Alabama Supreme Court Rules That Frozen Embryos Are 'Children'


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Aug 15, 2020
Their constitution is based on Christianity how crazy is that?
“[T]he Wrongful Death of a Minor Act is sweeping and unqualified. It applies to all children, born and unborn, without limitation,” the ruling said. “It is not the role of this Court to craft a new limitation based on our own view of what is or is not wise public policy. That is especially true where, as here, the People of this State have adopted a Constitutional amendment directly aimed at stopping courts from excluding ‘unborn life’ from legal protection.”
The ruling pointed to the Alabama Constitution Section 36.06, which argues that each person was made in God’s image, meaning each life has an incalculable value that “cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God.”

“Section 36.06 recognizes that this is true of unborn human life no less than it is of all other human life ― that even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory,” the ruling stated, referring to the Alabama Constitution’s Section 36.06.

Unconstitutional. Any law that refers to any god as its source or reasoning is unconstitutional by nature.

Time for a visit to the Supreme Court.

Also, which god are they talking about? That isn’t clear, so I need to know if we’re dealing with Jehovah or some Greek god, or possibly some other polytheistic deity. The god of stupid mf’rs.
My attention was focused on the statement that "a patient who mistakenly dropped and destroyed other couples' frozen embryos...."

Eh? What was a patient doing handling ANY frozen embryos in the first place? Why was staff of the facility not doing that? I certainly would not trust that particular facility to adequately preserve and protect embryos put into their keeping.....

And, yes, IMHO the rest of this case and "ruling" is just sheer, utter nonsense.
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To be fair, I’m not unsympathetic to a clinic losing the embryos of a couple. There’s all sorts of reason the marvels of modern science can be someone’s last hope for children, and that has to sting. Unsure if that’s the case here. But the law cited is ridiculous. Any mention of god in a constitution that isn’t explicitly saying you’re free from it, or a superfluous mention with no weight (ie one nation under god - sounds nice, means nothing, holds no weight), is unconstitutional.
To be fair, I’m not unsympathetic to a clinic losing the embryos of a couple. There’s all sorts of reason the marvels of modern science can be someone’s last hope for children, and that has to sting. Unsure if that’s the case here. But the law cited is ridiculous. Any mention of god in a constitution that isn’t explicitly saying you’re free from it, or a superfluous mention with no weight (ie one nation under god - sounds nice, means nothing, holds no weight), is unconstitutional.

I gotta say, I never had an abortion, never had a girlfriend or spouse or family member who had an abortion, but it does make me feel pretty happy that I can now piss off these idiots by admitting that my wife and I did destroy a bunch of frozen embyos in the process of making our wonderful daughter. I feel better knowing that they would find me to be a criminal.
Eh? What was a patient doing handling ANY frozen embryos in the first place? Why was staff of the facility not doing that? I certainly would not trust that particular facility to adequately preserve and protect embryos put into their keeping.....
Not a great hospital. My daughter was born there. The last person I know who was admitted there was denied the insulin his sister brought because the nurse didn’t have orders for it. Showing said nurse the insulin pump coming out of my friend’s stomach didn’t seem to change her mind at all.
Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 7.03.49 AM.png

I have a theory that christians will be the first to revolt from theocracy, especially if they have to start following their own doctrines by law, which is what they seem to want. No more Saturday night bathhouse visits when the wife and kids are out of town for Reverend MAGA.

Religion, in 2024, should be seen like Yoga or terrarium building or wood carving. It's a hobby. Something you partake in. We are long past due from religion being purged from the constitution. We don't need explicit "freedom of and from religion", it shouldn't even be a thing, just like there's no mention of pickleball, you can partake or not - irrelevant to politics.

Even having those meaningless references to God (or more specific ones as is the case here) opens the door for the pious and zealots to interject poison into constitutional law.
She lost her campaign with the whole failure to mention slavery as a the reason for the Civil War, Now she must be just done with the campaign trail and is crying "Uncle!"

so she rides the stupid train.kick the constitution off the train and load on the maga nationalists.
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I've got some ideas to make this at least more fair, if not feasible:

-Demand rent for your womb. Stick an eviction notice up there, and if they aren't gone in 30 days, call the police to have them removed.
-Charge the embryo with assault if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm ok with expunging their record upon birth, but I think if the embryo puts the life of the mother at risk, they should be charged with attempted murder and I don't think that is something to be expunged. Too serious a crime.
-Grant women the child tax credit if they were pregnant at any point in the year.
-Use the carpool lane if you're late on your period. If you get pulled over, you can be totally honest when you say "I think there's two people in the car, I just haven't gotten a test to be sure yet."
-Ask for a social security card, visa or other form of proof of citizenship. If they can't be produced, call the immigration authorities.
-Visit the local police or fire station and tell them you have a child you need to drop off.
I guarantee if a conservative court was asked if undocumented immigrants qualify as human life they wouldn't have an immediate answer to that question. So many factors to consider before answering. So many potential outcomes if they affirm that. It's dangerous to just reflexively label something human life just based on the facts that they are human and living. More research must be done. There are serious implications to answering that.
This ruling must have either scared or pissed off a lot of white republicans in Alabama, because the news coverage is not being good to them. When someone like Tommy Tuberville is trying to thread the needle in his redneck, backwards way, you should take that as a sign you may have gone too far.

Nikki Haley also trying to backtrack after praising the ruling. :rolleyes: As much as I dislike this kind of behavior, from a campaign perspective, it kind of makes sense. She's playing the middle. Pissing off both sides of the aisle may be a good sign if you're trying to run as a concensus candidate.

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley faced pushback earlier this week after she told NBC News, “Embryos, to me, are babies.”

In a separate interview Wednesday, Haley said she believed an embryo was a child when asked about the decision, but added she was not saying she agreed with the ruling.

“Well, first of all, I didn’t — I mean, this is again, I didn’t say that I agreed with the Alabama ruling. What the question that I was asked is, ‘Do I believe an embryo is a baby?’” Haley said. “I do think that if you look in the definition, an embryo is considered an unborn baby. And so, yes, I believe from my stance that that is.”

“The difference is — and this is what I say about abortion as well — we need to treat these issues with the utmost respect,” she added.
To piggyback off this topic, I recently heard about the DNC largely abandoning red states which is dumb. I get doing that in Texas maybe because the state’s economic success, but not in poor states that also rank towards the bottom of every standards and quality of life metric. There’s a lot of room for improvement there.

I wonder if the DNC sees low performing red states the way Republicans see the southern border. They don’t want to really do anything about it. They want it to exist as is so they can continue to point to it as a failure of the opposing side.