2020 Presidential Election, The Day After

I missed the fireworks, damn it.

The question now is this... Trump will no longer have the protection of the office or the bootlicking attorney general.

I believe he’ll be compelled to provide his DNA sample in the rape case. I still cannot believe a President of the United States is dealing with an ongoing rape case.

New York is said to have sealed indictments. Will the proceed?

I am not trying to be dramatic here, but it is entirely possible that Trump will be the first American president to do to prison. Although, knowing all I know about our party, they will sweep everything under the rug and try to keep everyone happy. I think that’s a mistake, despite the fact that 70 million people voted for the orange baboon. Justice must be served.

What do you guys think?
Well Schmidt saying that is certainly not to suggest that the Lincoln Project would back Tucker Carlson.

He's more saying that the Trump crazies are not going away, and that it's just too damn late to try to resurrect a party that once included Eisenhower, Javits, Lugar.. and one that inexplicably now will swear in a Marjorie Taylor Greene in 2021. She and the likes of Louis Gohmert and Devin Nunes deserve to try to figure out together who's on first around that wacky campfire.

The never Trumpers, moderate Republicans who reluctantly became indies and any rational conservatives out there in voterland are gonna have to float a new banner and let the old GOP finish digging its grave.
Carlson is as sleazy as they get, full blown liar, Thump Jr in spirit and practise. It the GOP picks him it’s confirmation they should be banned from politics.
I missed the fireworks, damn it.

The question now is this... Trump will no longer have the protection of the office or the bootlicking attorney general.

I believe he’ll be compelled to provide his DNA sample in the rape case. I still cannot believe a President of the United States is dealing with an ongoing rape case.

New York is said to have sealed indictments. Will the proceed?

I am not trying to be dramatic here, but it is entirely possible that Trump will be the first American president to do to prison. Although, knowing all I know about our party, they will sweep everything under the rug and try to keep everyone happy. I think that’s a mistake, despite the fact that 70 million people voted for the orange baboon. Justice must be served.

What do you guys think?

I think he'll stroke out on fast food before he ever lands in a prison.
Carlson is as sleazy as they get, full blown liar, Thump Jr in spirit and practise. It the GOP picks him it’s confirmation they should be banned from politics.
Re: Tucker Carlson- another thing, in all of the GOP with hundreds of members with actual political experience, some think this is the best they have? Are they truly that bankrupt and bereft of honest talent, that desperate? A corrupt, flaming Right Wing Fox News ideologue who I can imagine some of them thinking this is the new Reagan. Sounds like wishful thinking from the dark recesses of Republican Party. Lincoln would be turning in his grave. We have time to address that if it ever arises from the crypt.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325290337699553280/

The fact that someone on CNN let's this spineless shill thru the door still is amazing.

Like no one can see the obvious stupidity of what that idiot is trying to peddle.

45 will leave after he's settled endless numbers of silly pointless lawsuits. 45 still hasn't learned the gov't isn't badly run like his businesses.
If I had posted this last night, I would have led with Lawerence O' Donnell's phrase.

"Don Lemon gets tonight's 'Last Word'".

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325322727482413056/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325290337699553280/

The fact that someone on CNN let's this spineless shill thru the door still is amazing.

Like no one can see the obvious stupidity of what that idiot is trying to peddle.

45 will leave after he's settled endless numbers of silly pointless lawsuits. 45 still hasn't learned the gov't isn't badly run like his businesses.
He is "willing to concede"?
"Willing to concede?"

Bloody hell. What arrogance.
https://www.npr.org/2020/11/08/9321...not allowed&utm_term=nprnews&utm_campaign=npr
In the hours before President Trump began to realize that he may not get to "Make America Great Again, Again," the former reality television star who stunned the world in 2016 with his improbable leap to the White House allowed for a moment of candor.

"You know, winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me, it's not," Trump told reporters on Election Day, his voice hoarse from an unforgiving three-week marathon of rallies.

Now, the world is seeing just how difficult it is for a man who built his brand on winning to lose. Trump has so far rejected the idea of conceding defeat to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, who on Saturday became president-elect, having secured enough votes to win the Electoral College.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325290337699553280/

The fact that someone on CNN let's this spineless shill thru the door still is amazing.

Like no one can see the obvious stupidity of what that idiot is trying to peddle.

45 will leave after he's settled endless numbers of silly pointless lawsuits. 45 still hasn't learned the gov't isn't badly run like his businesses.
FUCK HIM! Thump better not weasel his way into a pardon or immunity. I don’t need to hear him verbally concede, instead whining and crying, some recognition of his pitiful life based on deceit was not the path to success would be better.

For his own salvation, Trump must not be let off the hook, or in his mind it will be his most successful con, reinforcing his approach to living by deceit.
What do you guys think?
I think I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a while longer regarding the disposition of what’s left of DJT.

Meanwhile, I’m very happy and relieved to see the Lincoln Project throwing their weight behind GA candidates Jon Osoff and Raphael Warnock. We might yet retake the Senate.
I hope they've given him a fake "red button".

The man is an international danger.

Well y'all are on yer toes over there... Madame Tussauds wax museum in London went ahead and dressed the outgoing prez in golfing attire the day after the US elections! And not a bad job either: at first I thought the real Trump was staring down a cosmetician as he prepared to wax eloquent on his right to play golf abroad whenever he feels like it.

Trump becomes waxen golfer at Mme Tussauds.jpg
Well y'all are on yer toes over there... Madame Tussauds wax museum in London went ahead and dressed the outgoing prez in golfing attire the day after the US elections! And not a bad job either: at first I thought the real Trump was staring down a cosmetician as he prepared to wax eloquent on his right to play golf abroad whenever he feels like it.

View attachment 1270
That stretchy polyester fabric is so unforgiving for those man boobs. 🤣

I never knew why they bothered with him in a suit… golfing attire was what he was wearing 90% of the time.
I think I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a while longer regarding the disposition of what’s left of DJT.

Meanwhile, I’m very happy and relieved to see the Lincoln Project throwing their weight behind GA candidates Jon Osoff and Raphael Warnock. We might yet retake the Senate.

Bunch of us should just move the F down there and be quick about it since reggie period probably closing up pretty quick now... I'll throw a few bucks in from December's grocery money but I'd rather rent a mobile home for a couple months in the Georgia sticks and sling a vote into the mix! Yeah, whole new move on "carpetbagger". Twisty!
Ah, the life of The Golden Haired Wanderer: I lost, might as well catch some sun, play golf at one of my resorts, and occasionally shoot off an all caps lying tweet to my suckers. Hey I’ve got almost two months left on the tax payer’s dime to keep doing what I’ve been doing for the last 4 years.

Wait-a-second, if I tell them I’m a deity, maybe would they declare me Supreme Leader or God Almighty? hmmm.


Donald J Trump 7Nov2020​

Trump couldn't win. So he golfed and tweeted.

NPR and a bunch of other media are of course running stories about how even when Trump's gone he won't be gone and yada yada... if they'd quit covering him then about 98% of that problem would vanish per the time tested facts of "out of sight, out of mind".

Of course then they'd have to start working harder for a living.

We could go first and swear off clickbait, but... we've gotten lazy too, most likely. I know I have just by what I've clicked on in the past two days now.




https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325513157926932480/


When Denial takes on religious levels of zeal

The "manic-panic" before the collapse of a long maintained set of delusions. It's a common thing that brings people admittance to psych wards when the pressure of reality is finally too great.
In case there was ever doubt about the dickery & pettiness of this former administration
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325610462445260801/

Anyone still putting bets on that concession speech?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1325617862757675009/
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