COVID Stupid

Seeing too many politicians and celebs lecturing me (not me personally) about wearing them only to be caught not wearing them. And someone always makes an excuse for them, just like at the Emmy's.

That's outstanding reasoning for not wearing a mask, that's akin to a "Billy doesn't have to eat his broccoli" excuse you'd hear from a 5 year old.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440115948980035588/

Mr. Rather, it's actually "FOR FUCK SAKE"!!!

You're welcome.

Reminds me of this.

That's outstanding reasoning for not wearing a mask, that's akin to a "Billy doesn't have to eat his broccoli" excuse you'd hear from a 5 year old.
@Herdfan doesn't like masks. It is known.
He tells us at least once a month. It is known.
His excuses change q2months. It is known.
He's a hero for surviving this medical procedure that he doesn't like. It is known.
He's even a bigger hero for sticking it to the Man for not doing stuff that requires his facediaper. It is known.
He has heavy confirmation bias. It is known.
He'll let us know about it. It is known.

Just when you thought the dis / misinformation & stupidity couldn't get any worse, here come some of the purveyors who profit from dis / misinformation to say "hold my beer".

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440107078299815938/

Like anyone needed these lying assholes to crawl out of their sewer of embarrassment.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1440129888292311041/
Why aren’t the pharma companies pounding people like this with lawsuits?
Reminds me of this.

I respectfully disagree.

While I do appreciate the origin of the phrase, my own reasoning is simple.

FUCK is not an individual or even a thing when I normally use it. So if I am "thinking" about it & not blurting it out loud I go with for "FUCK" sake. Mind you, when I am blurting out that phrase in disgust I acknowledge I have gone with "Fuck's" version. I prefer the former version myself for me though.

I am also a big fan of calling any epic bullshit "Fuckery", even if it is not considered a word. I don't care.

Case in point: Project Veritas = Fuckery.

This IS Fuckery:
Last month, Dr. Simone Gold stood before a crowd at a conservative church in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and delivered a talk riddled with misinformation. She told people to avoid vaccination against the coronavirus. As an alternative, she pushed drugs that have not been proven effective at treating COVID-19 — drugs that she also offered to prescribe to the audience in exchange for $90 telehealth appointments.

"Don't text me when you've gotten a positive test; I don't want to hear it," she said to the gathering. "I've told you ahead of time to get the medicines. It can take a week because we're so swamped."

Almost everything Gold said in her 45-minute talk was contrary to the best science and medical standards of care for treating COVID-19. But there was one thing she said that was at least partially true: "I am an emergency physician."

NPR found that Gold's emergency medicine certification lapsed in December of last year, but she still is, as she claims, a licensed physician in the state of California (her license lists her professional address as a UPS shipping store in Beverly Hills).

Lastly, I am glad I could have this discussion, whereas the old place it wouldn't be allowed. I thank you for your time. Stay safe.


Don't come @ me! Fuck is my favorite word in the English language. I ain't having it, for 'F' sake.

Proving once again Memes wont save you from covid.​

'Unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated' mother-of-four dies of COVID​

A California mother-of-four who was outspoken against vaccines and masks has died of COVID-19.

Kristen Lowery, 40, from Escalon, California, 'unexpectedly' passed away on September 15th, according to a GoFundMe page raising money for her funeral expenses.

In screenshots taken from Facebook, family members say she lost her battle against COVID-19 — after frequently posting content protesting vaccines and labeling herself 'unmasked and unmuzzled' and a 'free thinker.'

Kristen Lowery, 40, from Escalon, California, 'unexpectedly' passed away on September 15th, according to a GoFundMe page raising money for her funeral expenses.

In screenshots taken from Facebook, family members say she lost her battle against COVID-19 — after frequently posting content protesting vaccines and labeling herself 'unmasked and unmuzzled' and a 'free thinker.'
Thoughts and prayers.

The vaccine cost nothing. Funeral expenses, a little more.

Proving once again Memes wont save you from covid.​

'Unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated' mother-of-four dies of COVID​

A California mother-of-four who was outspoken against vaccines and masks has died of COVID-19.

Kristen Lowery, 40, from Escalon, California, 'unexpectedly' passed away on September 15th, according to a GoFundMe page raising money for her funeral expenses.

In screenshots taken from Facebook, family members say she lost her battle against COVID-19 — after frequently posting content protesting vaccines and labeling herself 'unmasked and unmuzzled' and a 'free thinker.'

Imagine if Fox did these stories all day instead of spreading lies. The viewers might actually go get vaccinated.
Meanwhile in New Zealand.

And with $100k NZ dollars and "empty ounce bags" also on board, do we think the police remark that (past the penalty for the covid rules breach), "further charges are likely" will just be limited to the fast food haul?

I get the food gig though. Heh, parceling out a whole lot of whatever that kind of money can buy into "ounce bags" is likely tedious and some fast food in a locked down city seems like a pretty nice perk for whoever the workers were going to be.

