COVID Stupid

Yeah, but I got that meth from that guy in the orange van down by the strip mall. I trust him! He's good people!
Plus you can trust meth cooked by tweakers, unlike that untested "vaccine" they only gave to 11 billion people.
Plus you can trust meth cooked by tweakers, unlike that untested "vaccine" they only gave to 11 billion people.

I've seen the lab, man. It's pretty clean. I can't say the same thing about Pfizer and all those other pharma companies.

...haven't seen their labs.
This man is a U.S. Senator. He thinks the COVID vaccine could give you AIDS. Wonderful!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521549634170195968/
Seems like he’s walking that line, admitting that the public thinks it’s safe, but avoiding going further to avoid pissing off the stupid fuckin’ Trumpers.
Any healthcare provider who prescribes Ivermectin for COVID should be penalized. Its lack of efficacy is no longer a subject of debate, so anyone who prescribes Ivermectin is committing malpractice.

For malpractice to be brought down on a quack, there has to be a negative effect. If the crap can be prescribed in a way that does not injure the patient, there is little call for an action. Malpractice is not a crime, so it either results in a suit or, possibly, loss of license. But you really have to piss off the board to get you license yanked – and even that is not enough to stop some people.
Not sure why anyone cares if someone wants to take Ivermectin as it doesn't affect you or your family.

Haven't been on for a while, because I had to shut down for sanity sake. It is so easy for your side to say, who does this hurt other than the fool taking it, and why does it matter to me?

I'll tell you why... My daughter became a new nurse August 2019 and got her first job in Early September. Nursing for her was a joy in taking care of people and her ultimate goal was to go into hospice care, because that is the type of person she is. Then the pandemic happened and it has totally crushed her spirit. People like you have made this pandemic go a lot longer than it needed to. The healthcare industry has been totally eviscerated of good doctors, nurses, EMTs, and other healthcare staff. The ones that remain are hanging on by a thread, and suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. When regular people on the internet think that they are smarter than people who have spent in some cases a decade learning to hone their skills, they end up in the hospital too late and beg people like my daughter to help them live. Too often she has seen family members come in when the O2 is so low that their body is crashing from their inability to rapid breath to stay alive. In one instance, my daughter had to convince a wife who was threatening bodily harm if they didn't release her husband, that if they let him leave he would be dead in a matter of hours. The wife wanted to take him home and off of the oxygen that was keeping him alive, to treat him with Ivermectin. He had 2 small children.

She is now fighting, and I mean fighting a severe depression, and I am worried. So don't you give me this BS about why do I care. It effects a lot more people and families than your narrow view can imagine.
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I’d love you to stick around. You could always try the forum’s “ignore” function, or avoid certain topics.
Oh I am back baby. I just had to take a break from the interwebs. It's been a rough March/April, a lot of weirdness in my life. Let's just say I thanks to Ancestry DNA, my foundation of who I thought I was, has been shaken.
Oh I am back baby. I just had to take a break from the interwebs. It's been a rough March/April, a lot of weirdness in my life. Let's just say I thanks to Ancestry DNA, my foundation of who I thought I was, has been shaken.
For malpractice to be brought down on a quack, there has to be a negative effect. If the crap can be prescribed in a way that does not injure the patient, there is little call for an action. Malpractice is not a crime, so it either results in a suit or, possibly, loss of license. But you really have to piss off the board to get you license yanked – and even that is not enough to stop some people.
Yes, the plaintiff has to show they were harmed as a result of a practitioner's action or inaction. So if a physician prescribes ivermectin instead of initiating accepted therapy, and the patient suffers adverse consequences, they can be found guilty of malpractice. The key is whether they breached the medical standard of care, which varies. For example, a trained specialist may be held to a higher standard. (I've been an expert witness several times in my career, and it was never fun.)

Loss of licensure, which is done by state medical boards, ideally follows accepted principles of practice. However, it's been my experience that board members, who are often appointed by the governor, don't always take the appropriate disciplinary action. It's gotten particularly bad in recent years.
Haven't been on for a while, because I had to shut down for sanity sake. It is so easy for your side to say, who does this hurt other than the fool taking it, and why does it matter to me?

I'll tell you why... My daughter became a new nurse August 2019 and got her first job in Early September. Nursing for her was a joy in taking care of people and her ultimate goal was to go into hospice care, because that is the type of person she is. Then the pandemic happened and it has totally crushed her spirit. People like you have made this pandemic go a lot longer than it needed to. The healthcare industry has been totally eviscerated of good doctors, nurses, EMTs, and other healthcare staff. The ones that remain are hanging on by a thread, and suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. When regular people on the internet think that they are smarter than people who have spent in some cases a decade learning to hone their skills, they end up in the hospital too late and beg people like my daughter to help them live. Too often she has seen family members come in when the O2 is so low that their body is crashing from their inability to rapid breath to stay alive. In one instance, my daughter had to convince a wife who was threatening bodily harm if they didn't release her husband, that if they let him leave he would be dead in a matter of hours. The wife wanted to take him home and off of the oxygen that was keeping him alive, to treat him with Ivermectin. He had 2 small children.

She is now fighting, and I mean fighting a severe depression, and I am worried. So don't you give me this BS about why do I care. It effects a lot more people and families than your narrow view can imagine.
So sorry to hear that, especially about someone who is just beginning her career, but it mirrors what I'm seeing in physicians, advanced practice providers, and nurses. When your daughter is feeling better, which I hope she will soon, she may want to consider working in other settings, such as research, where she may be less likely to encounter the situations that caused her anxiety and depression.
Oh I am back baby. I just had to take a break from the interwebs. It's been a rough March/April, a lot of weirdness in my life. Let's just say I thanks to Ancestry DNA, my foundation of who I thought I was, has been shaken.
You know this begs for a thread of its own. Tell us more.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1519823501535825920/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1522780617657634817/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1522965423561621504/
The last few years has really opened my eyes to what I thought was a given. People whom I thought were defined by a love and care for others were the same ones who laughed at the idea of Americans dying and fought to be inconvenienced a tiny bit to prevent fellow Americans from dying. Kinda turned my world up side down. I still have relatives who think that the shot will kill them... despite my 80+ year old mother in law getting her second booster now without any problems. Ignorance is bliss - the Matrix was right.