COVID Stupid

There is a problem with that, though. At present, we have two essentially fully entrenched parties that amount to "pick one or the other because lesser parties have no traction", but each party has a membership around 25~30% of the populace. That means that the "one or the other" major candidates are picked by a majority of those minorities, or 13~16% of the voters. If the R party gets smaller without losing traction (entirely possible in a money-driven system), the minority that chooses one of the main candidates will be an even smaller number. And the constriction of the R party will lead to an even crazier, more desperate membership.

Further upstream we’re already minority ruled regardless of how we vote as both parties work on behalf of corporations and the ultra rich. Right now the entire Democrat agenda is being held hostage by 2 corporate extremists and on the right they just toss the media mic to their attention whore nutjobs so McConnell can quietly obstruct everything on behalf of the same interests, like a gentleman.
United Airlines announced on Tuesday in a memo to employees that it would begin the termination process for the nearly 600 U.S.-based employees who decided against getting COVID-19 vaccines.

The company became the first U.S. airline to mandate COVID-19 vaccines among its 67,000 staff members in the U.S.

United’s President Brett Hart and Chief Executive Scott said in a memo: “This was an incredibly difficult decision but keeping our team safe has always been our first priority,” adding, “Our rationale for requiring the vaccine for all United’s U.S.-based employees was simple — to keep our people safe — and the truth is this: everyone is safer when everyone is vaccinated, and vaccine requirements work.”

Airline officials also said that employees who change their minds during the termination process and decide to get vaccinated may do so and save their jobs. Collectively, the group of employees set to be terminated makes up nearly 3% of United’s workforce.

For employees seeking religious exemptions, the airline will provide an unpaid leave with a delayed start date of October 15 as a result of a lawsuit initiated by six current employees meant to stop vaccine mandates from taking effect. The workers behind the lawsuit, including a flight attendant and two pilots, asked a federal judge to block the vaccine requirement, claiming that the policy violates the Civil Rights Act and Americans with Disabilities Act.

A spokesperson for United also said that the company will hire roughly 25,000 employees in the next few years, with plans to hold the same vaccination requirements in place. Students enrolled in a United Airlines pilot program will be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine as well.
Saw this on Chris Hayes today, and couldn't believe it.

Deathantis has moved to making Australia as some new bad guy he needs to rail on, because they've done the difficult unpleasant work we wouldn't.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443418329142726657/
I guess this prevented them from getting Covid

New Mexico has linked two deaths in the state to misuse of ivermectin, a medicine typically used for parasitic infections in animals that has repeatedly been used by people as an anti-COVID-19 medication.

New Mexico reported the two deaths on Wednesday, according to the state health department. They were among the 14 patients in the state hospitalized after being poisoned by the use of ivermectin, which has been promoted by both podcast host Joe Rogan and Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist.

While the FDA has approved the use of ivermectin in specified doses for humans suffering from intestinal parasites such as worms, it isn’t intended or used to treat viruses.

David Scrase, the acting head of the state health department, said the two patients who died — ages 38 and 79 years old — had both contracted the coronavirus and attempted to treat it themselves with ivermectin. In one patient, the use of the drug led to kidney failure.

“It’s the wrong medicine for something really serious,” Scrase said.

Amid a surge of prescriptions for the drug, as well as an increase in people purchasing the version of the drug meant for livestock, the FDA has continued to warn of the dangers.

THIS does NOT need to happen! 😔
Alabama has come up with a perhaps uniquely Alabamian way to deal with its covid-related problems using the federal funds meant to help offset the states' loss of revenues from the covid pandemic: build new prisons.

... Ivey convened a special session of the Alabama legislature on Monday to address the state’s ailing prison infrastructure, which she admitted was “broken.” Using the funding in this way, she said, aimed to provide an “Alabama solution to this Alabama problem.”

The plan, backed by Ivey, to build three new prisons and renovate others will involve using up to $400 million from the state’s share of American Rescue Plan funds, according the Associated Press. Alabama has reported almost 15,000 covid-related deaths, according to the latest state data, making it one of the hardest hit parts of the country from the pandemic.

However, the funding plans have been met with some objections. They prompted a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), in which he petitioned the agency to “prevent the misuse of [American Rescue Plan] funding by any state, including Alabama.”

“Directing funding meant to protect our citizens from a pandemic to fuel mass incarceration is, in direct contravention of the intended purposes of the ARP legislation,” Nadler wrote.

Ivey insisted in her statement Tuesday that the American Rescue Plan Act allows for funds to be used in this way.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443316030638546950/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1442869266936569864/
What covid stupidity has reduced some "adults" to...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443576917773324301/

Yeah well the question there is who exactly are the sheep?

