Any Reddit users here?


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2021
I joined Reddit recently because of the lively and often helpful discussions on some subreddits. But I just came across one that baffles me: BoomersBeingFools. Not that I haven't witnessed "boomers" doing crazy things or been guilty of them myself, but the sheer meanness of many of the posts is just sad. There's one active thread about people of my generation not wanting to travel much. That's not been my experience, at least within my circle of friends, but who cares if other people travel, as long as they're not harming anyone?

I was going to inject a comment pointing out that all the Gen X, Y, and Z posters will eventually be old too, but I figure nothing I can say will change their mind and it's not worth the trouble. I tend to stay out of the front page discussions at The Other Place for similar reasons — too many jerks who think their opinions are superior.

Honestly, this is one of the reasons I like coming here. Yes, we really get into it, especially when it comes to politics, but I think the conversations remain civil and respectful, for the most part.
I do Reddit for more technical things, but mainly to read. I rarely post and stay out of the AITA and political threads as they can go south in a hurry.
all the Gen X, Y, and Z posters will eventually be old too

Intergenerational pissing matches are nothing new. Just consider all the ink spilled at the NYT or WSJ about how millennials and Gen Zs are entitled good for nothings. A lot of what I see on social media about boomers is often a response to that but frankly “who started it” is unimportant. No matter which direction it goes it’s usually lazy and uninformed and I try to ignore the people who are actually invested in it. Obviously there can be overall cultural differences between age groups but most of what gets written about the subject rarely rises above caricature.
I'm pretty active there and have been for around 10 years now in good standing, I post a lot of images which sometimes go viral and I get a lot of karma out of it but that doesn't really mean much anymore.

I also do a lot of reading and it's my go to when it comes to getting public opinion modern issues and find value in that (especially now that Twitter has gone full RW nutjob) at the same time users can pile on with their downvote system which discourages anyone with a slightly differing opinion from posting. Often times you'll see people downvoted for no reason at all, it's really odd and a seemingly dated system.