Biden's weekly Approval Polls

To me, I always ask the same question to anyone saying Biden shouldn't run.

Then who should?

Who is going to have a broad appeal? Because every time someone mentions a choice that will only appeal to a slice of the party, and offend the others. This focus on Biden shouldn't run, but not saying who should run instead, is just opening up to repeating the situation with Hilary. It becomes an out for those who sit on their hands because they didn't get their specific candidate, but bitch about the choice that was made available to all.

It's pretty bleak. In this case the greater evil has been firmly established and the playing field for a lesser evil should be easy to capture, and yet it isn't. But....

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

Sounds like Congress to me. And the justice department. And a good percentage of voters.
It's pretty bleak. In this case the greater evil has been firmly established and the playing field for a lesser evil should be easy to capture, and yet it isn't. But....

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

Sounds like Congress to me. And the justice department. And a good percentage of voters.
Which brings me back to my original point. As much as many didn't care for Biden as the choice then as they do now, the reason he became the choice, was the alternative to what the 'r's presented. Sound familiar? Now some want to just cycle back to that. As long as one party keeps presenting an alternative that is so odious, it motivates the other side to rally completely behind one choice. The cries that the dems should have presented somebody better then Hilary look so laughably comical when you consider the 1/6 committee hearings going on currently. Now people want to try to play that song again with Biden, so we can rerun this 1/6 shit again in a few years?

For all of those whining about dems picking better choices, has anyone consider whining towards the other party & their "choices"? Until they can provide a competent choice, the counterpart party is ALWAYS going to be forced to field candidates that aren't completely unbearable to a variety of voices. That's by intention. Then those variety of voices are going to complain again, and the cycle repeats itself.

The problem isn't Biden should NOT run.

The problem is that Biden should not HAVE had to run at all.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1542937686033432576/

Until the other party can take it's head out of it's collective asses & decide governing is the thing to do. Over endlessly whining about culture issue #666 & bringing back an America that only existed in racist fantasies. We're going to be stuck with centrist alternatives that do a lot of nothing, and a little of something productive when they are allowed to.
I'm also concerned about Biden, although I like him a lot. Especially with his decades of wisdom on the job dealing with a host of issues. In the 2020 primaries I voted for Buttigieg; clearly one the most intelligent and whip smart people running at the time.

Two years from now is a long time. The optics of an elderly 81 year old Biden and a fit DeSantis together on the debate stage, especially in conversation, will speak volumes to many.

Sure hope the Dems have a Plan B two years from now should Biden decline (further).
Which brings me back to my original point. As much as many didn't care for Biden as the choice then as they do now, the reason he became the choice, was the alternative to what the 'r's presented. Sound familiar? Now some want to just cycle back to that. As long as one party keeps presenting an alternative that is so odious, it motivates the other side to rally completely behind one choice. The cries that the dems should have presented somebody better then Hilary look so laughably comical when you consider the 1/6 committee hearings going on currently. Now people want to try to play that song again with Biden, so we can rerun this 1/6 shit again in a few years?

For all of those whining about dems picking better choices, has anyone consider whining towards the other party & their "choices"? Until they can provide a competent choice, the counterpart party is ALWAYS going to be forced to field candidates that aren't completely unbearable to a variety of voices. That's by intention. Then those variety of voices are going to complain again, and the cycle repeats itself.

The problem isn't Biden should NOT run.

The problem is that Biden should not HAVE had to run at all.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1542937686033432576/

Until the other party can take it's head out of it's collective asses & decide governing is the thing to do. Over endlessly whining about culture issue #666 & bringing back an America that only existed in racist fantasies. We're going to be stuck with centrist alternatives that do a lot of nothing, and a little of something productive when they are allowed to.
Agreed, all of this was going to happen no matter who was in office and as a result the sitting president will take the brunt of it. Still, after Trump, Biden is the boring president we all needed, if nothing else for a sanity check as a country.
Agreed, all of this was going to happen no matter who was in office and as a result the sitting president will take the brunt of it. Still, after Trump, Biden is the boring president we all needed, if nothing else for a sanity check as a country.

