The troll level is strong in this thread. Let me know when these people represent the entire 72 million who voted for Trump.
There's a point I want to make here, especially to
@JayMysteri0 as to why posting a bunch of videos in response to a thread that just asks us to look at it from the other side. My ex old best friend of some 35 years always had racist tendencies and we would have heated discussions from time to time, it wasn't until he started sharing youtube videos of black people beating on white people that I had to distance myself from him.
There are no shortage of these videos and he would use them to point out how all black people are thugs, I even brought up the black man who once bought a handcuff belt buckle and was stopped a block later and questioned how he got the money to pay for it and my friend's response was "then he should tell his people to quit being thieves so he wouldn't be targeted". It was the straw that broke the camels back, we haven't spoken in years now and he's a hard core Trump guy as you might guess.
In my view, responding with these videos to label all those who voted for Trump with this broad brush is no different, how does this make us better than them?
The point is that dismissing over 70 million people is myopic by any stretch, particularly when such a large swath of them were previously Obama supporters or Democrats before 2016. What do you say to those people? Are they all suddenly the haters we see in the videos posted, are the ALL racist bigots?
Joe Biden has made it clear that he's going to reach out to this constituency, are you calling him ignorant as well?
I'm not really sure where this is going. I'm especially confused with the constant assertion that anyone said what's been referred to as ALL 45 fans, by what I have posted. From my very first post here, I put that sign specifically about "Not all 45 supporters", but you seem to be personally offended by my spotlighting the portion of 45 supporters who fall in the zealot category. My point is & always has been if you want to preach "turning the other cheek", make sure you are cognizant of who else you are choosing to turn that cheek too. Because that crowd isn't turning a cheek, unless it's to tell you to kiss their "45 loving ass".
That is still NOT a dismissal, it's a reminder that while you want to give a pass & try to embrace a silent majority, that is the same group also voted for the guy who's shit we are trying to swim out of. I personally can't & won't let that go. From that same group you want to bend over backwards to, is the same group that helped vote this catastrophe into existence. AND THEY DID IT

Yes, despite the warnings from others & the man himself, they voted for the man a first time. They then got to see the man in all his vileness & incompetence for four years, and thought, "WTF? Lets do
THAT again!"
They went with 'F' all for how horrible it was for
others, "for
ME it wasn't so bad, so why not?"
I'm sorry, but no.
It's commendable. It's aspirational on your part. But I also feel it's playing into the democrats favorite role of America/Charlie Brown to Susan Collins/Lucy Van Pelt. I've had too many friends & people I follow who've been on the shit end of the emboldened 45 fanatic. Those fanatics didn't discover those small pellets between their legs were actually testicles, without the tacit support of the very crowd you are so sympathetic for, and displeased I don't assume they want to hang out at my next "Kumbaya campfire sing along".
Keep in mind, while you imagine it's trolling to illustrate that mass that was happy with the racism, child imprisonment, corruption, and ineptitude with a pandemic, at least they have the sack to own it. That group you want to give a great big hug to & "it'll be alright, I feel your pain" pat on the back, isn't saying a G- D@MN thing about the crapfest they willingly helped create that we are all in now. Not a bleeping word. Not even a "my bad". Just silence, looking longingly for your forgiveness, and waiting to vote the same d@mn way again. Even if it's against their greatest self interests.
But I'M the bad guy here.

I'm going to assume you must have a way to peer into the same souls who hated 'Obamacare', but then sought the flesh of their beloved congress people who were preventing them from having ACA. So you are sure those same souls can be swayed? Please understand my doubts.
I'm sorry. Those people you hate seeing me emphasize are the proud ones who want to be seen & thought of as representing 45ism & their idea of America. That's the face that's out there, that those you want to 'reach' are hiding behind, acting like a vote for 45 was no big deal.
As others have pointed out, this incessant need by some to be the 'bigger guy' only goes so far, and you have to realize the persons you are trying to be bigger than aren't even bothering to stand. Right now they are flailing away on the ground kicking & screaming & throwing a fit, because in their world they only lose when the contest is rigged. At some point everyone has to accept reality that
some people ( please for the love of Pete don't say I'm saying ALL again ) are just assholes. You deal with that fact move on, and you take care of your own & who you made promises to first. Hopefully along the way the more sensible of the 45 bunch can consider working together even if it doesn't get THEM ALL they want, is better than getting nothing more than judges elected.
So once again, I'll have to ask for your forgiveness, but I do see ALL 45 supporters who made a choice that voting for an administration that has no issues with racism, corruption, & who the frik knows what else in THAT light. Not only that, but they did it 2 FUCKING TIMES!!! That's not something I can easily get over. I commend you for wanting to do that heavy work. It's something I warned early on in the other place. ALL who voted for this guy have to accept that some of us will NOT be able to look at them the same. It's the same as when you find out someone you think you knew is actually a racist, and it tears at you for thinking you were a fool & that they had a good laugh at your expense. It's just a realization that's very difficult to accept. It's the same for me & 45 supporters.
Do I think they are all like the virulent mob walking around in their feelings proudly waving flags with 45's face (
the irony of THAT crowd who cried tears of blood that Kaepernick disrespected the flag, puts a reality TV star on the flag proudly ) on it? No. I do think however that like that mob, racism an issue very important to me, was not. It's NOT me saying they are ALL racists, it's me saying that racism is
NOT a thing for ALL of them, and
THAT for me is a thing.