COVID Stupid

Not going to celebrate this but JFC :(

Kathy was anti-vax. Some of her friends tried to save her, some pushed her towards death. Covid kills in many ways, fast and slow. It took her very quickly. Get vaccinated.
I've been following that subreddit for a while. I certainly don't celebrate anyone's death, but those posts just leave me shaking my head. So many easily preventable deaths. How the hell did we get here where people have politicized a vaccine and made it their entire identity to the point where they're dying because of their own stupidity.
I've been following that subreddit for a while. I certainly don't celebrate anyone's death, but those posts just leave me shaking my head. So many easily preventable deaths. How the hell did we get here where people have politicized a vaccine and made it their entire identity to the point where they're dying because of their own stupidity.
You see, Liberals used trickery...

Just in case anyone thinks it's only in the USA that Covid-Stupidity is a severe ailment: In Australia, riots in Victoria have caused the construction industry to be shut down for two weeks, to cool off over violent objections to vaccination mandates.

As a followup to my earlier post -- Murphy's Law seems to have spotted the opportunity afforded it by the riots-caused shutdown of construction in Victoria. Two days later a 5.9 earthquake rumbled through the area causing assorted (mostly minor) structural damage. But ol' Murphy was foiled since lawmakers had built in a few exceptions to the shutdown, including unforeseen need for emergency structural repairs. Good thing too, since there were six aftershocks to that quake even that same day, with more expected in the near term.

Meanwhile protests continued in Melbourne against Victoria's two-week shutdown of construction, mandated due to industry members' high noncompliance with covid-mitigating measures. The state police further intervened by restricting low-altitude airspace use and so temporarily enjoining news helicopter coverage of the disturbances.

However that all works out, Australian health services remain stressed by spikes of illness in the pandemic, to the point that thousands of retired health professionals are now being asked to rejoin service.
These people are murderers.

'Vigilante treatments': Anti-vaccine groups push people to leave ICUs

Whoever underwrites this incitement to cozy up to disease and death -- apparently by way of infiltrating the GOP's already partisan take on public health-- is not actually a friend of the USA, even if waving an American flag over whatever their latest hot tip for a homebrew covid cure is.

One begins to wonder who past the ignorant are involved in these dangerous scenarios. Sure for some pranksters it's probably been just another social media lark --look ma, got a hundred thousand likes on that one!-- and for some a sincere if midguided belief, but at this point it seems to me that provocateurs who are not just run-of-mill partisan hacks have probably realized there's gold in them thar hills... the rebellious hills where it's all about stirring pots against vaccination and masking as well... and now even professional healthcare?

The longer that covid spikes persist here and there, undermining the health care system and other significant segments of our economy as well -- but all without quite landing the USA in herd immunity heaven-- the better for her enemies, whether they be domestic or foreign.

Heh, maybe it's all down to shortsellers. Gets hard trying to make a recovering economy stumble anew, eh?
You see, Liberals used trickery...

What a coincidence. I was just about to mention that, but from a different source.

At Breitbart News, the politics of vaccination have taken a strange turn. A longtime writer at the populist-right website who wants to save his Donald Trump–supporting readers from COVID-19 is speculating that the left has tricked them into rejecting safe and effective vaccines.
John Nolte is vaccinated himself and, in an article this week, correctly notes that the shots are “a lifesaver.” But every time he touts what he calls the “Trump vaccine,” his Twitter feed and comment threads on his articles get flooded with irrational arguments and unfounded assertions from anti-vaxxers, he writes. That’s no surprise. The populist-right milieu that Nolte inhabits includes lots of influential voices that spread misinformation about vaccines on Fox News, talk radio, and Facebook. For example, America’s most prominent populist commentator, the Fox host Tucker Carlson, has been amplifying Nicki Minaj’s thirdhand claim that a vaccine had swollen her cousin’s friend’s testicles.
In Nolte’s account, however, a conspiracy of evil leftist elites are to blame for vaccine skepticism on the right. “I sincerely believe the organized left is doing everything in its power to convince Trump supporters NOT to get the life-saving Trump vaccine,” Nolte writes. They are “putting unvaccinated Trump supporters in an impossible position,” he insists, “where they can either NOT get a life-saving vaccine or CAN feel like cucks caving to the ugliest, smuggest bullies in the world.”

(My bold.)

When I read that I thought, that's it. Logic and reason have been turned completely inside out.

How pathetic that is, to be such a prisoner of your echo chamber, to be so completely terrified of admitting that the left had been correct all along, that you are willing to invent and embrace such Byzantine theories.

