Donald Trump has told his supporters they should ‘lay down their very lives’ to stop Critical Race Theory being taught in US schools.

reminds me that i may still have a Tandy box upstairs and probably a monitor i used with it too. There's one walk-in closet upstairs with stuff in the back that I still haven't culled out.

Ah the days of innocence, when "Donald Trump" was some jerk in NYC who used to make what eventually became "Page Six" of the NY Post now and then, with his latest arm candy wife in tow.

Will never understand how we came to where we were in 2015-2016. It's like trying to figure out which butterfly was responsible for having launched some breeze that ended up as a Gulf hurricane. It's too easy to say it was a backlash against Obama, or even the natural culmination of years of both parties going down a self-serving path.

By time we could ever get enough perspective on Trump's weird appeal to authoritarian followers, this planet would have already have shrugged off the human species as ill suited to live on whatever was left of the place.

But those authoritarian followers have been and are a part of our ongoing problems, regardless of where the swarm of butterflies originated that brought us to the 2016 elections, and regardless of the fact that his GOP-affiliated political support is waning. There are others like Trump in the wings, and they may not be as charismatic but they're politically more savvy, and far less burdened by baggage like Trump's malleability, susceptibility to flattery and his vulnerability as a failed businessman.
We can be both amazed and disheartened when POSs, especially intellectually Inferior, poisionous, vile, immoral, corrupt and just plain stupid ignoramuses can rise to the top of political leadership because of what it says about a large portion of voting citizens. He represents a good many of us, at a minimum our selfish, self destructive desires that motivate many of us,
Hah, and meanwhile time-sharing via CompuServe... but there were always too many eyeballs looking over our shoulders as we patched COBOL or Fortran code, back when a lot of NYC investment firms leased lines and time at a hub of PDP-10s up in Connecticut.

So we had to wait for PCs and the advent of Zork for adventure gaming... and the start of computer gaming in general as a time waster off the job... one still wonders if the divorce rate jump was "somehow" related.
I remember paying by the minute to connect to Compuserve. It was in a Compuserve forum where I got my forum nickname. :)
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Hey, ShitGibbon: you start
For anyone like myself who wonders about the origins of this nickname:

In an article last Thursday I looked at the rise of the colorful Trumpian epithet shitgibbon. The word first hit it big last June when Donald Trump was called a “tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon”
Typical. Get the minions riled up to the point of killing each other - over something virtually nonexistent - while he golfs in Florida and buys a new private jet.

I’m constantly at a loss for how this shitbag manages to not be laughed out of any room he walks into, let alone worshipped.

But the reality is that people - especially racists and borderline racist people - will take him at face value and start attacking not just any attempt to teach more thorough and accurate history (which is what they’re calling “CRT), but practically ANY mentions of slavery, the atrocities faced by African and Asian Americans, etc. They will be dumber for it, and down the slope we will continue.

I could almost stomach all this racism and bigotry if their ringleader wasn’t such a dipshit.
I could almost stomach all this racism and bigotry if their ringleader wasn’t such a dipshit.

One problem is that the Trump-hijacked GOP (and some of their adherents) believe he has made white supremacy a legitimate American aspiration.

For the followers, he's a Pied Piper. For the party, he's still apparently viewed as someone who can keep a certain segment of the electorate in tow and get them to show up at the polls.

The biggest problem, however, is that Trump's not unique (despite his view of himself). There are and will be plenty potential successor white supremacist "leaders" in the wings, now that he has made that outlook "respectable" enough for the likes of Stephen Miller to have served in the White House itself as policy makers.

The wannabe successors to Donald Trump are younger, with better political savvy and electoral credentials, and far less Trumpian baggage (like his out-of-control narcissism, dubious finances, inability to focus or take direction on party goals etc).

We can't safely assume the country and constitution are out of the danger zone just because Trump was defeated in 2020, and just because his and the GOP's attempt to overturn Biden's election failed.

That much has become clear from some of the draconian voter suppression laws going up in some state legislatures now, just to see if they'll pass muster in a Supreme Court and federal judiciary that Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have attempted to reshape to their liking for the next 30 or 40 years.

