2020 Presidential Election, The Day After

read this on Facebook this morning and it really hammers home when religion is involved, as opposed to legitimate concern for your fellow countrymen.

It's not "religion" per se... it's the Republican politics of about 85% of white evangelicals... the religious right culture war trainers have been running seminars for decades now on how to preach right wing politics effectively from the pulpit without running afoul of the Johnson Amendment (to extent that's even enforced).

Not sure how fond I am of Pavlovitz's screed there. I get where he's coming from and don't gainsay the behavior he ascribes to the people he thinks he's addressing. Just not sure it's particularly helpful. The audience is a large subset of the same one that rose up in some fury at the editor of Christianity Today for mildly rebuking evangelical readers about the cognitive dissonance of their religious affirmations and their own behavior in supporting Trump.

What Pavlovitz says flies in the face of evangelicals who work at or near border crossings or at known "landing points" in large cities to assist asylum seekers and immigrants with or without papers. There's no righteousness really in Pavlovitz insulting those workers or denying the very existence of even one person who actually walks the talk of Christianity. And ok I don't know how one reaches that larger group which has completely lost connection to core tenets of Christian practice. But those lost ones are not listening to anyone but Trump and their high profile preachers --some touting the so called gospel of prosperity-- in any case, not while he continues to mesmerize them.

Pavlovitz could maybe do better asking than telling: "How is what you've been doing Christian?"
I am the biggest fan of "separation of church & state".

As we've seen with many of the Evangelicals, church comes before state, if not state should be part of the church.

This country doesn't ban a group of people based on religion. Nor does it set conditions on one's sexuality.

Religion in the hands of some often requires selectivity in who it aids & respects. Country is not supposed to do that.
Since a group of evangelicals have lost their ways, I talk about religion quite often when it comes to supporting Bezzlebub.
It's not "religion" per se... it's the Republican politics of about 85% of white evangelicals... the religious right culture war trainers have been running seminars for decades now on how to preach right wing politics effectively from the pulpit without running afoul of the Johnson Amendment (to extent that's even enforced).

Not sure how fond I am of Pavlovitz's screed there. I get where he's coming from and don't gainsay the behavior he ascribes to the people he thinks he's addressing. Just not sure it's particularly helpful. The audience is a large subset of the same one that rose up in some fury at the editor of Christianity Today for mildly rebuking evangelical readers about the cognitive dissonance of their religious affirmations and their own behavior in supporting Trump.

What Pavlovitz says flies in the face of evangelicals who work at or near border crossings or at known "landing points" in large cities to assist asylum seekers and immigrants with or without papers. There's no righteousness really in Pavlovitz insulting those workers or denying the very existence of even one person who actually walks the talk of Christianity. And ok I don't know how one reaches that larger group which has completely lost connection to core tenets of Christian practice. But those lost ones are not listening to anyone but Trump and their high profile preachers --some touting the so called gospel of prosperity-- in any case, not while he continues to mesmerize them.

Pavlovitz could maybe do better asking than telling: "How is what you've been doing Christian?"
Since a group of evangelicals have lost their ways, I talk about religion quite often when it comes to supporting Bezzlebub.
When it comes to religion nowadays in things political I often see it used first as some supposedly moral litmus test, then as a cudgel to beat down others who don't meet some magical line drawn by powers no one can see.

Religion is a wonderful thing as a personal moral code or guide, but when it's used as a thing involving a massive melting pot of individuals in a country it seems to lose that morality.

While it maybe unfair to paint all with such a wide brush, but when so many seem to easily shed said moral code to back an individual who in all ways epitomizes the exact opposite of their code... The brush doesn't seem wide enough. I'm not condemning religion, but when you see a group that was happily pious the previous eight years. It seems fair to call out when things seem to veer off so wildly, that it can seem so threatening to so many. It seems like religion where politics are involved is no longer a thing to guide one's own personal life, but for some it's a guide they want to use to guide other's lives. Something I feel personally shouldn't be involved in anyway with gov't or politics.
When it comes to religion nowadays in things political I often see it used first as some supposedly moral litmus test, then as a cudgel to beat down others who don't meet some magical line drawn by powers no one can see.

Religion is a wonderful thing as a personal moral code or guide, but when it's used as a thing involving a massive melting pot of individuals in a country it seems to lose that morality.

While it maybe unfair to paint all with such a wide brush, but when so many seem to easily shed said moral code to back an individual who in all ways epitomizes the exact opposite of their code... The brush doesn't seem wide enough. I'm not condemning religion, but when you see a group that was happily pious the previous eight years. It seems fair to call out when things seem to veer off so wildly, that it can seem so threatening to so many. It seems like religion where politics are involved is no longer a thing to guide one's own personal life, but for some it's a guide they want to use to guide other's lives. Something I feel personally shouldn't be involved in anyway with gov't or politics.

I don't disagree with any of that -- and was appalled when I realized there really are organized efforts to inject Republican politics into sermons from the pulpit and into bible study groups-- just don't think it helps for Pavlovitz to scream "j'accuse" to ears that are deaf except for the white Christian evangelists who are NOT guilty of what he lays at the feet of all white evangelical Christians. I mean they hear it and roll eyes and carry on with their attempts to walk the talk... but Pavlovitz doesn't seem to realize those Christians try to reason with their politicized counterparts and can't get through either.

