A rant on UPS....

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A better advocate couldn't be found, you are a true friend. It's too bad we couldn't come up with a solution.

There's really nothing you can do with him. He does what he does, and there ain't a gott-damn thing in the world that will stop him from doing it outside of a ban.
Oh for... yesterday @Pumbaa got me with a one-liner sneak-attack whilst I just taken a mouthful of tea and now you just did the bloody same with some grape soda!

I only just cleaned up my desk from yesterday. WIll you all please stop making fucking hilarious wisecracks while I'm trying to bloody drink!!!

@Eric - they're picking on me.....!
You ain’t read nuthin’ yet! :mrgreen:
What like a meme muzzle?
If you could have blocked him from posting images, probably could have kept him here.
There were actually a variety solutions discussed but none we thought he would accept so we just left it alone. @Renzatic hit the nail on the head I think, there's not a lot we can do.
You could always try to invite Hieveryone, though doing probably won't lead to a ban. More than likely, you'll be honored for making such a bold move.

He is one of my greatest sources of entertainment of all time. The stuff he says is just completely ridiculous.
One good thing about having him around is that he'll always find a way to kick off a conversation. The bad thing is that he pulls topics from a fairly limited repertoire.

...and holy shit, the memes.

That's basically me if you replace general memes with Futurama references and change topics from {guns, political rants} to {LLVM, image processing}.