17 Year-old Blue Lives Matter Activist with AR 15 Charged With Murder After Two Killed at Protest

My recommendation in this case is just to wait trial and wait for new info . It’s clear that this case is very complex.
My recommendation in this case is just to wait trial and wait for new info . It’s clear that this case is very complex.
where is the fun in that? if I didn't jump to conclusions that suit me and flew off the handle I would not get any exercise............

it's an amazing shit show, I don't see first degree applying here, maybe 2nd degree manslaughter if anything?
He legally could not defend himself. Everyone that attacked him was Black. Even if he only had a rolled up news paper the press would say he was targeting black people in his attacks.
Given what else is said in that article, cherrypicking the one good from other, more suspect quotes won't anything except make it look like you're going out of your way to excuse this kid, even if he doesn't deserve it.
I ONLY argue BOTH sides of a point when I am alone in the shower, even then I win against myself and get some cookies afterwards.
and yet the video in the same link shows the complete opposite. guy offers medical help .

This is probably the basic truth of it: there are probably no real good guys or bad guys in this. Kid is hopped up on some Doing Your Armed Duty For The Community BS, but he's not some far right wingnut out to kill people. The first guy he shot may have been a justified shooting. We don't know. The second group? They were going off incomplete information. They see a kid with an AR15 running away from the scene of a shooting, (which was the ABSOLUTE WORST thing he could've done in that situation), and hearing people shout that he just killed a guy, think they're going to do their good for the community, and go to stop the kid. One dies, one is injured.

This is why getting a bunch of untrained civilian types to act as play policemen is a terrible fucking idea. They don't have the training or discipline to follow a standard protocol, and keep the situation from escalating. They're just reacting to things in their immediate vicinity based upon what they think is going on. If things are volatile enough, chaos ends up breaking out, and a bunch of innocent people end up getting hurt and killed by everyone else's good intentions.

Kid's not a murderer, but he's guilty of manslaughter. He got in over his head in a situation he's not mentally equipped to handle, and made things considerably worse with his response.
He legally could not defend himself. Everyone that attacked him was Black. Even if he only had a rolled up news paper the press would say he was targeting black people in his attacks.

There's nothing worse than watching someone try to find a reason to feel sorry for themselves.
This is probably the basic truth of it: there are probably no real good guys or bad guys in this. Kid is hopped up on some Doing Your Armed Duty For The Community BS, but he's not some far right wingnut out to kill people. The first guy he shot may have been a justified shooting. We don't know. The second group? They were going off incomplete information. They see a kid with an AR15 running away from the scene of a shooting, (which was the ABSOLUTE WORST thing he could've done in that situation), and hearing people shout that he just killed a guy, think they're going to do their good for the community, and go to stop the kid. One dies, one is injured.

This is why getting a bunch of untrained civilian types to act as play policemen is a terrible fucking idea. They don't have the training or discipline to follow a standard protocol. They're just reacting to things in their immediate vicinity based upon what they think is going on. In a concentrated enough situation, chaos ends up breaking out, and a bunch of innocent people end up getting hurt and killed by everyone else's good intentions.

Kid's not a murderer, but he's guilty of manslaughter. He got in over his head in a situation he's not mentally equipped to handle, and made things considerably worse with his response.
what is worse is that his dumb ass mother took the little shit there, wtf if wrong with her? training wise he was a better shot that plenty of cops. look at the assholes from los Angeles who shot up the ladies throwing newspapers

cops did not get charged and kept their jobs, wtf?
He legally could not defend himself. Everyone that attacked him was Black. Even if he only had a rolled up news paper the press would say he was targeting black people in his attacks.

???? Are you going for a mashup of factually incorrect and racist Into one post? Hey you also got the evil mainstream media in there too!
what is worse is that his dumb ass mother took the little shit there, wtf if wrong with her? training wise he was a better shot that plenty of cops. look at the assholes from los Angeles who shot up the ladies throwing newspapers

Some people need to realize that there's more to being a peacekeeper than having a long gun, a few hours of training at the rifle range, and a bunch of bragging and shit talk amongst your beer buddies around the campfire (we're goddamn warrior poets, Bill). You go into a scenario like this with nothing more to your name than your badass 'tude, and belief that you're god's gift to law and justice, all you'll do is make shit worse, guaranteed.

cops did not get charged and kept their jobs, wtf?

They probably felt threatened.
it's an amazing shit show, I don't see first degree applying here, maybe 2nd degree manslaughter if anything?

It's likely a case of Imperfect Self-Defense, which is usually classified as 1st Degree Manslaughter.
they might haggle on an agreement , DA's tend to throw the most charges they can just to plea down to something else.

The lesser charge in this situation will be 1st Degree Manslaughter, which they'll probably go for, since it's hard to prove malice aforethought from the evidence on hand.

2nd Degree Manslaughter is accidental death, and nothing here was an accident. It all depends on whether he went out looking for a reason to kill someone (malice aforethought), or knowingly killed someone for what he believed to be self defense, but his prior actions leading up to the killing render it unjustifiable (imperfect self-defense, or 1st Degree Manslaughter)
The lesser charge in this situation will be 1st Degree Manslaughter, which they'll probably go for, since it's hard to prove malice aforethought from the evidence on hand.

2nd Degree Manslaughter is accidental death, and nothing here was an accident. It all depends on whether he went out looking for a reason to kill someone (malice aforethought), or knowingly killed someone for what he believed to be self defense, but his prior actions leading up to the killing render it unjustifiable (imperfect self-defense, or 1st Degree Manslaughter)
one way or another the kid is fucked, even if the charges clear and he has his inbred mom to thank for it, how fucked in the head do you have to be to take your own son to that shit show?
Not one? Well even the videos posted here would contradict that statement but who cares about facts.

There were probably a couple lingering about in the background, but those directly involved were all white.

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