Donald Trump 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement Nov. 15


Mama's lil stinker
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I think it is kind of a Catch-22 for the Dems. Indict him and be happy he is punished, leaving the door wide open for DeSantis. Or leave him alone and either 1) he wins the Nomination and gets beat by a Dem or 2) He runs as a 3rd Party and both he and DeSantis get beat by a Dem.
Or, and this is sort of crazy, if he broke the law indict him regardless because why TF should he be above it when the rest of us aren't?


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I think it is kind of a Catch-22 for the Dems. Indict him and be happy he is punished, leaving the door wide open for DeSantis. Or leave him alone and either 1) he wins the Nomination and gets beat by a Dem or 2) He runs as a 3rd Party and both he and DeSantis get beat by a Dem.
Unlike in the Trump administration it shouldn't be, and hopefully isn't, a political decision. It's a legal decision by the DOJ on the federal level and various district attorneys on the local level.

It's quite apparent that Trump has committed several serious crimes and every day that he is not indicted and is allowed to continue to spew his lies is a stain on the system of justice in the U.S. as it shows that some people are indeed above the law. His company is a criminal organization, he is accused of assault by several women, he tried to interfere with the vote in Georgia, he incited a violent attack on the Capitol and he stole highly classified documents and obstructed attempts to retrieve them. And yet there he is, still pushing his Big Lie and posting his unhinged nonsense on social media.


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Same reason Hillary or others aren't in prison. Laws are for the little people. :eek:
If you're referring to Hillary's emails, that's apples to oranges for what Trump has done. Hillary fully cooperated with the investigation, didn't attempt to obstruct justice and I think in the end a small number of emails were later classified as secret. She may have been careless but there was no intent and thus no charges were warranted. This is in stark contrast to Trump who knowingly stole documents marked top secret, sensitive compartmented information and obstructed attempts to retrieve them.


Mama's lil stinker
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If you're referring to Hillary's emails, that's apples to oranges for what Trump has done. Hillary fully cooperated with the investigation, didn't attempt to obstruct justice and I think in the end a small number of emails were later classified as secret. She may have been careless but there was no intent and thus no charges were warranted. This is in stark contrast to Trump who knowingly stole documents marked top secret, sensitive compartmented information and obstructed attempts to retrieve them.
Hillary's emails and Hunter's laptop, it's not much but all the really have. It's hard not to feel bad for them but it's also hard not to point and laugh at their pettiness and faux outrage.


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His company has been found guilty of tax fraud. Another notch in the criminal belt for fat Donny.

And this wasn't being penalized for flubbing some paperwork - this was a scheme to intentionally dodge liabilities.

A criminal court jury in New York on Tuesday found the Trump Organization guilty of all charges in a sweeping, 15-year tax fraud scheme that prosecutors said was orchestrated by top executives at the company.
Jurors deliberated for just over a day before returning the guilty verdicts.



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If Hillary should have went to jail, then you can’t defend Trump. It’s not even close to the same thing. Republicans have reverse-outrage syndrome.

Saying “we need gun control” is unconstitutional to republicans. Saying we should overrule and ignore the constitution outright, however, is not a problem. Getting a good job because of your last name is a moral bankruptcy. Getting a high-ranking administration role in the White House purely for the same reason is perfectly okay.

None of this shit makes any sense with even the slightest bit of rationality or thought. One of our sides has it backwards, we can’t be both wrong or both right. And no, “they’re all criminals” is a simpleton and cliche answer that isn’t true.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Might as well put Trump’s legal issues here.

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: 🙃 :sleep::coffee:o_O😵:rolleyes:🍿😜🍿😵‍💫🥴

Nice litany. The specific lead-in to the wrap with his pitch for Audible is a hoot.

So many legal woes Trump has piled up for himself by pretending there are no rules, yet he carries on like it's all somehow just a maliciously and wrongly issued ticket for double parking.

If he ever stops talking for ten minutes and really thinks about his realities going forward though,,,, wow.
He has exited his presidency, so has no pardon power and Joe's not gonna pardon him. He can't win re-election. He's meanwhile now definitely splitting the party whose 2024 nominee if elected could pardon him. He has watched Supreme Court justices he picked decline to signal they're his rubber stamps. Murdoch's rags have started putting news about him on page 26. Twitter reinstated him but his own social media platform will collapse if he goes back there and anyway Musk is getting reined in pretty hard as expected by online data regulators... and GOP officlals are finally starting to announce that they do not support his further candidacy under their banner. So what to do, what to do...

