Democrats need to acknowledge and condemn antifa

Pretty much. They don't know what they want, but they are angry about things that they don't like.
Many years ago, I complained about an issue, and my mother said the thing that stuck with me. It is easy to point out the problem, but if you cannot formulate a viable approach to addressing it effectively, all you are doing is making noise.

(Those were not her exact words, but it is basically what she said.)
If these nut-bags losing their minds on day 1 of Biden’s administration are “Antifa” then I condemn it for its utter stupidity. At least give him a chance to do something before you criticize it.....
Pretty much. They don't know what they want, but they are angry about things that they don't like.

Trump is gone and his TrumpFan-approved replacement or doppelganger hasn't stepped up yet to take all the hits in social media and so on out into memes and posters and worse in real life rallies. In the meantime, thirsting for drama continues apace from those hooked on it over the past four years I guess.

... which reminds me, assorted drama seekers with guns are still around on the other side of the country from the West Coast attacks on Democratic Party headquarters, and apparently as stupid as ever. Some folks shot three bullets through the plate glass windows of the Dem's headquarters the other night in Norrisville in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

The perpetrators apparently didn't stop to think about the fact that across the street are the county courthouse and other county office buildings with full time camera surveillance. Oops. The FBI has been called in since the Ds' headquarters there had received threats of violence from an apparent Trump supporter prior to the incident. I guess now the Ds are taking it more seriously since the bullets hit office furniture and a box of papers. So they're gonna get their own surveillance cameras.

ANTIFA is trending today on Twitter.


At the end of the night, the march ended in a logistical anti-climax. No arrests were made at the Arlington Memorial Bridge, where the demonstration wound down, and D.C. police Lt. Jason Bagshaw told The Daily Beast that the cops, some in riot gear, were on the scene simply “waiting for people to leave.”

That is when it became clear that more than two dozen members of the white supremacist group could not leave, as they were apparently stranded. Members of the group had waited in a one-way roundabout to depart in one of the U-Hauls they had used to transport themselves for the rally. But the large rented moving van could not fit them all, so many of them were forced to wait in 45-degree darkness as the bulky orange vehicle made multiple trips over the course of nearly three hours.

As the group finally departed, one police officer yelled, “Whose shield is that?” after one white supremacist apparently left his plastic shield behind.

Because it seems when some "proud" Americans are up to some shit, when it doesn't go as planned it must have really been...


A false flag operation, the FBI, ...oh right... ANTIFA, and goodness knows who else instead.

If their shit works though... PATRIOTS!!
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ANTIFA is trending today on Twitter.


Because it seems when some "proud" Americans are up to some shit, when it doesn't go as planned it must have really been...


A false flag operation, the FBI, ...oh right... ANTIFA, and goodness knows who else instead.

If their shit works though... PATRIOTS!!
Is “patriot front” claiming that these people were actually Antifa?
Is “patriot front” claiming that these people were actually Antifa?

What was happening is that when this turned into a bad racist version of a Krusty the Clown skit, a few of the usuals like Dnesh & Ngo were leading the charge that this was somehow actually ANTIFA. That it was a false flag operation, or anything but racists looking like ass publicly. They are at the point that when they dress up as bad cosplay space troopers from Spaceballs, the public still clowns & cusses them out. I think this is why they need more 'r' politicians to advocate for more 'open carry'. Without guns most of the country still isn't going to fear these assholes without police or military backup. Collectively the country just isn't racist enough anymore for them to generate fear, so they are big advocates of minority rule. Provided of course they are the minority, which they have become. They tried really hard to make this anything but what it was... pathetic/. Which they successfully got it trending on Twitter until more articles about what really happened popped up.

If this march had not ended embarrassingly, the apologists wouldn't have popped up trying to bring ANTIFA back into the spotlight as a distraction.

It makes you realize that the most effective thing ANTIFA has done since before the George Floyd protests, is just to NOT do anything. It drives the racist right nuts, that their deflecting boogey man isn't around to cover for their shit.
… the charge that this was somehow actually ANTIFA. That it was a false flag operation …
Which is so utterly ironic, in that "antifa" itself is a false-flag boogeyman operation. You can tell just by typing www-dot-antifa-dot-com into your browser. "Antifa" simply does not exist, and no one on the Left expresses support for it, so there is no call for the Left to condemn it, other than as a RW phantasm.
It's gotten to the point where you're almost afraid to fly one yourself, lest other people think you're one of these traitors.

I stand by my assertion that the flag – any national flag – is a martial emblem. It is used on the field of battle to signify the allegiance of belligerent forces. In other words, faithfulness to the Flag is faithfulness to the nation's adventurism.

Given that America's adventurism is almost entirely on behalf of the country's industrial magnates – which is the fundamental nature of warfare to begin with – fealty to the flag represents fealty to big business and subjugation of those nations that fail to kowtow to American industrial might, one might well have reasonable reservations about respecting the Flag, even in the name of common decency.

When dirtbags use the Flag as a prop, to garner public support for their dirtbag cause, they should be duly called out and excoriated for their overall dirtbaggery. The Flag should never be allowed to be used for cover.

This kinda stuff frankly pisses me off--all these neo-Nazis waving American flags. It's gotten to the point where you're almost afraid to fly one yourself, lest other people think you're one of these traitors.

Since the GOP for a long time acted like only Republicans owned the right to wear flag pins or fly the American flag off their porch, you'd think they'd take exception to the flag-flaunting being done by white supremacists at demonstrations now.

It's tiresome that the Republicans just let it pass or change the subject... similarly to when anyone asks Kevin McCarthy why he doesn't bear down on the antics of the likes of GOP House members Boebert, MTG et al: McCarthy just says the question itself is a distraction and that Americans want to focus on "the real issues".
Since the GOP for a long time acted like only Republicans owned the right to wear flag pins or fly the American flag off their porch, you'd think they'd take exception to the flag-flaunting being done by white supremacists at demonstrations now.

It's tiresome that the Republicans just let it pass or change the subject... similarly to when anyone asks Kevin McCarthy why he doesn't bear down on the antics of the likes of GOP House members Boebert, MTG et al: McCarthy just says the question itself is a distraction and that Americans want to focus on "the real issues".
Some of those flags are upside down… I assume that is supposed to mean something.
Some more dumb f-kery. Watch brave men in their intentionally chosen khakis, armed with shields, scurry from teens armed with... cellphones.

Let's be perfectly clear what drives all this racism, -phobias, gun fetishes, gerry mandering, restricting the rights of others, etc... it's f- ing FEAR. The crowd that can puff up their chests & yell "F- your feelings" when they've won something, are the same crowd crying they need to be heard & coddled because they came in second the next time. A second place they rightfully earned because they showed they couldn't lead their way down a one way street with guard rails on both sides only as wide as themselves. That in charge they only thing they want to do is make sure they stay in charge, instead of actually leading. Making a mockery of their mocking term "participation awards". It's a fearful group who spent so much time on the top of the dog pile, made heinous measures to stay on top, and realize time & karma won't allow that to stand. So fear drives these shows of fake masculinity to hide how impotent every new day makes them feel, instead of just NOT being a dick and just live with everyone equally.
I was surprised to see this thread necrobumped. I was expecting it to be the announcement of an Antifa: Where Are They Now? VH1 episode.
I was surprised to see this thread necrobumped. I was expecting it to be the announcement of an Antifa: Where Are They Now? VH1 episode.
I only bumped it because of my reluctance to start new threads, if I can fit a post in an existing one. It was bizarre to see ANTIFA trending on Twitter when they've gone silent for so long, so I was curious to see what ANTIFA had done. Instead I was reading about shield carrying nazi Paul Blarts romping about thinking they would impress someone, then realize they couldn't get home because they couldn't find the Budget rental trucks they used to get there.

WTF does that have to do with ANTIFA I was wondering?

Only to find it was the likes of the pieces of crap like Dsouza & Ngo once again staying on brand, and deflecting for racists that given the chance would heap them on the pile with those that racists hate. Reminding me that since the George Floyd trial, the only time we hear about ANTIFA is from the far right that desperately NEED them to be a boogie man, and ANTIFA is instead acting like the pretty woman who can't be bothered with that asshole hitting on her. It's bizarre to think that the far right have done more to keep the concept of ANTIFA alive in minds, more than those who actually participated with ANTIFA.