Biden administration to pay migrants separated at border millions of dollars

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I said above that they should not have been separated at the border. I am not for punishing children. Reunite them, but don't reward them with millions of dollars.

Joselaine Cordeiro of Brazil and her son, James, then 14, were among the first migrant families separated at the border in 2017. They were apart for more than nine months. She remained in immigration detention and he lived at a government-run shelter for children.

Ms. Cordeiro, 35, became the second named plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit that the A.C.L.U. brought against the family separation policy; the A.C.L.U. and its partners have accomplished much of the work of identifying relatives all over the world.

After filing an asylum claim, Ms. Cordeiro got permission to work in the U.S. She is now employed as a housekeeper in the Boston area. Her son cannot work because he lacks any legal status, and she cannot afford to pay for him to attend community college.

“If there’s some financial help, it would make a huge difference,” she said.

“This separation caused me depression that has impeded me from working consistently,” she added. “I have been trying to be strong.”
First, this shows that the argument that all the families separated were illegal immigrants is BS.

But, how much should she get? $5?

First, this shows that the argument that all the families separated were illegal immigrants is BS.

But, how much should she get? $5?


She should get nothing. She came here with nothing, but we're gonna reward her with hundreds of thousands of dollars? She can't afford to pay to send her son to community college? Sounds like a personal problem. Did she come here expecting us to pay for everything for her and her son?

Look, you can call me evil all you want. I am not saying these people should be tortured, killed, or beaten. But they shouldn't be rewarded with money for coming here illegally. Reunite them with their families and send them back to their homeland.

Y'all must want Trump to win in 2024.
She should get nothing. She came here with nothing, but we're gonna reward her with hundreds of thousands of dollars? She can't afford to pay to send her son to community college? Sounds like a personal problem. Did she come here expecting us to pay for everything for her and her son?

Look, you can call me evil all you want. I am not saying these people should be tortured, killed, or beaten. But they shouldn't be rewarded with money for coming here illegally. Reunite them with their families and send them back to their homeland.

Y'all must want Trump to win in 2024.
You can vote for Trump in 2024. He won’t call you evil. He’ll make you feel good about 💩-ing on immigrants. He can finish the wall to keep out the brown people. I bet he’ll toss in some more Muslim bans too.
Um.... separating kids from their parents and locking them in cages is a punishment TO THE KIDS! Should we punish kids for all offenses committed by their parents now? Or just of immigrants?
Well, if I commit a crime, I know good and well the state will take my kid. And while my dad and grandparents were immigrants, I am not.

There is a procedure those seeking legitimate asylum are supposed to follow. If you don't then there may be consequences.
Well, if I commit a crime, I know good and well the state will take my kid. And while my dad and grandparents were immigrants, I am not.

There is a procedure those seeking legitimate asylum are supposed to follow. If you don't then there may be consequences.
(The following assumes you’ve zero family to look after your child after said arrest)

Will the state take your kid and place them in a cage and loose all the paperwork linking you to your kid? Or will their make them a ward of the court and place them in a foster home etc.?
You can vote for Trump in 2024. He won’t call you evil. He’ll make you feel good about 💩-ing on immigrants. He can finish the wall to keep out the brown people. I bet he’ll toss in some more Muslim bans too.

You have no idea of my background with illegal immigrants. So I find it laughable that you think I am shitting on immigrants. I'm pretty sure I have more experience with it than anyone on this board.

I grew up in south Texas. My sister married a man from Mexico. He was a legal citizen. He was adopted here when he was a kid, but was born in Mexico. His biological family were from deep Mexico. I spent many summers in Mexico with him and his family. Going there for summers as a teenager really made me appreciate life in the US. My brother in law had a lot of friends that were illegal immigrants coming over to his house all of the time. I grew up around these people. I witnessed how hard these people worked. This was in the mid 90s when I was a teen. So don't accuse me of shitting on illegal immigrants when I know more than you.

I'm all for people coming here and working hard for what they want. But I'm not for giving them millions of dollars just because they were separated at the border. They know the risk when they come here illegally. The men and women I knew as a teenager that were here knew the risks every time they would come back and forth illegally.

