3 bed 2 bath, 1500 SQFT $2.9 million

Well, I managed to confuse the hell out of everyone :D

In my post, DC = Washington DC, The Valley = Silicon Valley / Mountain View / associated areas :)

We all dig on DC, the wife and I have both spent a decent amount of time there in various capacities (work, school, fun). Looking around the Foggy Bottom and Georgetown areas.
Well, I managed to confuse the hell out of everyone :D

In my post, DC = Washington DC, The Valley = Silicon Valley / Mountain View / associated areas :)

We all dig on DC, the wife and I have both spent a decent amount of time there in various capacities (work, school, fun). Looking around the Foggy Bottom and Georgetown areas.

Ah, whenever I read "The Valley" I think of San Fernando Valley, although it has also gotten quite expensive.
Ah, whenever I read "The Valley" I think of San Fernando Valley, although it has also gotten quite expensive.

I think your usage is actually more common parlance, but yeah, prices are nuts everywhere in California.

Here's a pic of what I walked by everyday on the way to a gig, and for fun, checked on housing around this area ...


I think your usage is actually more common parlance, but yeah, prices are nuts everywhere in California.

Here's a pic of what I walked by everyday on the way to a gig, and for fun, checked on housing around this area ...


View attachment 11755

Lake Larry!

His sprawling Woodside estate modeled after a 16th century Japanese emperors palace is also accessorized with a lake.
Hahaha, wow, I was trying to get a map for where I was walking, and I realized there's 100s of pics like above, but for the record, I actually snapped that one :D
When I interviewed at DEC in Massachusetts (apparently with Dobberpuhl - I didn’t remember that it was him, but when I met him again years later in Palo Alto he remembered me), one of the interviewers asked why I bothered getting a PhD, and didn’t I know it was a big waste of time.

Some people just need to puff themselves up, I guess.
PhD is one of those things you mainly do for yourself. I know a lot of PhDs who just did it so they can do their MDs without a loan and never utilized the acquired skills directly later on. I think that is indeed a waste of time and this is what I tell my mentees. Choose adviser not topic, but make sure you invest in skills that you'll use later on. I was lucky to have caring mentors and acquired skills during those years that I could never ever learn at this stage in my career. I also really enjoyed the process, something I largely cannot say about the rest of my path...
I just found out somebody I know bought a house in Menlo Park 25 years ago, converted it to a duplex, and has been renting it ever since. I don’t know the financials of it but based on how long ago they bought it it’s safe to assume they might be clearing monthly close to what I make doing an actual job.

Been seeing more and more stories about this in the last few weeks. One on CBS Sunday Morning scared me. Some Canadian company buys swaths of housing in the US southeast and rents them out. Real estate agents don't care, it's cash sales. I recently learned that the 2008 mortgage crisis is still being felt because that rate of building never recovered. Covid made it worse, of course. This makes me more nervous than everything else right now.
Hahaha, we've been getting RedFin email notifications on places in DC, a few prices have dropped ... but I clearly need to reduce the max price, because what / huh ...


474 sq ft - jeez, that's tiny.

Honestly, my first apartment when I moved out here was 600 square feet, and I never used the living room once. Didn’t even furnish it. That had to be at least 126 square feet right there. So a guy with no social life living alone with his cat could do real nicely in 474 square feet :-)
Well, maybe not __this__ cat ...


474 sq ft - jeez, that's tiny.

Yeah, that's about the size of our bedroom, we did a simulated run and determined ... NFW :ROFLMAO:
Honestly, my first apartment when I moved out here was 600 square feet, and I never used the living room once. Didn’t even furnish it. That had to be at least 126 square feet right there. So a guy with no social life living alone with his cat could do real nicely in 474 square feet :-)

My first apartment out of college was 479 square feet. I look back and I'm not sure how I lived in that lol

I was just out of college and didn't have much so I guess it wasn't an issue back then :)
Well, maybe not __this__ cat ...

View attachment 12791

Yeah, that's about the size of our bedroom, we did a simulated run and determined ... NFW :ROFLMAO:
Dude, that cat is missing part of its bottom half and the guy is missing an arm. Who sanctioned that PS work? :mrgreen: