General Appreciating the Physically Fit People


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The Misty Mountains
I’m an old and decrepit male, as compared to 40 years ago but I can still appreciate the opposite sex. There are some hot woman, tall, lean, well toned, slight frame, not too much muscle mass, wearing their tights, not leaving that much to the imagination. :D I'll clarify "not leaving much to the imagination" means, modern accepted work out attire, not skimpy, or provocative, but in many cases definitely form fitting.

It might be interesting to discuss how desirability quotient of both males and females have changed over the centuries.

Update: If you want to compare activity levels, I posted this here and MRs at the same time, and zero response here and 33 replies there. Of course that could be due to the fact that there is a vacuum with PRSI closed.
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Mama's lil stinker
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I’m an old and decrepit male, as compared to 40 years ago but I can still appreciate the opposite sex. There are some hot woman, tall, lean, well toned, slight frame, not too much muscle mass, wearing their tights, not leaving that much to the imagination. :D I'll clarify "not leaving much to the imagination" means, modern accepted work out attire, not skimpy, or provocative, but in many cases definitely form fitting.

It might be interesting to discuss how desirability quotient of both males and females have changed over the centuries.

Update: If you want to compare activity levels, I posted this here and MRs at the same time, and zero response here and 33 replies there. Of course that could be due to the fact that there is a vacuum with PRSI closed.
Appreciate is a good word here. I think it naturally shifts with age, I can look at a much younger woman and appreciate the look or figure and while they're attractive I'm just not sexually drawn to them, throughout time I've always been attracted to women my own age but I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to be.


I’m an old and decrepit male, as compared to 40 years ago but I can still appreciate the opposite sex. There are some hot woman, tall, lean, well toned, slight frame, not too much muscle mass, wearing their tights, not leaving that much to the imagination. :D I'll clarify "not leaving much to the imagination" means, modern accepted work out attire, not skimpy, or provocative, but in many cases definitely form fitting.

It might be interesting to discuss how desirability quotient of both males and females have changed over the centuries.

Update: If you want to compare activity levels, I posted this here and MRs at the same time, and zero response here and 33 replies there. Of course that could be due to the fact that there is a vacuum with PRSI closed.
TBH there are just a couple more folks over there than here!


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I am not a teenager either, but I still appreciate the opposite sex ( in many ways ;))
You can't help loving women at any age.


As a woman I'd just like to say that I go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated". Granted I'm not exactly a portrait (well, I may be a Picasso and cause others to be Munch) but do know many other gals who do feel very self conscious when they see a man gazing/staring at them while they work out.

I know you guys mean well, but this does sound slightly stalker-ish!


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True. We mean well.
I will always adore women be it in a gym or at a table opposite me during talks.


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As a woman I'd just like to say that I go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated". Granted I'm not exactly a portrait (well, I may be a Picasso and cause others to be Munch) but do know many other gals who do feel very self conscious when they see a man gazing/staring at them while they work out.

I know you guys mean well, but this does sound slightly stalker-ish!

Well said.


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I’m an old and decrepit male, as compared to 40 years ago but I can still appreciate the opposite sex. There are some hot woman, tall, lean, well toned, slight frame, not too much muscle mass, wearing their tights, not leaving that much to the imagination. :D I'll clarify "not leaving much to the imagination" means, modern accepted work out attire, not skimpy, or provocative, but in many cases definitely form fitting.

It might be interesting to discuss how desirability quotient of both males and females have changed over the centuries.

Update: If you want to compare activity levels, I posted this here and MRs at the same time, and zero response here and 33 replies there. Of course that could be due to the fact that there is a vacuum with PRSI closed.

To be honest, - and I feel the same way about your twinned thread on MR - the title bothers me, and you may have noticed - I could not but notice - that the vast majority of people who have replied to it are male.

In any case, I'm with @TheTrillionaire MissNomer; women go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated" or stared at; and, while men may think that they are "complimenting" women by looking at them, there are those among us for whom the male gaze in such circumstances can be perceived as threatening, unsettling, uncomfortable and predatory, none of which are remotely complimentary.

Personally, I'd prefer if the thread title simply read "appreciating women/the opposite sex" rather than specifying "the gym", which gives off a creepy, stalkerish vibe.

However, in the following (explanatory) text of the Original Post, one could then proceed to elaborate and explain further that such "appreciation" can take place in many places, including gyms, where well toned bodies, those who worship the body beautiful, (of any and all genders) are often to be found.
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Appreciate is a good word here. I think it naturally shifts with age, I can look at a much younger woman and appreciate the look or figure and while they're attractive I'm just not sexually drawn to them, throughout time I've always been attracted to women my own age but I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to be.
As a woman I'd just like to say that I go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated". Granted I'm not exactly a portrait (well, I may be a Picasso and cause others to be Munch) but do know many other gals who do feel very self conscious when they see a man gazing/staring at them while they work out.

