COVID Stupid

The folks in the UK have for years referred to what Americans usually call "shots" as "jabs," so that's probably the origin of this current usage even in the US, given the International scope of the internet and all of our exposure to each others' use of language....
Who started calling it "the jab"? I understand that jab means to poke, but it's a fucking shot. Call it a shot.

If you call it "the jab" we can't be friends.

Prior to Coronavirus I had only ever heard “the jab” used by British English speakers. Interestingly, America seems to have adopted the slang term to an extent once the vaccine came into the picture.

I just googled it and “jab” (as slang for injection) allegedly started in America in the early 1900’s referring specifically to narcotic injections. Then the British picked it up and now it’s back here. Weird how that works.

I suppose “jab” makes more sense than “shot”. It’s not like a hypodermic needle is a bullet.
Does the word "shot" not originate from the jet needle gun used mostly by the military? I understand that it is quite painful.

That would make a lot of sense, I didn’t think of that.

Jet injectors have largely fallen out of favor for mass vaccination due to contamination risks and many documented cases of spreading diseases like hepatitis. I think they generally banned them in the US in the late 90’s.

To my knowledge there is only one FDA approved jet injector on the market these days with only one FDA approved product it can administer, one brand of flu vaccine, but only in people age 18-64… which is a bit limiting. I’ve never seen it used though.

There’s also InsulJet, jet injected insulin, different story as it’s for personal use and not on multiple patients. It’s not a popular option and is only approved in a handful of it countries, US excluded.

Supposedly laser injections could be the next big delivery method. I kinda doubt it as it seems overly expensive. But maybe in the future people will call vaccines “the zap”?
New trend among the anti-vax set, vlog from your hospital bed about how not bad it is to catch the virus. From your hospital bed

The New MAGA Hotness Is Getting COVID and Vlogging From Your Hospital Bed​

The folks in the UK have for years referred to what Americans usually call "shots" as "jabs," so that's probably the origin of this current usage even in the US, given the International scope of the internet and all of our exposure to each others' use of language....

I just wouldn't expect these people using "the jab" to know about anything happening in the UK lolol
After spending the last 2 weeks watching local government and school districts push for kids to go back, they're all starting to close now with record infections and lack of staff. They saw it coming a mile away and still pushed for it, it made no sense then and they're paying for it now. Nobody seems to be paying attention here but anyone saw this coming a mile away.
After spending the last 2 weeks watching local government and school districts push for kids to go back, they're all starting to close now with record infections and lack of staff. They saw it coming a mile away and still pushed for it, it made no sense then and they're paying for it now. Nobody seems to be paying attention here but anyone saw this coming a mile away.
It's sorta like blaming Biden for record COVID deaths, but ignoring the fact that Trump locked down. Lockdowns come with lowered mortality. So when human garbage like Rand Paul is whining about the stuff he's advocated for comes with increased mortality all I can say is well, whodathunk.
Arizona is using federal COVID-19 relief funds to prevent schools from requiring masks? The federal government is going to take the money back now. For schools to get the money, Arizona’s state government says the schools must have no mask requirement. This is the exact opposite of what the money was meant for.

Really, these people are immoral and shameless.

Mr. Ducey announced last year that he was rolling out two education programs intended to undercut school mask requirements that some school districts in the state put in place.
A $163 million program using the federal relief money provides up to $1,800 in additional funding per pupil in public and charter schools. However, these schools must be “following all state laws” and open for in-person instruction. Schools that required masks would not be eligible.
A separate $10 million program funds vouchers worth up to $7,000 to help poor families leave districts that require face coverings or impose other Covid-related “constraints.”
In the letter, the Treasury Department said that if Arizona does not cease or change the programs within 60 days, it could start a process to recoup the money that is being misused. It also said that it could hold back the second installment of relief money that Arizona is scheduled to receive this year.


Dr. Fauci has been fighting the pandemic since at least two years before Covid-19 took center stage, and somehow that seems to make him an evil man. He called Senator Marshall a moron, and we all heard it because Fauci's mic was on. The Senator is so infuriated by that that he has introduced legislation to get at that guy, the Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals Act.

Because, asshole.

The math that says: “Uh, sir? Your voters are dying in droves.”

The math is a bit off as not all adults are registered to vote and not all registered voters actually vote. Still...

As of this week, about 1,800 Americans a day are dying of Covid; the C.D.C. expects that number to rise above 2,600.

Virtually all are adults. If 95 percent were unvaccinated and we assume that 75 percent of those were Trump supporters, that’s 1,300 to 1,900 of his voters being subtracted from the rolls every single day.

Donald Trump lost Arizona by a mere 10,000 votes. He lost Georgia by 12,000, He lost Wisconsin by 21,000. He lost Nevada by 33,000.

Right now, about 60 Arizonans, 36 Georgians, 34 Wisconsinites and 14 Nevadans are dying of Covid each day. Seventy five percent of 95 percent of that would be minus 103 Trump voters per day — just in those four swing states. Week after week. That adds up.

The math is a bit off as not all adults are registered to vote and not all registered voters actually vote. Still...
They also did the math on the voter population. The estimate was about 200,000 more GOP voters lost to COVID. These numbers are already much higher than what it takes to flip a presidential election.
They also did the math on the voter population. The estimate was about 200,000 more GOP voters lost to COVID. These numbers are already much higher than what it takes to flip a presidential election.
But what about the '22 election? AFAICT the losses are largely (though not entirely) in the redder states, where a few dead neighbors are less likely to have a significant impact – unless the Ds can sell theirselves better. If the Rs manage to capture back part of congress, the '24 election will become Teh Suxxor.
Good read

A three year old throwing a tantrum in a supermarket aisle has more of a grip on reality than do some of the pro-Trump anti-vaxx voters resorting to near witchcraft to avoid an illness that for strictly political reasons they still don't want to acknowledge is even a thing. Meanwhile bumping up the risks for the rest of us as well as themselves by their actions.