The lady in your example wants money because her only skill is housekeeping and she's probably not making much $ doing that. So now you want to give her hundreds of thousands of dollars so she can live a better life than people who have been in this country forever. This is where you have a disconnect with reality. People are struggling in this country and you think they're gonna vote for your candidate when they see him giving millions to illegal immigrants. She will be able to send her kid to college with that money, but another US citizen will go in debt sending theirs to college.

My brother in law's brother came here illegally. He worked his ass off and now owns his own construction company in Houston. He's a millionaire. He didn't ask for a handout. It seems like even these new illegal immigrants realize they can mooch off the government in the US because democrats have no damn spine. I miss the old school illegal immigrants like my brother in laws brother and all the people I knew as a kid that WORKED for what they have.
Well, if I commit a crime, I know good and well the state will take my kid. And while my dad and grandparents were immigrants, I am not.

There is a procedure those seeking legitimate asylum are supposed to follow. If you don't then there may be consequences.
Yes, and kidnapping your kids is NOT one of them in the law. Which is why Trump’s policy got wiped out by legal challenges.

Why do we lock up people requesting asylum anyway? It’s expensive, and the overwhelming majority are not going to skip their court dates, as past precedent showed.

If they fail to appear for that hearing, do something about it. If they are found NOT eligible for asylum at their hearing, then they could be deported. But there is almost no benefit whatsoever to locking up people waiting on an asylum claim court date. And taking away their kids is just evil. Call it what it is.

See @MissNomer on how even a convicted murderer’s kid(s) would be treated far better than the kids detained at the border.

The Trump policy was unconscionable. What’s interesting to me is not that people who agreed with the Trump policy are mad at these payments.… I expect them to keep dumping on immigrants. It’s people who were (supposedly) opposed to the policy, but are against compensating the wronged families. I wonder how many people were just faking outrage at Trump for the child separation policy. Because when it comes to compensating victims of that policy, suddenly there’s a 180.
You have no idea of my background with illegal immigrants. So I find it laughable that you think I am shitting on immigrants. I'm pretty sure I have more experience with it than anyone on this board.

I grew up in south Texas. My sister married a man from Mexico. He was a legal citizen. He was adopted here when he was a kid, but was born in Mexico. His biological family were from deep Mexico. I spent many summers in Mexico with him and his family. Going there for summers as a teenager really made me appreciate life in the US. My brother in law had a lot of friends that were illegal immigrants coming over to his house all of the time. I grew up around these people. I witnessed how hard these people worked. This was in the mid 90s when I was a teen. So don't accuse me of shitting on illegal immigrants when I know more than you.

I'm all for people coming here and working hard for what they want. But I'm not for giving them millions of dollars just because they were separated at the border. They know the risk when they come here illegally. The men and women I knew as a teenager that were here knew the risks every time they would come back and forth illegally.

The lady in your example wants money because her only skill is housekeeping and she's probably not making much $ doing that. So now you want to give her hundreds of thousands of dollars so she can live a better life than people who have been in this country forever. This is where you have a disconnect with reality. People are struggling in this country and you think they're gonna vote for your candidate when they see him giving millions to illegal immigrants. She will be able to send her kid to college with that money, but another US citizen will go in debt sending theirs to college.

My brother in law's brother came here illegally. He worked his ass off and now owns his own construction company in Houston. He's a millionaire. He didn't ask for a handout. It seems like even these new illegal immigrants realize they can mooch off the government in the US because democrats have no damn spine. I miss the old school illegal immigrants like my brother in laws brother and all the people I knew as a kid that WORKED for what they have.
You keep saying this woman is an illegal immigrant even though it’s been pointed out repeatedly she isn’t. Tells me what I need to know.

Also interesting: being an illegal immigrant is a-ok if it’s a family member and they have a lot of money. Otherwise, they are a mooch.

None of this is acknowledging the illegality and moral bankruptcy of the Trump child separation policy. THAT is what this is about. Not every immigrant is getting money. Those that were illegally abused by the American government are being reimbursed by the government for that specific abuse. And the big payouts are not for everybody… if you took the time to read deeper you’d know that. Many people will be getting far less, or nothing at all. These are specific cases. Shocker that the Wall Street Journal, who publishes letter from Donald Trump full of dangerous lies, would emphasize the rare high payouts and pretend they are for everybody.

