of it. I maintain that if this were a black person there's no way it would've ended this way.
I'm not quite ready to start a screaming fit just yet. Yeah, the thumb was on the scales of justice for Rittenhouse, but the evidence presented against him was fairly weak, not showing any moment that could be pointed out as provocation on Rittenhouse's part, and the prosecution was inept at best.

It was a complete and total clusterfuck to close out a complete and total clusterfuck.

Now if the same thing happens with the McMichael's case, THEN we can say that the shit is truly hitting the fan, and justice has become a fiction in these United States.

Only a couple of points.

1) If you were surprised at the Rittenhouse verdict, you might want to find a new news source. Much of the reporting was flat out incorrect.

2) The McMichael's should be found guilty and executed out in front of the courthouse 15 minutes after the verdict is read.
I wouldn't say that. Not yet. But it's hard to deny it can be arbitrary at times, and unevenly applied.

In the end, we're all at the mercy of the selected jury, and the quality of our representation.
The state prosecutes. The state provides the judge. Both of these state-provided entities made sure Rittenhouse would walk. The judge was obviously biased towards the defense in words and actions. The prosecution was incompetent to a level where it seemed like their intent was to lose.

Both judge and prosecution are VERY capable of convicting criminals… when they want to.