I know you guys mean well, but this does sound slightly stalker-ish!
To be honest, - and I feel the same way about your twinned thread on MR - the title bothers me, and you may have noticed that the vast majority of people who have replied to it are male.

I'm with @TheTrillionaire MissNomer; women go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated" or stared at; and, while men may consider that they are "complimenting" women by looking at them, there are those among us for whom the male gaze in such circumstances can be perceived as threatening, unsettling, uncomfortable and predatory, none of which are remotely complimentary.

Personally, I'd prefer if the thread title simply read "appreciating women/the opposite sex" rather than specifying "the gym", which gives off a creeper, stalkerish vibe.

However, in the following (explanatory) text of the Original Post, one could elaborate and explain further that such "appreciation" can take place in many places, including gyms, where well toned bodies, those who worship the body beautiful, (of any and all genders) are often to be found.

I'm happy to see healthy younger people who take care of themselves, but definitely uninterested even in small talk. My gym m.o. used to be is to get in, get the work done ASAP and get outta there. There's something brain numbing about watching people watching themselves in the mirror while pumping iron. Brotalk, especially when not very smart guys try to educate already fit but new-to-the-gym women is so ubiquitous and cringe-worthy. But the most torturous thing to me is resisting my urges to correct some bros about the bro-physiology nonsense they spew to each other. Thank god for headphones.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Appreciate is a good word here. I think it naturally shifts with age, I can look at a much younger woman and appreciate the look or figure and while they're attractive I'm just not sexually drawn to them, throughout time I've always been attracted to women my own age but I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to be.
Exactly why I used ”appreciate”, yet I am still amazed at how we can be the same species and be so different in so many ways. I think some of this must be my male wired brain talking. :D


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
As a woman I'd just like to say that I go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated". Granted I'm not exactly a portrait (well, I may be a Picasso and cause others to be Munch) but do know many other gals who do feel very self conscious when they see a man gazing/staring at them while they work out.

I know you guys mean well, but this does sound slightly stalker-ish!
Yes, I understand this feeling, where you might even think it is sexist, and for some it likely is, like the guy from the Middle East who I debated years ago who said he cherished woman, but from where he was coming from it was the traditional historical male, you're my beautiful bird in a gilded cage, don’t won’t worry your pretty little head about important issues, and do as I say.

Now I really do hope that where these feelings exist today, they are waining, I know when I see fit women working out, I appreciate the effort, the fact they could probably kick my butt in a physical contest, but I find them beautiful and acknowledge as subdued as my feelings are today there is still a likely sexual component to my perspective, but I also believe there is a purely aesthetic quality to this appreciation.

I also realize that from a woman’s perspective, where women have historically had to deal with knuckle draggers treating them primarily as sexual objects this kind of talk maybe unwanted, when said in an inappropriate way, but if we are moving in the right direction away from a male dominated sexist world, that expressions of appreciation if It is directed at the whole person male or female can be expressed without offense and without being accused of stalking. <not an accusation.

is prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it primarily affects women and girls.[1] It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles,[2][3] and may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another.[4]


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
I'm happy to see healthy younger people who take care of themselves, but definitely uninterested even in small talk. My gym m.o. used to be is to get in, get the work done ASAP and get outta there. There's something brain numbing about watching people watching themselves in the mirror while pumping iron. Brotalk, especially when not very smart guys try to educate already fit but new-to-the-gym women is so ubiquitous and cringe-worthy. But the most torturous thing to me is resisting my urges to correct some bros about the bro-physiology nonsense they spew to each other. Thank god for headphones.
Fortunately, I don’t regularly hear bro-talk at the gym, if I understand the term. :) I would say that watching yourself in the mirror working out in more cases than not is positive reinforcement. And under any circumstance if taken to the level of narrcacism is not good.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Hmmm, I guess I'm not sure where this is going (and where it's been ...)

So, I guess to address the last point (from the OP) first: more replies, but the same 3 or 4 people for 90% of them, looks like maybe we have a little momentum here now :)

Just a couple of comments, that hopefully align with the [intended] topic ...

People can be as sexual / provocative as they'd like, I (we) have no line in the sand, although there's a "situational style" where I think some choices are just tacky :D

Workout clothes? They don't even ping my radar, because while they might emphasize someone's physique, there's zero sexuality to me.

I don't elbow other dudes, stumble over myself and lose eye contact during a conversation because a woman walks by in a thong. The couple of guys around here that do that, wouldn't speak to her, couldn't speak to her, and just seem, well, kind of sad.