My first choice was never going to happen, but I could suck it up as to not repeat the #45 project. I always want to ask those upset that Bernie didn't get the nod, what the 'F' do you think Bernie would be facing NOW if he did get the nod & won? People bitching about Biden? It would be NOTHING compared to the hate & crap hurled at "socialist" Bernie. On top of his supporters being mad at him because he can't get anything done because of congress. No one is winning in that office, if they are the competent alternative. We've devolved to the point that competency not excellence, is the ONLY alternative to authoritarianism & incompetency.
I'm also concerned about Biden, although I like him a lot. Especially with his decades of wisdom on the job dealing with a host of issues. In the 2020 primaries I voted for Buttigieg; clearly one the most intelligent and whip smart people running at the time.

Two years from now is a long time. The optics of an elderly 81 year old Biden and a fit DeSantis together on the debate stage, especially in conversation, will speak volumes to many.

Sure hope the Dems have a Plan B two years from now should Biden decline (further).
I didn't vote for Biden in the primary, but I came to understand he was the right man for the times, with a combination of extensive experience in government, plus evident empathy. So I strongly supported him in the general by donating more than I ever have to a political campaign. I am also concerned about him in '24, though. Age is one factor. I'm amazed and thankful he's able to maintain his schedule at 79, but it's not going to get easier, and the contrast with DeSantis or anyone of that generation will be stark.

However, I don't think the election will turn on who's running as on the state of the economy, the pandemic, and other elements in the months leading up to it. If people are hopeful about our direction and feel their lot has improved meaningfully under Biden's administration, they'll vote for him or whoever is at the top of the Democratic ticket, assuming the Republicans haven't disrupted the election apparatus and courts enough to gain the presidency, even if they lose. The '22 election will, to a large extent, determine how that will go. I'm sure if the Republicans regain the House and Senate, all they'll do the next couple years will ensure the Democrats will be even less able to pass bills than they are now.

Democrats can't afford wait two years or even four months for Plan B — they need to make exceptions to the filibuster to pass key legislation around voting rights, abortion care, climate change, and other issues while they still can.
Biden’s age concerns me. His actual governing has impressed me, despite the criticism from the progressives. He’s been way more progressive than I thought he would, and holy shit, the amount of problems on his plate is enormous.

I don’t know who should run. Democrats don’t have a cult of personality the same way republicans do, with folks like Reagan and Trump. I don’t need a messiah, I don’t need (or expect) a perfect presidency. I want a sane person who makes policy decisions, and I’ve gotten that and more with Biden.

I’m perfectly ok with people yelling at him to get gas prices down or to do something about inflation. When you’re president, you shoulder that heat no matter what the cause is. Those are policy decisions. But I don’t want to hear a bunch of gum flappers bragging about how low gas was under Trump, while they totally forgive his deadly handling of the pandemic and his beyond-divisive bullshit.

In other words, I’m ok with criticism of Biden, but not from those who are just mad he isn’t Trump.

I’m at the point where I’d vote for someone like Liz Cheney on two conditions: she doesn’t work to strip away any more rights and continues calling out those in her own party. I would sacrifice a democrat president to have someone of either party who can at least get people talking again. Biden has tried, but let’s face it, he’s Obama’s vice-president and he beat Trump: about 40% of America wouldn’t accept him even if he was in lock-step with Trump policies. If he said he wanted to build a wall on the border tomorrow, republicans would use every argument against it that liberals did, because it’s not the message for them, it’s the messenger.

Although if he was a true racist like the MAGA cult says, they’d love him. That proves to me he’s no racist.

Anyways, I think there’s plenty of people in the house and senate who could do the job. Illinois governor JB Pritzker is also being talked about. His Achilles heel is that he’s a billionaire, but he really has helped the state out a lot in his first term. People can come out of nowhere and make a name for themselves. Just like Obama and, sadly, Trump.

So whether it’s Biden or another dem, I think we’ll be ok.
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Well, she should have plenty of free time over the next 2 years.......... ;)

Be careful what you wish for. She’s not going away. She’s relatively young and she may lose her seat, but she’s not Hillary either. She’s got a future.

If Montana wants someone to regurgitate all of Trump’s lame talking points about Hunter Biden and a “stolen” election, then yes, they are probably better off with someone like Hageman, who’s stare is so wide it makes Adam Schiff appear as if he’s squinting at the sun. Now, I don’t like insulting people’s appearance (unless like Trump, you choose to look ridiculous), but when she looks at you and rattles off the Trump talking points, even I recoil in fear a little.
