Biden’s age concerns me. His actual governing has impressed me, despite the criticism from the progressives. He’s been way more progressive than I thought he would, and holy shit, the amount of problems on his plate is enormous.
I don’t know who should run. Democrats don’t have a cult of personality the same way republicans do, with folks like Reagan and Trump. I don’t need a messiah, I don’t need (or expect) a perfect presidency. I want a sane person who makes policy decisions, and I’ve gotten that and more with Biden.
I’m perfectly ok with people yelling at him to get gas prices down or to do something about inflation. When you’re president, you shoulder that heat no matter what the cause is. Those are policy decisions. But I don’t want to hear a bunch of gum flappers bragging about how low gas was under Trump, while they totally forgive his deadly handling of the pandemic and his beyond-divisive bullshit.
In other words, I’m ok with criticism of Biden, but not from those who are just mad he isn’t Trump.
I’m at the point where I’d vote for someone like Liz Cheney on two conditions: she doesn’t work to strip away any more rights and continues calling out those in her own party. I would sacrifice a democrat president to have someone of either party who can at least get people talking again. Biden has tried, but let’s face it, he’s Obama’s vice-president and he beat Trump: about 40% of America wouldn’t accept him even if he was in lock-step with Trump policies. If he said he wanted to build a wall on the border tomorrow, republicans would use every argument against it that liberals did, because it’s not the message for them, it’s the messenger.
Although if he was a true racist like the MAGA cult says, they’d love him. That proves to me he’s no racist.
Anyways, I think there’s plenty of people in the house and senate who could do the job. Illinois governor JB Pritzker is also being talked about. His Achilles heel is that he’s a billionaire, but he really has helped the state out a lot in his first term. People can come out of nowhere and make a name for themselves. Just like Obama and, sadly, Trump.
So whether it’s Biden or another dem, I think we’ll be ok.