I forgot about him posing with that hand gesture. Didn’t even know about him assaulting a girl.
Interesting observation, that “white power” gesture is also used as a gesture to mean no problem, or 0. Steve Jobs even used it when describing how thin a new apple product was. Musicians and conductors use it when ending a song. Obviously context and intent are important here, but I thought I’d point that out.
Yes we know about the far right's endless appropriation of things that seem innocent, then smirk as they use them. Whether it's the intellectual property of a cartoonist, Hawaiian shirts, or flashing the 'OK' symbol at odd times. They think it's clever & cute, and everyone still thinks they are assholes. We covered this in the other place when people would suddenly throw it up in class pictures, military class pictures, or in court proceedings. These brain surgeons imagined they were signaling "Hail Hydra" in a Marvel movie, but all it did when spotted was draw attention to themselves & out them.
Strangely, they didn't care for the far left's appropriation of Jack Kirby's Captain America punching nazis meme.
Pretty much the same feeling I had. This tells us that gun laws are so lax in this country that you can take a gun to a volatile situation and use it with the barest justification.
By implication, since the same laws apply to everyone, this tells us that protesters should also take guns to their activities. Yes, I know at least one of the victims had one, but the take away lesson I'm getting here is that perhaps to protect themselves from being shot, run over or whatever, civil rights protesters should arrange to have a ring of AR-15 equipped citizens on the perimeter of their events.
And if a shooting war breaks out, well...that's the culture the right has touted. C'est la vie.
It's the inevitable race to the bottom that the extreme right's elite is rushing towards. The elite know they aren't going to be on the ground when the shooting starts. Think 'the left' are too weak or rational to go nutters like their own base, and depend on law enforcement that they suck up to, to protect them. Which means open up the grounds to local vigilante warfare. If only the right keep responding violently they are either a 'mental health' issue that someone else needs to address, or if they shoot 'the left' they are some version of patriots.
Now if 'the left' should follow them down this road, it's a gift from heaven. How long has it been since we actually saw anything from ANTIFA, despite how desperately old out of touch White men in congress keep screaming they are around causing trouble? If 'the left' should take up arms in 'self defense', it will be a sign of the 'extreme far leftists' that so many have cried existed, and you will see law enforcement mobilized like it's a BLM protest, and NOT a Jan 6th insurrection. There won't be any cops waving to armed children, there will be so much "fear for my life" in the air you'd think it was an Axe body spray convention.
The far right nutters have been begging for a 'race war' that they don't fully grasp the consequences of, because they've been buying guns so long they have to win.
It isn't a race war, it's a race to the bottom, and the fodder are willing to help the elites get their wishes.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1462217432504971272/
It begins.
Somebody is going to be found responsible & the CITY is going to pay for the environment that let the kid run around playing cop & kill 2 people, and get away with it. As usual with these situations especially involving police, the killer will NOT be the one held ultimately responsible, but the city & citizens will be the ones to pay the costs. I've never been a fan of telling people to sue the pants off of someone, but in this case I am rooting for the families of the kid's VICTIMS to get EVERY fundraised penny this kid will EVER see and MORE in a civil suit.