Gastrointestinal/Abdominal Any ideas on treating deep bruising?


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When I crashed on our tandem I landed on the end of the handlebar right on my pelvic bone right on the fatty part of above my man parts on the right side. I have used ice as best. I can every night and the frost two days a lot during the day. welling was crazy win my man parts and bruising was massive there and on my inner thighs. its numb and sensitive at the same time at the impact site and the swelling has not really gone down. video chatting with a doctor seems they have no help for me. but walking hurts the bruising and its been getting worse each day. when I get home it hurts worse. last night it was so painful it was worse then when it happened. taking a shower leaves me in agony. So heat is a very no go. I have used the one the counter

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Arnica Gel​

by the time I lay down I am in agony the last two nights it actually hurts worse then when it happened. my wife leg is so sore she has to use a walker and cant really do much so I have to take care of her. you should here is groaning when we get out of bet,


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nope tried .it it may help on the bruise but my hematoma is in the way. cant really put it on one without being on the other. just having a pack on it hurts the skin is so sensitive. all the money I spend on health care and I seldom get any relief the nI have a problem


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nope tried .it it may help on the bruise but my hematoma is in the way. cant really put it on one without being on the other. just having a pack on it hurts the skin is so sensitive. all the money I spend on health care and I seldom get any relief the nI have a problem
Well that’s the extent of my first aid knowledge. “Ice it on the field, heat it when you get home.”


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Well that’s the extent of my first aid knowledge. “Ice it on the field, heat it when you get home.”
ya and looking it up its Ice wrap it up with a little pressure (well thats impossible because of where it is) then heat and elevating it above your heart. well and to get your groin above your heart (G) it should get better in a week.
I get this in my search its like well getting a doctors opinion and guess what they cant do shit. I am glad I did a video chat instead of 2 or 3 hours of sitting in urgent care and 60.00 or more poorer. Hell ya the area is numb for a week now. numb and sensitive at the same time thank you.
how to treat deep bruises - Google Search.jpg


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ya and looking it up its Ice wrap it up with a little pressure (well thats impossible because of where it is) then heat and elevating it above your heart. well and to get your groin above your heart (G) it should get better in a week.
Can’t you just stand on your head? 🤣 Sorry, I know you’re in pain, but it’s impossible now not to imagine you in some absurd position.


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Can’t you just stand on your head? 🤣 Sorry, I know you’re in pain, but it’s impossible now not to imagine you in some absurd position.
no that's a good one. my poor wife on crutches isa terror to dog and everything around her. blind people and crutches don't mix. h=it hurt worse air work but not quite as bad tonight. but it wats till I get home the swells up. throw ice on its go to sleep since and repeat.


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seems a little better today. part of it is the pressure of my underwear and pants. the are loose but not as loose as what I sleep in.


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I work for myself but sweats in a woodworking shop are not ideal. but I have them on now and I will know tomorrow as I plan on wearing them all day. it may just be gravity casing the pan and I ways swell bak up during the day. I was far less sworn this morning then I have been all week. I put instant ice packs on then go to sleep wake up and put them on again that does the best.


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I work for myself but sweats in a woodworking shop are not ideal. but I have them on now and I will know tomorrow as I plan on wearing them all day. it may just be gravity casing the pan and I ways swell bak up during the day. I was far less sworn this morning then I have been all week. I put instant ice packs on then go to sleep wake up and put them on again that does the best.
Sounds like you may also need regular breaks during the day where you can lie flat to keep the swelling down.


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I think its the hematoma thats being the issue. the shin on and around it is super sensitive but also numb. but when I get top the blood starts flowing down more and makes it sore and make the swelling happen. there swelling is far better then it was though. But a hematoma treatment is the same as a bruise ice heat elevation and wrap it. Cant imagine wrapping it any pressure hurts. so not much to do but exercise that was the fastest way to heal it the last time. but this time it hurts far more. but I found ice was making hurt more so went to heat. not sure it did anything but at least when I took a shower it did not hurt.
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