And yeah I grant anyone their religion to extent it doesn't infringe on someone else's civil rights and right to pursuit of happiness... just don't want its doctrines imposed on anyone else. But that desire to impose original or interpreted tenets of a faith on others can just come from the cradle too, not always from some seminar-trained pastor in an evangelical church. As far as I know back in the 80s the culture wars were pitched at a slightly lower volume... yet the parents of a friend of mine dying of AIDS cruelly sent him a Bible by parcel post after he wrote to let them know he was dying and wanted them to come and reconcile with him and meet his partner before he passed away. They did not come up and attend his memorial service...
This is becoming an even more serious case of denial than possibly imagined.

Sooooo, now the approach is to just pretend 45 didn't lose? o_O
I want to know the hard date for Thump to be removed from the White House? They can’t wait unti the inauguration. All his shit should be cleared out by then.

You guys know this is very serious when it comes to Trump’s Denial. He has upended every standard for POTUS that there is, undermining our democracy, the concept of peaceful transition, and half the country says Ho hum, if that happens. At some point physical action will be taken against him to vacate the Presidency.
When it comes to religion nowadays in things political I often see it used first as some supposedly moral litmus test, then as a cudgel to beat down others who don't meet some magical line drawn by powers no one can see.

Religion is a wonderful thing as a personal moral code or guide, but when it's used as a thing involving a massive melting pot of individuals in a country it seems to lose that morality.

While it maybe unfair to paint all with such a wide brush, but when so many seem to easily shed said moral code to back an individual who in all ways epitomizes the exact opposite of their code... The brush doesn't seem wide enough. I'm not condemning religion, but when you see a group that was happily pious the previous eight years. It seems fair to call out when things seem to veer off so wildly, that it can seem so threatening to so many. It seems like religion where politics are involved is no longer a thing to guide one's own personal life, but for some it's a guide they want to use to guide other's lives. Something I feel personally shouldn't be involved in anyway with gov't or politics.
In my claims of bad religion, I include every single Christian who supports Donald Trump and qualify it as such. If I catch myself saying Cristians are bad in general, I clarify and qualify those statements as per my last 2 posts to you on this topic, go back and check.
That's the difference between faith and religion in my opinion. Hence why I would change your sentence to this:

"Faith is a wonderful thing as a personal moral code or guide"
Sounds like a great topic for a new thread: Faith vs. Religion. Add in spirituality and you’ve got a conversation!
The plain was to dial back a little on the posting. So the idea was to raise the bar on what rated worth posting, what could meet an elevated bar of stupidity, that's been lowered so far into the earth for the last four years.


When someone reads a board like PRSI's voter fraud thread one, and goes, "You want easily triggered sore loser crazy? Hold my beer!"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326587937010671618/
The plain was to dial back a little on the posting. So the idea was to raise the bar on what rated worth posting, what could meet an elevated bar of stupidity, that's been lowered so far into the earth for the last four years.


When someone reads a board like PRSI's voter fraud thread one, and goes, "You want easily triggered sore loser crazy? Hold my beer!"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326587937010671618/
Republicans really need to learn how to properly spell secede.

Because of course, you can't have denial without petty in this administrtion.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326686604778475527/
The plain was to dial back a little on the posting. So the idea was to raise the bar on what rated worth posting, what could meet an elevated bar of stupidity, that's been lowered so far into the earth for the last four years.


When someone reads a board like PRSI's voter fraud thread one, and goes, "You want easily triggered sore loser crazy? Hold my beer!"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1326587937010671618/
A state that runs in the red in more ways than one.
I want to know the hard date for Thump to be removed from the White House? They can’t wait unti the inauguration. All his shit should be cleared out by then.

You guys know this is very serious when it comes to Trump’s Denial. He has upended every standard for POTUS that there is, undermining our democracy, the concept of peaceful transition, and half the country says Ho hum, if that happens. At some point physical action will be taken against him to vacate the Presidency.

Staffers have 12 hours to make the switch of furnishings from noon (inauguration day).

Edit: I missed reading up on this stuff when the Obamas were the ones about to move in. This is fascinating.

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This is pretty grotesque. In Florida state senate races they're finding a couple of contests where dark money apparently put up some shill candidates just to draw off votes from the Ds, and in at least one case the shill got 2.6% of the vote (around 6k votes) where the difference in the real Dem and a Republican was 31 votes, an 0.02% margin. This race is in a recount now.

Both [shill] candidates' support appears to come from the same Political Action Committee, “Our Florida” - that have no previous political contributions or expenditures listed.

A $370,000 PAC expenditure to the printing house on Oct. 5 is the sole expenditure of “Our Florida”. And the PAC’s only contributor is an entity called Proclivity, whose $370,000 contribution is listed two days earlier.

Proclivity lists an address that traces back to a mailbox in a UPS Store in Atlanta.

Florida law allows the group to keep people behind its money private.

"Of course it does..."