These peoples' minds are encased in ten inch thick, impenetrable pig iron. Nothing can get through to them.
What a coincidence. I was just about to mention that, but from a different source.

What a terrible dilemma. So you either admit that you were wrong, or you admit you were tricked (I prefer the word outsmarted). I think I'd rather admit to be wrong than being tricked. But who am I to make that call for other people? Maybe getting tricked is preferable to admitting they were wrong from the start?

I'm sure there must be some third, face-saving option here. But I'm too smart to think of what it might be. That's ok, I'm sure the horse goo people will think of something. Maybe they weren't tricked, but instead controlled by the 5Gs to make them refuse the vaccine? I don't know. Doesn't sound dumb enough. But I have faith someone will think of something.
Courtesy of Facebook

Be sure to follow up as soon as he's on a ventilator asking if it's too late to get the vaccine.
A pastor in Washington state shared his opinion on the idea of Christians citing “religious exemption” to avoid mask and vaccine mandates, and people are applauding him for it.

Pastor Keith Marshall wrote an opinion piece for the local paper in his small town of Enumclaw, Washington, titled “What does your religion exempt you from?”

“Recently I was asked if Christians should be able to claim Religious Exemption when public health is in jeopardy,” Marshall said, before asking himself the question: “What does my faith in Jesus Christ exempt me from?”

Citing scriptures to back up each of his conclusions, he determined that his faith exempts him from “putting my wants above the needs of others,” “claiming my freedom in Christ as liberty to act without responsibility,” and “refusing to protect the most vulnerable in our midst.”

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others,” he wrote, quoting Philippians 2:3-4.

Pastor Marshall was very clear in his op-ed that he understands people may use political or personal reasons to claim exemption from getting vaccinated or wearing a mask, but says that using the Christian religion to do so is wrong.​

Perhaps I am misunderstanding
This is us

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441543912569536517/

What's fascinating to me is that seemingly when people of various races were demanding not to be killed by police, many of these people may have been wondering why all the fuss?

And are now out doing this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441546157323288576/

This whole performance theatre about masks & vaccines, has turned into another organized grab by those who represent the fewest, to gain any power for themselves. You know the real people organizing this shit are vaccinated and either don't have kids / or kids going to any of those schools. It's about wanting to reshape school boards, to dictate what is taught. They are aided by the same "F your feelings crowd in 2016 turned what about my feelings 2020 crowd", needing something to rage about. Since they aren't really the targets of anything, they need to create a villain that is targeting them, and always drag in the "most vulnerable" to feel noble about it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441416333925785607/
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This is us

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441543912569536517/

What's fascinating to me is that seemingly when people of various races were demanding not to be killed by police, many of these people may have been wondering why all the fuss?

And are now out doing this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441546157323288576/

This whole performance theatre about masks & vaccines, has turned into another organized grab by those who represent the fewest, to gain any power for themselves. You know the real people organizing this shit are vaccinated and either don't have kids / or kids going to any of those schools. It's about wanting to reshape school boards, to dictate what is taught. They are aided by the same "F your feelings crowd in 2016 turned what about my feelings 2020 crowd", needing something to rage about. Since they aren't really the targets of anything, they need to create a villain that is targeting them, and always drag in the "most vulnerable" to feel noble about it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1441416333925785607/
50 years from now, I hope videos like this are in history lessons about how barbaric people used to be.

I like how many of these angry people pivot from anti-mask to anti-CRT in seconds. Sorry, how are those related? Oh yeah, Tucker Carlson whines about both of them, so his sheep need to do the same I guess.

Thanks for the reminder of BLM marches and protests. People were protesting their neighbors and friends being murdered by police, and these same anti-mask folks were telling them to get over it, go home, etc. But when a school actually wants to PROTECT the lives of their teachers and students from the Petri dish that is a public school, these ”very fine people” are out screaming and wailing against it.
Sheriff's Deputy to high school girl: Take down your Instagram posts saying you have COVID or I'm gonna arrest you. Judge to Deputy: WTF is wrong with you man?

Wisconsin high schooler wins lawsuit against sheriff over COVID-19 social media post​

Sheriff's Deputy to high school girl: Take down your Instagram posts saying you have COVID or I'm gonna arrest you. Judge to Deputy: WTF is wrong with you man?

Wisconsin high schooler wins lawsuit against sheriff over COVID-19 social media post​

You’d better tell IcanHazMac about this. He’s a crusader against all forms of censorship… except the posts he disagrees with and spams the “report” button on, of course.