After having sit thru two justices cry about everyone being mean to them because everyone knows the court has embraced politics, only to turn around prove everyone was right, I'm in a "who gives a fuck?" mode.
The furthest on the right have always wanted this imaginary glorious civil war, where I am sure they don't factor that THEY themselves may die in, but ( the obedient "trailer park" crowd maybe? ) others die for them.
There's also the old bit about "a dog chasing a car".
Finally, we all know what happens when a bully pushes their victim too far, sometimes it isn't pretty.
Take those three things together.
Conservatives hopped up on the joy of achieving their ultimate goal, some feeling they are backed by their god, will go after more & more. They may get to be completely in charge again, thinking if it wasn't for that unfortunate ( why do people who so believe in their god, somehow don't take a pandemic as a sign from a god that maybe they fucked up while in charge? Really? More than a million lost, and it's "let's move on then" That same crowd wanted to know every last bit of detail for responsibility of Benghazi, but don't bat an eye over the failures in a pandemic ) bit of covid things may have ended differently. It may have, perhaps enough would have been sways to leave the last guy in. My question was always "what then?" He sucked handling a pandemic, cozied up to dictators, let royalty ( think about how abhorrent that should be to the U.S. that left royalty behind ) kill a U.S. citizen, and thinks the run up to Ukraine was a smart move. What happens during the next crisis? An important element of far right republic governing is to not govern but run on causes, and blame others for any governmental or their own failures. Remove those crutches & the administration fucks up again, then what?
Do they get that revolution that their far right have sought so long for? A revolution that happens on their watch, when everything is supposed to be great again. Does the same crowd still go all in on their citizenry having unfettered access to firearms, if they aren't the citizens aligned with them? Or do we repeat California, Reagan, and the Black Panthers all over again with no sense of irony or shame?
I honestly don't believe conservatives going too far, is going to cost them in the mid terms or the next presidential election. Like the abortion issue, this is a long term play. A war of attrition. Chipping at any rights they find distasteful in the name of integrity or whatever other bullshit. This will wear down the majority, making the centrists fall in line, leaving the most progressive out in the wind to fight for everyone else in a losing battle. When the far conservatives finally get their way, shut down the progressives, it will leave only new set of radicals. That supposed "far left" that they are crying about that truly acts like so many "far" organizations does on the right. That reawakens an ANTIFA that becomes the boogeyman the far right conjured up to scare their base. Just think about it, what if a "far left" group acted like anti abortionists? Bill Barr's bussed in secret police would be on duty 24/7, not giving two shits about rights scooping people off the streets again. If we go down that drain I don't think those far of anything will be glad they finally caught that car, because besides the car it's who inside tired of being chased that can be just as dangerous.
It just seems like the sane are fighting a battle with the more popular insane, and it isn't going to end well for anyone not wealthy.