I’m still trying to figure out what the outrage is concerning Pelosi. The stock purchase was in mid-June. Is the idea that Pelosi knew the
Senate was going to take up the issue a month later?
I tried to read about it from the right-wing sources ”covering” the story, but it’s just a bunch of “hot takes” with no explanation of how Nancy somehow knew the Senate (of which she isn’t a member) was going to advance the CHIPS act this month (it’s been floating around for a year), and somehow alerted her husband to that fact. They also claim the act will give $50 billion to NVIDIA, but that definitely isn’t true. What I’m seeing is that the act is NOT good for Nvidia (or AMD)… here’s a non-partisan tech site just looking at the business aspect:
Intel stands to gain the most from the CHIPS and FABS Acts.
So the bill is bad for Nvidia, and therefore bad for Paul Pelosi’s investment apparently.
Maybe we can see why serious news organizations aren’t touching this tempest in a teapot.