Biden can do and has already done much to restore some balance on federal bench picks, but the high court has become a serious threat to American inclusivity... and the hyperpartisan litmus tests for "confirmable" SCOTUS picks didn't start with the ascension of Donald Trump to the White House, either. It's a reflection of intentionally divisive tactics used by both major parties over the past 50 years, and those tactics have created an American house that's not only divided but on most days seems hell bent solely on "winning".

The media pick up on that and exacerbate it by focusing on the horse race rather than on policy, on the controversy between parties rather than on questions of "what does the USA need to do next?" and as a result ordinary citizens are all the poorer (and more ignorant) even while business as usual goes on in Washington DC and the state capitols all over the country.

We're never going to get back to making progress in the USA unless we call out the media for being led around by hyperpartisanship and a focus on "so much winning" in the halls of Congress and those provincial capitol buildings. Where they are led, so we all end up going: down the tubes, one ad-click and eyeball capture at a time.

In the meanwhile, white supremacists figure to make hay on what Donald Trump brought to the table: their legitimacy. THAT is what American media, American politicians, American citizens need to put sunlight on, not let fester while the air is filled with ignorant outrage over "teaching CRT".
One problem is that the Trump-hijacked GOP (and some of their adherents) believe he has made white supremacy a legitimate American aspiration.

For the followers, he's a Pied Piper. For the party, he's still apparently viewed as someone who can keep a certain segment of the electorate in tow and get them to show up at the polls.

The biggest problem, however, is that Trump's not unique (despite his view of himself). There are and will be plenty potential successor white supremacist "leaders" in the wings, now that he has made that outlook "respectable" enough for the likes of Stephen Miller to have served in the White House itself as policy makers.

The wannabe successors to Donald Trump are younger, with better political savvy and electoral credentials, and far less Trumpian baggage (like his out-of-control narcissism, dubious finances, inability to focus or take direction on party goals etc).

We can't safely assume the country and constitution are out of the danger zone just because Trump was defeated in 2020, and just because his and the GOP's attempt to overturn Biden's election failed.

That much has become clear from some of the draconian voter suppression laws going up in some state legislatures now, just to see if they'll pass muster in a Supreme Court and federal judiciary that Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have attempted to reshape to their liking for the next 30 or 40 years.

Biden can do and has already done much to restore some balance on federal bench picks, but the high court has become a serious threat to American inclusivity... and the hyperpartisan litmus tests for "confirmable" SCOTUS picks didn't start with the ascension of Donald Trump to the White House, either. It's a reflection of intentionally divisive tactics used by both major parties over the past 50 years, and those tactics have created an American house that's not only divided but on most days seems hell bent solely on "winning".

The media pick up on that and exacerbate it by focusing on the horse race rather than on policy, on the controversy between parties rather than on questions of "what does the USA need to do next?" and as a result ordinary citizens are all the poorer (and more ignorant) even while business as usual goes on in Washington DC and the state capitols all over the country.

We're never going to get back to making progress in the USA unless we call out the media for being led around by hyperpartisanship and a focus on "so much winning" in the halls of Congress and those provincial capitol buildings. Where they are led, so we all end up going: down the tubes, one ad-click and eyeball capture at a time.

In the meanwhile, white supremacists figure to make hay on what Donald Trump brought to the table: their legitimacy. THAT is what American media, American politicians, American citizens need to put sunlight on, not let fester while the air is filled with ignorant outrage over "teaching CRT".
We can't safely assume the country and constitution are out of the danger zone just because Trump was defeated in 2020, and just because his and the GOP's attempt to overturn Biden's election failed.

This. The forces that elected Donald Trump are still sliming their way through our sewers trying to redefine patriotism as white supremecy, but it’s just not that, and maybe the sheep are too STUPID, but to get their way, they are willing to embrace corruption, lose of morality and just about every standard the Nation’s Forefathers used as cornerstones to create this Nation. In a nutshell, it’s cheat to get what I want. And Right Wing Christians are right in the middle of it. Evangelicals for Trump and/or what he stands for is downright puke worthy.