Apple Watch Round 2


Sep 28, 2020
So they say that Stupidity or Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Well, I pretty much just have.

Earlier this year I created a thread on "The Other Place" and it sparked a bit of discussion.

My First Apple Watch and I am conflicted…

I bought my first Apple Watch SE, didn't much fancy it… and sold it on.

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Fast forward to today and I have ordered an Apple Watch Series 7 41mm. (Green Aluminium)

Well, we'll see how it goes this time.
Hope you like it this time!

Out of curiosity, what made you order it? Didn’t see anything about Apple adding a soul to the watch, maybe I missed it.

I have been very happy with my Series 3, but then again, I hadn’t been wearing traditional watches for many years when I got it. Heck, I rarely even use my Apple Watch for telling the time, mostly just a comfortable logger for activity and heart monitoring that doubles as a Siri remote. The 3 is still serving me well, but I will probably upgrade when the 8 is released.
I'm still on an S4, stainless steel.

I don't plan to upgrade until this one dies. I mainly use it for Fitness tracking and the occasional ApplePay. It is not something that I plan to upgrade often like a lot of folks on MacRumors who upgrade yearly it seems. When I upgrade I usually do it right when the new ones come out because the fanboys are offloading their Stainless Steel year old watches for dirt cheap on Swappa lol Stainless Steel versions do not keep their value.
I'm still on an S4, stainless steel.

I don't plan to upgrade until this one dies. I mainly use it for Fitness tracking and the occasional ApplePay. It is not something that I plan to upgrade often like a lot of folks on MacRumors who upgrade yearly it seems. When I upgrade I usually do it right when the new ones come out because the fanboys are offloading their Stainless Steel year old watches for dirt cheap on Swappa lol Stainless Steel versions do not keep their value.

Ditto. I had an stainless steel S0, and now for years a black stainless steel S4, and I haven’t been motivated to replace it. I only use it for fitness tracking, notification, Apple Pay, and every once in awhile I will answer a call on it or ask siri to add a reminder or something. I haven’t found any third party apps that I actually find useful, really.
Off the top of my head, 3rd party apps I use pretty regularly, that have many useful complications:

So here it is… Series 7, 41mm, Green Aluminium.

Useful(ish). Probably going to stay.