It seems to me this is about “my friends/family didn’t get payouts, so these people don’t deserve it!” But your friends/family didn’t have their children kidnapped by the American government. If they had, they should/would be entitled to some compensation too.
You keep saying this woman is an illegal immigrant even though it’s been pointed out repeatedly she isn’t. Tells me what I need to know.

Also interesting: being an illegal immigrant is a-ok if it’s a family member and they have a lot of money. Otherwise, they are a mooch.

None of this is acknowledging the illegality and moral bankruptcy of the Trump child separation policy. THAT is what this is about. Not every immigrant is getting money. Those that were illegally abused by the American government are being reimbursed by the government for that specific abuse. And the big payouts are not for everybody… if you took the time to read deeper you’d know that. Many people will be getting far less, or nothing at all. These are specific cases. Shocker that the Wall Street Journal, who publishes letter from Donald Trump full of dangerous lies, would emphasize the rare high payouts and pretend they are for everybody.

The only thing I'm gonna say is that you're not gonna win any elections with things like this. People are struggling and then they're gonna see Biden handing out money to immigrants. That's all it's gonna take for Republicans to run with.
The only thing I'm gonna say is that you're not gonna win any elections with things like this. People are struggling and then they're gonna see Biden handing out money to immigrants. That's all it's gonna take for Republicans to run with.
You keep saying this woman is an illegal immigrant even though it’s been pointed out repeatedly she isn’t. Tells me what I need to know.

I'm with @JagRunner on this. They are hanging a curveball just waiting for the GOP to knock it out of the park.

But here is my question for @SuperMatt, why isn't the Administration, who I'm sure employ political consultants, out in front on this?. Why let the GOP dictate the narrative? Are they hoping the story will just go away? If this is such good policy, then they need to get out there and sell it. Why aren't they?
As I said before, if people are willing to vote for Trump just because Biden is settling these lawsuits, then this country is f-ed.

I can see we have some supposed Democrats here that are gonna vote Trump 2024 because somebody whose kid was illegally stolen from them is getting some financial compensation for it. You should be happy; you finally found your true people.

At least @Herdfan has been consistent on this. I guess everybody who flipped was just pretending to give a 💩 about the family separations at the time. Because God forbid some reparations be paid to the victims of the policy… those illegal immigrants DESERVED to be treated like that, amirite? They should just be happy that SOME of them got their kids back eventually. Gross.
The only thing I'm gonna say is that you're not gonna win any elections with things like this. People are struggling and then they're gonna see Biden handing out money to immigrants. That's all it's gonna take for Republicans to run with.
I'll offer the completely simple & honest response.

The only people that are likely to be turned away from voting for Biden over this, are people that most likely weren't voting for Biden in the first place.

This whole action is being done & seen as another corrective action for a previous administration that made the country collectively look like uncaring monsters that pursued family separation as a tool of deterrence. You don't "lose" the children of ANYONE, no matter the circumstances, and hope to rationalize it away. Especially if the parents of those children are doing something that you once actively encouraged, but then decided to make it intentionally so difficult only persons from countries an administration prefers has a real chance. The voters who didn't have an issue with the previous administration's actions, are the ones most likely to be the ones to NOT vote for Biden. So let's not fool ourselves into imagining there's some kind of so called "independent" or wavering "Biden voter" who's going to be outraged that we tried to make amends for what most acknowledge was a national low point.

Once again, bear in mind these payments are a thing because of settlements for the actions of the previous administration. NOT this one. Perhaps if that previous administration actually acted on their B.S. about reforms instead of "zero tolerance", we wouldn't have looked like the country those houses innocent children in cages, and got sued for it.
Y'all must want Trump to win in 2024.