And yet. Perfectly possible the special prosecutor will decide it's not in the public interest to indict the guy for so much as a unpaid parking ticket, if there's one of those floating around in that pile of problems somewhere.

The USA is more polarized than it was when Jaworski was considering an indictment of Nixon after he had resigned, while facing certain impeachment and removal. But, Jerry Ford's rationale for pardoning the guy (although somewhat more focused on the unstable state of Nixon's mental health) did include concern that indicting Nixon even as a former prez was unprecedented, and might cause massive public unrest.

Still, when Ford went ahead and pardoned the guy after ensuring safeguarding of the "smoking gun" tapes and other presidential records, there was a massive public outcry over that, not solely from the left either. It surely cost the Rs the midterms that year and likely enabled Carter's win in 1976.

Indicting a former president of the USA is still an unprecedented option... although there was talk while Trump was in office that too much weight was still being given that infernal DoJ Office of Legal Counsel memo --from the Nixon era-- about the problems associated with indicting a sitting president.

That same memo should not carry weight in Trump's situation now, as he has left office. But there is a tradition of deference and respect for former presidents in the USA that casts a shadow over the idea that now Trump is "obviously" subject to rule of law as just a plain citizen. He is that, of course, but it would still be extraordinary to see a former president face criminal charges.

I have to hope that neither Jack Smith nor Merrick Garland would be intimidated by potential of "negative public reaction" to an indictment of Trump if the evidence will support it...

Meanwhile of course Trump has introduced a political component by declaring himself a candidate for 2024. And then dines with extremists and openly devalues the Constitution he was and would be sworn to uphold and defend. It's to weep, really. This guy belongs behind bars.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
It would be unprecedented to indict a former president but what Trump has done, and continues to do, is unprecedented. He should not have a green light to do whatever he wants. And if he gets away with it, any future ex-president will feel similarly entitled.

I hope someone managed to get Trump to read about what happened to the former prez of Peru when that guy was about to flip his country into a version of Trump's wet dream.



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I hope someone managed to get Trump to read about what happened to the former prez of Peru when that guy was about to flip his country into a version of Trump's wet dream.

There was the usual round table discussion a few backs on MSNBC about how the legal world is trying to figure out how to hold a former US President accountable. It was mentioned that it may be unprecedented in America, but not elsewhere.

I think as Trump’s legal problems mount, 2024 will rapidly approach and with him not being an unknown quantity like in 2016, his appeal will continue to slide and the DoJ and others will gain confidence that simply following the law and applying it equally to a former president won’t be the end of our country.

It’s hard to see Trump gaining momentum when he’s started off this poorly, but time will tell.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I think he is trying to gain momentum buy going as far right as far fringe as possible. when He has a dinner with QAnon and praises them he is falling down the crazy desperate slope.

And dining with a Nazi is guaranteed free media coverage. Press clippings are his equivalent to the mirror of Narcissus. As long as those clips of him are there when he looks, he looks great to himself, no matter what the spotlight on him was all about on any given occasion.

But the media are trapped sometimes. How can they responsibly not report something like that dinner and that tweet about the Constitution. The guy is running for President again and this is how he rolls now?

I'm all for printing news of Trump on page A29 up to a certain point, or just letting trolls tweet about him. I could not care less any more about some of his and the MAGAts' repetitious obsessions (election fraud, fake news media, her emails, witch hunt persecution, Hunter Biden's laptop).

However, when a candidate for the Presidency starts out on the high note of having dined with a Nazi and also volunteers that re regards the Constitution as an annoyance, well... I think that should be on page one of newspapers. Even if Trump delights in the coverage.

Every Republican official who ever rolled eyes and said "that's just Trump being Trump" should have to keep reading in mainstream newspapers about their darling's latest test of whether there's any limit to their support of this guy, who's either a complete wack job or a very dangerous politician, one who is about proving that if you're Donald Trump, you're not a criminal because you're Donald Trump.


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^Very true. Many argue you shouldn’t give Trump any time on the airwaves, but it’s not possible to not report the things he’s doing, much of it in public.


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Some excellent news. The noose is tightening around trump, as there is no other reason (AFAIK) for Jack Smith to subpoena Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

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