17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

Don't get me wrong, JK, you're a good guy. Love you like a brother (olol friendzoned). But political conversations with you usually go something like this:

JK: The sky is red.

Everyone else: No, it's objectively blue.

JK: But I've seen the sky turn red before. The sky is red.

Everyone Else: No. It's blue. Here's a link showing the chemical composition of the atmosphere, and another link showing that said chemicals absorb light in the lower part of the spectrum.

JK: But it's red at sunset.

Everyone Else: Yeah, that's light reflecting off dust particles and other gasses at an oblique angle in the lower atmosphere. That doesn't make the sky red.

JK: But the sky isn't blue all the time.

Everyone Else: No, the sky's still blue, it just looks red under these certain circumstances.

JK: Let's just accept that sometimes the sky is red, and sometimes the sky is blue.

Everyone Else: OKAY! FINE!

-3 Days later-

JK: The sky is red.

Everyone Else: No, it's not!

JK: So why can't you prove it's not?
looks pretty fucking red to me, that is the sky in the BG

FUCKING win again, 2 packs of Oreos, hand them in bitches........
My sources are the criminal complaint and the video. Not sure what you’re criticizing.
me, he was criticizing me.

video shows the guys attacking the kid, this one is clearer and first object thrown was a bag BUT the same guy who ended up shot in the head did go after the kid, kid stops to call cops it seems
video shows the guys attacking the kid, this one is clearer and first object thrown was a bag BUT the same guy who ended up shot in the head did go after the kid, kid stops to call cops it seems

Good video. Though it states exactly what I've said previously, it doesn't show what started the altercation, only the response. Was he walking along, minding his own business, when suddenly these three guys decided to chase him down to kick his ass? Did he say or do something that caused these three to attack him?

We'll know soon enough, because one guy lived to tell his side of the tale in front of a jury, and there will probably be multiple eyewitnesses to the incident.
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Good video. Though like I said previously, it doesn't show what started the altercation, only the response. Was he walking along, minding his own business, when suddenly these three guys decided to chase him down to kick his ass? Did he say or do something that caused these three to attack him?

We'll know soon enough, because one guy lived to tell his side of the tale in front of a jury, and there will probably be multiple eyewitnesses to the incident.
it was a kid, probably looked like an easy target compared to the other clowns he was with earlier, still fucking stupid to go attack a moron with an AR regardles of reason, the moron was not firing at anyone else other than those who attacked him. on the video there are plenty of shots being fired so if I pull a guess out of my ass I would say shit started and continued elsewhere and he was separated from the group he was with.
it was a kid, probably looked like an easy target compared to the other clowns he was with earlier, still fucking stupid to go attack a moron with an AR regardles of reason, the moron was not firing at anyone else other than those who attacked him. on the video there are plenty of shots being fired so if I pull a guess out of my ass I would say shit started and continued elsewhere and he was separated from the group he was with.

I watched the entirety of your video. I didn't know that he ran that far from the site of the initial shooting, and that the group of people shot in the 2nd incident weren't involved at all in the first. They were likely responding to people saying "that kid just shot a guy" type reports, saw him running down the street, and decided to see if they could stop who they saw, at that moment, as a potential murder suspect.

Yax is right. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.
I watched the entirety of your video. I didn't know that he ran that far from the site of the initial shooting, and that the group of people shot in the 2nd incident weren't involved at all in the first. They were likely responding to people saying "that kid just shot a guy" type reports, saw him running down the street, and decided to see if they could stop who they saw, at that moment, as a potential murder suspect.

Yax is right. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.

From the article:

He was antagonising the crowd all night. He wasn't with the militias, he wasn't from down here, he wasn't one of the protesters. He came with a gun and was picking fights with protesters.
I watched the entirety of your video. I didn't know that he ran that far from the site of the initial shooting, and that the group of people shot in the 2nd incident weren't involved at all in the first. They were likely responding to people saying "that kid just shot a guy" type reports, saw him running down the street, and decided to see if they could stop who they saw, at that moment, as a potential murder suspect.

Yax is right. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.
from Matts link
We struggled up and down with the police. They pushed us back even farther and eventually, around 63rd Street and Sheridan, there’s a car dealership, the police cracked down too hard and the crowd started to disperse. That’s when people started breaking some windows and someone decided to open fire.
looks like SHT and that is how he got separated
the link you just posted shows him offering medical attention to those hurt, congrats.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298564220565561346/

Yeah he seems like a true American Hero. You are right. Let’s carve his face into Mount Rushmore.
from Matts link
looks like SHT and that is how he got separated

I know the white killer with an ar-15 is innocent and the evil protesters are to blame. You key in on only the bits that appeal to you. Hey if you want to defend a murderer, that’s on you.
the link you just posted shows him offering medical attention to those hurt, congrats.

Given what else is said in that article, cherrypicking the one good from other, more suspect quotes won't anything except make it look like you're going out of your way to excuse this kid, even if he doesn't deserve it.

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