Apple Maps on Web

I think it's more it doesn't support the layout of mobile browsers as it doesn't claim to support Android either.

But it at least means that I could potentially look for something on a work PC with Edge, and send it to my iPhone via e-mail or the like to be able to quickly navigate to it.
Why would they need browser compatibility when they already have a built-in app?

If Apple Maps can be accessed by other platforms, that provides Apple with an expanded revenue stream. Map servers are frequently used to find stores and such, so Apple has the opportunity to compete with alphabet for promotion fees. Now they just have to make it comparable to alphabet maps, especially in speed. And maybe offer a new feature or two.
Why would they need browser compatibility when they already have a built-in app?

They don't I guess. Just wondering why it works on the iPad version of Safari. Do iPads not have a built in Maps app also?