Maybe that's because I/we are extremely sexual, I just don't have any of that type of response from other women, like it's no big deal. Both the wife and I are super open, either of us might bring up the attractiveness of men and/or women, we flirt with our friends**, but we have such an intense relationship, we focus 100% of that energy towards each other.

** Hahaha, we have a couple we know, he's a little kissy, just sort of a flirty greeting peck, last time we saw them, same routine, a little peck on the wife's lips, so I said, well, me too, laid a wet one on him, then on this wife ... :D

We are __not__ usual. 😄


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
To be honest, - and I feel the same way about your twinned thread on MR - the title bothers me, and you may have noticed - I could not but notice - that the vast majority of people who have replied to it are male.

In any case, I'm with @TheTrillionaire MissNomer; women go to the gym to work out, not to be "appreciated" or stared at; and, while men may think that they are "complimenting" women by looking at them, there are those among us for whom the male gaze in such circumstances can be perceived as threatening, unsettling, uncomfortable and predatory, none of which are remotely complimentary.

Personally, I'd prefer if the thread title simply read "appreciating women/the opposite sex" rather than specifying "the gym", which gives off a creepy, stalkerish vibe.

However, in the following (explanatory) text of the Original Post, one could then proceed to elaborate and explain further that such "appreciation" can take place in many places, including gyms, where well toned bodies, those who worship the body beautiful, (of any and all genders) are often to be found.
I appreciate your feelings on this topic and will update the thread title. My only defense for the thread title is that the gym is only venue I place myself in on a regular basis where human beings address their physical health and agree that there are many places where well toned bodies can be appreciated. But for myself the most common venue to see large numbers of fit people in attire that accentuates their physical fitness is… the gym. :)

And I imagine we do agree that a well toned and physically fit body male or female should be appreciated versus the alternative and that often, if not always, there is some level of a sexual component to opposite gender attraction.

A somber note, for myself, at my age, I am discouraged at the amount of effort I put into being physically fit as compared to the end result.. When I started swimming/ gym workouts almost a decade ago as a primary means of exercise (versus running before), I imagined myself easily dropping 20 pounds. That hasn’t happened, and I recognize the real challenge is calorie intake and it’s very tough


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Exactly why I used ”appreciate”, yet I am still amazed at how we can be the same species and be so different in so many ways. I think some of this must be my male wired brain talking. :D


But, as a woman, I must say that I get very tired of the male wired brain insisting on letting me know that women are "appreciated".

And - to be quite candid - I have come to see men insisting that their appreciation be voiced - why not keep it to yourselves - I have already remarked upon the fact that the gym is a public space that is dedicated to keeping fit, and work-outs, which is what almost all of the women who attend a gym wish to be able to do without receiving unwanted, unasked, and unsought, "attention", "appreciation", "condemnation" or "correction", courtesy of the privilege society has traditionally awarded the male gaze, historically and culturally.

"Appreciated" is a very short step - in the lived experience of many women - from judged, condemned, and criticised.

Okay: Let's put it another way.

If women were twice your size, twice your mass, with twice your strength, would you - or any of the males who are so enamoured of the privilege bestowed by the possession of the male gaze - be quite so willing to announce how happy you are (all this hardwired biological stuff, so blithely invoked) to indulge quite so proudly - and publicly - in it?


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I appreciate your feelings on this topic and will update the thread title. My only defense for the thread title is that the gym is only venue I place myself in on a regular basis where human beings address their physical health and agree that there are many places where well toned bodies can be appreciated. But for myself the most common venue to see large numbers of fit people in attire that accentuates their physical fitness is… the gym. :)

And I imagine we do agree that a well toned and physically fit body male or female should be appreciated versus the alternative and that often, if not always, there is some level of a sexual component to opposite gender attraction.

A somber note, for myself, at my age, I am discouraged at the amount of effort I put into being physically fit as compared to the end result.. When I started swimming/ gym workouts almost a decade ago as a primary means of exercise (versus running before), I imagined myself easily dropping 20 pounds. That hasn’t happened, and I recognize the real challenge is calorie intake and it’s very tough

Re updating the thread title - and I'm glad to see that you will do this - (might I rrecommend that you do likewise on the twinned thread on MR) - my suggestion that you do so was made from my lived experience as a woman, - because, as a woman, this would make me extremely uncomfortable were I to experience it in a gym - not a mod.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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But, as a woman, I must say that I get very tired of the male wired brain insisting on letting me know that women are "appreciated".

Some people just can't seem to grasp the idea that there's a time and a place for everything, and the insistence upon making every social situation the desired time and place isn't a display of assertiveness, but, for lack of a better word, assholishness.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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If women were twice your size, twice your mass, with twice your strength [...]

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