Biden addresses Congress


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1387587760626753542/
This was a very ambitious speech. I hope he can accomplish some of these goals. This is way, way better than the last guy in the White House,
He knocked it put of the park.

And at the end he goes to schmooze with his fellow Democrats and then goes to speak to Republican Rob Portman. Nice touch. I hope Portman wasn’t the only one. (It’s hard to tell behind those masks.)
Tim Scott:
“we need policies and progress that pull us together”
… I am now waiting for him to offer a single policy idea: Go!
As good as Biden’s speech was, Tim Scott’s GOP response from the very beginning is turning into a bust. He’s claiming Biden and the Dems are dividing us. He’s saying we need not just platitudes but policies. Well, Biden’s speech is making Scott’s look pretty foolish.

Oh and now he’s talking about big bad government and job-killing taxes blah blah blah. Maybe the Fox watchers will buy this, but nobody else will.
Scott is making things up. And I almost believe him when he states that he believes schools should have opened sooner. It suggests he knows nothing about what teachers went through over this past year.

”Powerful forces want to pull us apart.” No, Senator Scott. The Republican Party is not that powerful. 😂
He is still complaining that churches were shut down and schools were closed? ARE WE STILL DOING COVID DENIAL?!?!?!?!? No, science hasn’t shown that opening schools was safe.

Then he blames Democrats for GOP Senators refusing to sign onto the COVID bill.

Then he lies and says they support infrastructure; they absolutely do not.

And there we have it: “job killing tax increase” which is a straight up lie.

As I expected, he didn’t offer a SINGLE policy idea. He just took a dump on every idea Biden put forward instead.

He claimed he didn’t want division, and then lied about many ideas put forth by Biden.

Tim Scott’s bill for police reform was a joke, as many people have pointed out. But he’s selling it like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

Now garbage culture war crap for 5 minutes.

Tim Scott - this is the worst opposition response I can remember. You seriously can stand there and lie about racist voting laws in Georgia… because you want to keep power. We DID read the law, and it’s not what you say it is.

It is incredible to me how this guy can straight-up lie with a straight face. Some folks will do anything to hold onto their power. That is clearly the case with this guy.

Still kissing Trump’s butt. Just f-ing unbelievable. Never vote for another Republican again.

Gotta love how he claims the GOP will bring us all together, and Biden is driving us apart. How do you explain the last 4 years?

In conclusion, a speech that started with “we need policies” goes on interminably without a SINGLE policy recommendation. The GOP keeps its record of being the party of No: no compromise, no new ideas, nothing.
I was happy with Biden’s speech. He put forth concrete proposals.

I could have respected Tim Scott if he put forth even ONE proposal. Instead, he misrepresented Congress’ actions regarding COVID and policing reforms, and blathered about religion and culture wars endlessly. Just a terrible speech, and to think it is right-wingers who whine that liberals are always “virtue signaling.” Those 2 words sum up Scott’s speech.

So, I think we can expect the GOP to continue with its ways. No new ideas, and oppose everything the President does, then whine that there’s nothing bipartisan anymore. They are no longer a party of ideals or ideas… just a tribal group trying to keep hold on power for power’s sake.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1387604369730904066/

There's shitting on your credibility, and then there's SHITTING on your credibility.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1387632073066823684/

Congratulations Mr. Scott. Learn to read fucking room.

Case in point: What's trending on Twitter this morning? "Uncle Tim"

What's Tim Scott & conservatives crying about? "Uncle Tim"

What's Twitter saying in response?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1387640652599635969/
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