A rant on UPS....

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It's not the words, it's how they're used. For example "I fucking despise UPS" seems to be OK, but "I think MacRumors is a great place for liberals to hang out" may well get the evil eye....

I find young males of the species Mustela nivalis make for fair, balanced moderators of community discussions
It's not the words, it's how they're used. For example "I fucking despise UPS" seems to be OK, but "I think MacRumors is a great place for liberals to hang out" may well get the evil eye....
Also you might win on a technicality. This rant thread isn’t in the rants forum.

that’s probably a lifetime ban.
It's also verred massively off-topic already and it's barely even started. Oh my, the MR mods would have a field day - it's like a smorgasbord of "instantly bannable offenses"
Action can be taken here as well if it gets too bad. Like brutally carving out the diseased off-topic posts from the suffering thread and planting them in a new thread where they can flourish, live long and prosper.
I do know one way you can earn a ban here...

: pours out a 40 for JK :

I noticed how much of an acquired taste he was when he got invited back into PRSI. Then invited right back out of it again a year or so later...
You could always try to invite Hieveryone, though doing probably won't lead to a ban. More than likely, you'll be honored for making such a bold move.
are you crazy?.gif
I noticed how much of an acquired taste he was when he got invited back into PRSI. Then invited right back out of it again a year or so later...

One good thing about having him around is that he'll always find a way to kick off a conversation. The bad thing is that he pulls topics from a fairly limited repertoire.

...and holy shit, the memes.
You knew where you stood with him. Unlike some of the other weasels that inhabit MR...

Plus, I kindasorta got him a little bit permabanned from MR here a few years back, so I feel like I owe him like a coke or something.
Hell, I've probably got some old prune juice in the back of the fridge...
Oh for... yesterday @Pumbaa got me with a one-liner sneak-attack whilst I just taken a mouthful of tea and now you just did the bloody same with some grape soda!

I only just cleaned up my desk from yesterday. WIll you all please stop making fucking hilarious wisecracks while I'm trying to bloody drink!!!

@Eric - they're picking on me.....!