There are some people on the left who think waging 50 different continuous ideology micro wars is a winning strategy. And while I may agree with the left side of each war, I don’t think it’s currently a winning strategy. It just gives the undecided and opposition the opportunity to go “I didn’t agree with wars 2 - 4, 17, 34, and 37 – 41. What a fucking mess. I’m not voting for that.”
There are some people on the left who think waging 50 different continuous ideology micro wars is a winning strategy. And while I may agree with the left side of each war, I don’t think it’s currently a winning strategy. It just gives the undecided and opposition the opportunity to go “I didn’t agree with wars 2 - 4, 17, 34, and 37 – 41. What a fucking mess. I’m not voting for that.”
This outrage against the possible settlement payments feels like a micro-war started by the right. I think it’s actually good that Biden’s team is not “trying to get in front of” this. All his focus has been on the big infrastructure bills, and it needs to stay there until they pass.
There are some people on the left who think waging 50 different continuous ideology micro wars is a winning strategy. And while I may agree with the left side of each war, I don’t think it’s currently a winning strategy. It just gives the undecided and opposition the opportunity to go “I didn’t agree with wars 2 - 4, 17, 34, and 37 – 41. What a fucking mess. I’m not voting for that.”
I don't believe this is any kind of war of any kind.

As I said, this is just one of many corrective actions that the administration has to deal with, besides climate control, trying to get a handle on a pandemic that some of us don't want to, repairing international rifts ( while making a few of their own ), and who knows what else I missed.

That isn't wars. That's maintenance.

Something that a majority voted for, to correct the numerous :poop: shows the previous administration left for anyone else to deal with.
I'll offer the completely simple & honest response.

The only people that are likely to be turned away from voting for Biden over this, are people that most likely weren't voting for Biden in the first place.
Respectfully disagree.

Biden got a lot of suburban "Trump is icky and Tweets mean things" votes. He won't get those again if Trump isn't running.
As I said before, if people are willing to vote for Trump just because Biden is settling these lawsuits, then this country is f-ed.

I can see we have some supposed Democrats here that are gonna vote Trump 2024 because somebody whose kid was illegally stolen from them is getting some financial compensation for it. You should be happy; you finally found your true people.

At least @Herdfan has been consistent on this. I guess everybody who flipped was just pretending to give a 💩 about the family separations at the time. Because God forbid some reparations be paid to the victims of the policy… those illegal immigrants DESERVED to be treated like that, amirite? They should just be happy that SOME of them got their kids back eventually. Gross.

You need to stop thinking that all democrats agree on every issue. You really think I'm gonna vote Trump 2024? LOL
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Sure, these kids didn't ask for Mommy and/or Daddy or some other relative(s) or maybe even some stranger(s) to haul them from their birth country and homeland to some other country, the whole bunch of them uninvited to the hoped-for new location in the first place and not using appropriate legal methods of gaining access to the desirable new homeland..... Certainly the children are and were innocent in this whole thing, they didn't deserve to be separated from their parent(s) or other relative(s) or whoever actually had them in custody at the time of attempting to cross the border, and as a result these kids found themselves thrust into a sort of prison-like environment even as they were being provided food, water and shelter. So how and why has this now developed into the idea that the US and its tax-paying citizens are under any obligation to give these people (the parent(s), the relative(s) or the child(ren) any amount of money at all? I must have missed something really significant somewhere along the line.
Sure, these kids didn't ask for Mommy and/or Daddy or some other relative(s) or maybe even some stranger(s) to haul them from their birth country and homeland to some other country, the whole bunch of them uninvited to the hoped-for new location in the first place and not using appropriate legal methods of gaining access to the desirable new homeland..... Certainly the children are and were innocent in this whole thing, they didn't deserve to be separated from their parent(s) or other relative(s) or whoever actually had them in custody at the time of attempting to cross the border, and as a result these kids found themselves thrust into a sort of prison-like environment even as they were being provided food, water and shelter. So how and why has this now developed into the idea that the US and its tax-paying citizens are under any obligation to give these people (the parent(s), the relative(s) or the child(ren) any amount of money at all? I must have missed something really significant somewhere along the line.

This right here.
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Why let the GOP dictate the narrative? Are they hoping the story will just go away? If this is such good policy, then they need to get out there and sell it. Why aren't they?

For the same reason as always. The far right is a bunch of bullies, and the left is a bunch of, I'm sorry, pussies.

Do you see Biden speaking forcefully, even angrily, about his priorities, exhorting voters to back him up? Do you see moderates and liberals showing up at school board meetings, outnumbering and shouting down the crackpots and supporting teachers? I thought not.