COVID Stupid


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The Misty Mountains
I said something like this recently, but after a report that every non-vaccinated person is going to catch the D or D+ variant of COVID-19, here is my policy: When you arrive at the hospital if you have been inoculated, show your card, you will be admitted. If you have not been inoculated, you will receive a COVID test and if positive, you will be sent home. 👀



Resident Redneck
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I said something like this recently, but after a report that every non-vaccinated person is going to catch the D or D+ variant of COVID-19, here is my policy: When you arrive at the hospital if you have been inoculated, show your card, you will be admitted. If you have not been inoculated, you will receive a COVID test and if positive, you will be sent home. 👀

Am I reading what you wrote correctly, that EVERY NON-VACCINATED PERSON is going to catch D or D+? That is what, 40+% of the country?


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Am I reading what you wrote correctly, that EVERY NON-VACCINATED PERSON is going to catch D or D+? That is what, 40+% of the country?
It is reported as so contagious that if an individual exposes themselves to an infected person they will get it much easier than the original strain.


Resident Redneck
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Your counts of the stupid in America might be high, but not unexpected.

This source shows just under 60% have had at least 1 jab. That leaves 40% with none. Not sure if that counts U12's or not.

But doing some quick math, 40% of 330M is 132M. That is 4 times the number who have had it so far.

If that is accurate, get ready for masks and lockdowns all over again. :(


Snowflake from Hell
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This source shows just under 60% have had at least 1 jab. That leaves 40% with none. Not sure if that counts U12's or not.

But doing some quick math, 40% of 330M is 132M. That is 4 times the number who have had it so far.

If that is accurate, get ready for masks and lockdowns all over again. :(
I don't see how our _Patriot_ brethren will tolerate that.


Mama's lil stinker
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Now there's talk of the Lambda variant

(To which I suspect will be followed by the Omega-Mu variant)


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Deleted member 199

here is my policy: When you arrive at the hospital if you have been inoculated, show your card, you will be admitted. If you have not been inoculated, you will receive a COVID test and if positive, you will be sent home.
... So, unvaccinated, infected people are sent home? Surely this is only for asymptotic/'mild' symptom cases? If they come in struggling to breath, surely they're not being told to go quarantine at home?


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... So, unvaccinated, infected people are sent home? Surely this is only for asymptotic/'mild' symptom cases? If they come in struggling to breath, surely they're not being told to go quarantine at home?
It will depend on whether there are any rooms/ventilators available. And the vaccinated will have priority.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
This source shows just under 60% have had at least 1 jab. That leaves 40% with none. Not sure if that counts U12's or not.

But doing some quick math, 40% of 330M is 132M. That is 4 times the number who have had it so far.

If that is accurate, get ready for masks and lockdowns all over again. :(
Here is my point, the vaccine has been shown to control this contagion. If it ever reaches a point when we are effectively back to square one, the unvaccinated can plan on being blamed for this, and personally I believe punitive policies need to be instituted. With this new virulent variant, kids not vaccinated can stay home, maybe working adults too. The effectiveness of the vaccine is nothing less than stunning. This is a case where we need to be team players or go find a private island to live.
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Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Now there's talk of the Lambda variant

(To which I suspect will be followed by the Omega-Mu variant)
Besides reading that the flu has kind of gone into remission, I think it was DR Fauci who said that they are working on a hybrid flu-COVID vaccine for annual application.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
... So, unvaccinated, infected people are sent home? Surely this is only for asymptotic/'mild' symptom cases? If they come in struggling to breath, surely they're not being told to go quarantine at home?
Yep, this is my philosophical position in light of hard facts. I have no sympathy left for stupid, this is like winning a Darwin award, a chance to clear out the dead weight of humanity, possibly a chance to increase the collective IQ of the human species. In light of COVID outbreaks among those who have been vaccinated, they definitely get priority. Of note at this point you who are vaccinated can still get sick with COVID, but virtually all those who are dying are the unvaccinated.

No need for our hospitals and medical system to be overwhelmed by a contagion that has an effective counter. If you don’t believe in vaccines, then don’t bother us, go home and take your chances. :unsure:

Deleted member 199

Edit: quoted wrong post.

Yep, this is my philosophical position in light of hard facts. I have no sympathy left for stupid, this is like winning a Darwin award, a chance to clear out the dead weight of humanity, possiblyba chance to increase the collective IQ of the human species.

No need for our hospitals and medical system to be overwhelmed by a contagion that has an effective counter. If you don’t believe in vaccines, then don’t bother us, go home and take your chances.

... So, context be damned, no vaccine, no entry, fuck you very much?

I don't want you to think that I'm agreeing with the anti-vaxxers - they are indeed choosing to do stupid things.

But to be fair, if you plan to ban anyone who does something stupid from a hospital, you might as well close 70% of hospitals.

Thomas Veil

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…If it ever reaches a point when we are effectively back to square one, the unvaccinated can plan on being blamed for this, and personally I believe punitive policies need to be instituted.
Medical ethics demands that patients be triaged and the worst cases given priority. But I would love to see the AMA give blanket permission for doctors and hospitals to do what you’re talking about.

For the last six months or so, if you’ve been avoiding the vaccine you are essentially walking blindly into traffic every day, knowing damn well sooner or later you are going to be hit. I have no sympathy for such stupidity.

Deleted member 199

Medical ethics demands that patients be triaged and the worst cases given priority. But I would love to see the AMA give blanket permission for doctors and hospitals to do what you’re talking about.

For the last six months or so, if you’ve been avoiding the vaccine you are essentially walking blindly into traffic every day, knowing damn well sooner or later you are going to be hit. I have no sympathy for such stupidity.

Am I really the only one who can imagine where that would inevitably lead, given the ridiculous politics in America?

For those who can't imagine, you don't need to. It's already happening here. The director of a hospital here made these statements recently:

Covid-19 patients that went out to protest are not on the prioritized list at <hospital name>

The prioritization will be for people who are loyal to the King first and if there are any hospital beds left, we will only consider receiving protesters on a case by case basis after we screen them for their behaviour


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Edit: quoted wrong post.

... So, context be damned, no vaccine, no entry, fuck you very much?

I don't want you to think that I'm agreeing with the anti-vaxxers - they are indeed choosing to do stupid things.

But to be fair, if you plan to ban anyone who does something stupid from a hospital, you might as well close 70% of hospitals.
The COVID variant is spreading like wildfire through the population of unvaccinated.

I sympathize with what you are saying. As far as our medical system being overwhelmed, it’s like triage, but in this case help the vaccinated sick ones who need help first. Send the unvaccinated home. I realize there are a lot of stupid people who do things unrelated to COVID. My stance was on this issue, is limited to the “bright“ folk who feel they don’t need to take COVID-19 vaccination.

Also I have to acknowledge from a previous post that I made exceptions for low income people who had no readily apparent means of getting vaccinated.


What the F?!!!
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Yup, I stopped by Facebook earlier and picked up a few things
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