When I see stuff like that involving school kids, I do get angry. I think of the situation of a neighboring couple. They are both vaccinated. The wife has type 1 diabetes so is at elevated risk for some complications (compared to other vaccinated individuals) if she does get covid despite the vaccine. So they mask wherever they go and still try to minimize exposure to the public in general. Meanwhile they are guardian of an elementary-school age grandchild in the local public school district. Kids are too young to be vaccinated so they rely on the school staff being vaccinated and everyone --- teachers, admins, students, being masked.

Yet there are some parents in that school district who routinely ignore masking guidelines for themselves and their kids, and in fact the principal of the middle and high school was recently suspended without pay for refusing to get vaccinated or to submit to weekly testing. She claimed a nonexistent "religious freedom" exemption from the state's mandated "get vaccinated or get tested weekly" options, and cited assorted scripture that she said requires her "to consult the Holy Spirit" on what to do when not finding specific Biblical prescriptions on dealing with any particular life issue.

The school board and district supervisor are backing the suspension of that principal, but it was obvious from their careful public language (emphasizing the suspension is a state controlled issue and not originating with the local district) that they realize there's still a lot of anti-masking and/or anti-vaxxing sentiment around here.

Meanwhile everything about the stats on deaths from covid continue to point to lack of vaccination as key to that end point. Yet the politicization of responses to covid continues. I don't get it. What do the objectors think is the reason other countries with better adherence to guidelines have better stats on how they've fared in this pandemic? God's punishing the USA for being wicked or something like that? How resisting vaccination (short of personalized medical advice against it) or not wearing a mask makes one more perfect in God's eyes sure beats me.
What covid stupidity has reduced some "adults" to...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443576917773324301/

Scenes like this makes me want to root for a quick demise to this stupidity. You can interpret that anyway you like <cough> Darwin Awards. :unsure:

This type of thinking does not deserve success. A pox on your houses with a caveat… the arrogance of ignorance, you’d fling you mask away, happily breath deep, shouting your BS until individually you realize you are in deep shit medically, and then whimper like a baby crying to be saved. So sad, for the human species. Do us a favor and win you award. 👀
There's some truth though that mocking anti-vaxxers or even trying to educate as to the safety and success stats of getting vaccinated doesn't really work well for die-hard opponents.

What does have some success, apparently, is taking the tack that has been taken in the past by public health officials and doctors when people resist vaccination for measles, mumps, etc. It amounts to scaring them, but not with horror stories, just information on the potential undesirable health complications of a non-fatal case of those illnesses, e.g. a potential for sterility in the case of mumps infection So maybe media should focus more on some of the research still ongoing with respect to aftereffects of covid in the body, and including the dread "long covid" in which assorted functional deficits persist for long periods of time.
There's some truth though that mocking anti-vaxxers or even trying to educate as to the safety and success stats of getting vaccinated doesn't really work well for die-hard opponents.

What does have some success, apparently, is taking the tack that has been taken in the past by public health officials and doctors when people resist vaccination for measles, mumps, etc. It amounts to scaring them, but not with horror stories, just information on the potential undesirable health complications of a non-fatal case of those illnesses, e.g. a potential for sterility in the case of mumps infection So maybe media should focus more on some of the research still ongoing with respect to aftereffects of covid in the body, and including the dread "long covid" in which assorted functional deficits persist for long periods of time.
If education does not work, then really it’s a dead end along with some of them. Their eyes and ears are shut, where does that leave us in a pandemic? Let me think, businesses shut, hospital ICUs full. What we really needed was a pandemic with a 30%+ death rate, then maybe it would get though to STUPID and help the planet too. :unsure:
What covid stupidity has reduced some "adults" to...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443576917773324301/

I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to show up with a sign that says "Don't be a sheep. Slavery happened." My guess is that the cops would suddenly find a reason to shut things down, if not me personally. Because I'd wager good money that these are the same people that would shit their pants over a sign they don't agree.
I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to show up with a sign that says "Don't be a sheep. Slavery happened." My guess is that the cops would suddenly find a reason to shut things down, if not me personally. Because I'd wager good money that these are the same people that would shit their pants over a sign they don't agree.

Well here in northern Bible Belt, I can assure you that if there had been porch flags being flown during the Trump admin that spelled out "F Trump" in full view of the school bus routes, there would have been riots at the town council meetings if not some incidents of theft or outright vandalism just to get such flags gone the quick and easy way.

But when it's those "F Biden" flags being flown off porches, there's just talk of free speech from the right, and apparently zero recollection of past incidents where the same people tolerating such flags were complaining at town hall meetings about college students using profanity within the hearing of children in semi-public places like supermarkets or their parking lots.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1443688752489156611/

Soooooooo, if the doctors' had treated her husband with horse dewormer ( which may go against their training ) and her husband still passed away, she would NOT be trying to sue? :unsure:

“Real America’s Voice”??? What is ”real” America? Based on their Twitter feed, “real” America loves lip injections and worshipping Donald Trump and hates all liberals (aka socialists) and immigrants.