"Best laid plans" department meets Murphy's law. Wonder if the cops got to eat the KFC evidence. Shame to waste it!
And with $100k NZ dollars and "empty ounce bags" also on board, do we think the police remark that (past the penalty for the covid rules breach), "further charges are likely" will just be limited to the fast food haul?

I get the food gig though. Heh, parceling out a whole lot of whatever that kind of money can buy into "ounce bags" is likely tedious and some fast food in a locked down city seems like a pretty nice perk for whoever the workers were going to be.

"Best laid plans" department meets Murphy's law. Wonder if the cops got to eat the KFC evidence. Shame to waste it!

This also reminded me of Jim Jefferies bit on US gun control – When Australia had its largest mass shooting the government went “That’s it! No more guns!” and the country collectively went “Alright then. That seems about fair.” In the US when there is a mass shooting the government goes “Maybe we should think about more restrictions, maybe.” and half the country goes “Fuck you! You aren’t taking away my guns.!”

New Zealand had 1 covid case and the government went “That’s it! We’re locking everything down!” and the country went “Alright then. Fair enough.” In the US when hundreds of thousands of people have died from covid the government went “You should wear masks and get vaccinated” and half the country went “Fuck you! You aren’t taking away my freedom!”
I hate them. I can't breath well with them on. It is not about freedom or any of that BS. Just like some guys like boxers over briefs because one isn't comfortable or some women don't like bras, masks are not comfortable to me.

I wore one when required, but will not again. I will simply stay home. Seeing too many politicians and celebs lecturing me (not me personally) about wearing them only to be caught not wearing them. And someone always makes an excuse for them, just like at the Emmy's. Follow the science they say, well the CDC (the science) says don't do what they did and all of a sudden the science doesn't matter because FoxNews did the report.

I commend you for getting vaccinated, avoiding going out in crowds, and wearing a mask when a business requires it. I'm lucky enough to live where almost everybody is on the same page. I haven't seen or heard about any confrontations, although I'm sure it has probably happened.

Eventually the mask mandates will go away and then we'll just watch the unvaccinated die off as they somehow feel safer just because the mask mandates were lifted. They won't be lifted because it's substantially safer but because at some point we can't let these people hold everybody else back.
Seeing too many politicians and celebs lecturing me (not me personally) about wearing them only to be caught not wearing them. And someone always makes an excuse for them, just like at the Emmy's. Follow the science they say, well the CDC (the science) says don't do what they did and all of a sudden the science doesn't matter because FoxNews did the report.

Here's what the health department had to say.

In a statement Monday, the county Department of Public Health insisted that while current rules require mask-wearing indoors regardless of vaccination status, exemptions are provided for film, television and music productions.

"The Emmy Award show is a television production, and persons appearing on the show are considered performers," according to the agency. "All persons appearing on or in the audience of the Emmy Award show were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Also, Public Health was informed that each of these persons had a verified negative PCR test prior to the show. In addition, production crew, pursuant to Cal-OSHA requirements, were required to be fully vaccinated or are testing, either PCR or antigen, twice per week."

According to the statement, officials with the Television Academy reached out to the health department in advance to review safety protocols, "which exceeded the baseline requirements for television and film productions."

"Public Health will continue to review the protocols of future large television production events and prescribe additional safety modifications to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission," according to the agency.

Fox allows their anchors and guests to be on TV unmasked, because they track vaccination status and administer COVID tests to unvaccinated employees. No complaints from the right. Same thing happens at the Emmys, and the right-wingers get all up in their feelings.
Gee, we didn’t even know we were trying to make them not vaccinate. Hard to believe this is even real.

Hah, Trump's point was always to devalue even the effort of sorting out questions of truth or reality, so his followers would just look to him to guide them through the chaos of disinformation that he himself stirred up all the while. 🙄
man she took out two people with her crap. amazing I guess losing her relative was not a big deal. some people are not smart enough to access the internet.
It seems like accessing the Internet was the problem. Some people only look at Facebook, which could be full of disinformation. Zuckerberg doesn’t give a 💩 if people die - as long as he keeps getting profits. The lie-peddlers only care about clicks and ad impressions. It’s quite possible to use the internet and never read a single thing that is true.

Daryl Rise told the news outlet that his sister didn't think there had been studies conducted on the vaccines. She told her family not to get vaccinated, he said, even as her mother was lying in a coma.

"I think it was from misinformation, I think it was falling into negative social media and bloggers, YouTubers," Rise told CNN.
I really don’t get the thinking…

Daryl Rise said he got vaccinated the day after his sister died. He said his mother, who is recovering, is still undecided about the vaccine.
"It was the hardest decision of my life, you know, am I doing right by God? Am I doing right by Natalie?" he told CNN. "And I got it out of fear."
Why was it the hardest decision of your life? There is something horribly wrong with the thought processes of that entire family. Based on the vaccination rates I’m seeing from Idaho, a majority of people there are equally messed-up in their thinking.
Why was it the hardest decision of your life? There is something horribly wrong with the thought processes of that entire family. Based on the vaccination rates I’m seeing from Idaho, a majority of people there are equally messed-up in their thinking.
I know its really bad. America the land of the stupid anymore. FreeDumb is king.