Elon Musk says he plans to lift Donald Trump’s Twitter ban: ‘It was a morally bad decision’

How smart can lane keep and traffic aware cruise control get before the government needs to step in and regulate it?
Very good question. We have strict regulations when it comes to many aspects of motor vehicles. But basically nothing when it comes to the idea of ”robot” drivers.
There should be federal testing that manufacturers need to pass if they want to include such tech in a car.

It is like we went from slightly smart cruise control to complete self driving systems without pausing to determine the needs for some type of testing standardization and governance, etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't like excessive oversight that stifles creativity and innovation, but if it there are safety implications, then yes.
It is like we went from slightly smart cruise control to complete self driving systems without pausing to determine the needs for some type of testing standardization and governance, etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't like excessive oversight that stifles creativity and innovation, but if it there are safety implications, then yes.

Company 1: I want to make a new car seat.
Government: You need to comply with these hundreds of pages of regulations first.

Company 2: I built a machine that lets a TI-88 calculator drive a car by itself.
Government: No problem! Oh, but if it crashes, you have to tell us. Have fun!


Wow, talk about blowing it for your investors. :oops:

Tesla stock fell as much as 6% to $631, pushing the stock down more than 48% from its all-time high in November and wiping over $30 billion from Tesla's market capitalization, which has fallen to $660 billion from a peak of more than $1.2 trillion.

Tesla Stock Losses Top $575 Billion As 'Investor Patience Wears Thin' With Elon Musk's Twitter ‘Circus Show’​

Just for clarification

The incident happened in 2016.

The settlement was 2018.

As for why you (?) hadn't heard any rumors of this, it's because as with almost anything involving Musk the severance came with a powerful NDA. Just as his first wife about those. It was a friend who released the information, who isn't a party to the NDA. As far as the timing, one should obviously question, but it does come on the heels of another woman filed suit last year against the company for sexual harassment. The friend of the woman who got the severance claimed she did it for other survivors of such encounters. As with such things you probably know they are never revealed at the time, but tend to build like water in a damn. At some point these things get out, and it's rarely just one incident. It's when victims feel empowered to band together against something powerful, we finally hear more stories.

The timing is I am sure as coincidental though as Musk's sudden pivot to be a republican, while claiming to an advocate for free speech while slapping NDA's & hiring private investigators to smear someone on Twitter.
Sorry, meant to respond to this earlier.

Regarding the claim last year, my understanding that was against the company, not Musk personally? Aka Musk was not the one accused for committing sexual harassment.

Just because Tesla or any other company is being sued over sexual harassment does not mean he’s a predator. Most giant companies have such suits- just google any company- Apple, Ford, Goldman Sachs, CVS, LL Bean, McDonalds, John Deere, etc. If the allegations are true, it certainly does not reflect well on him as a leader. Tesla allegedly handles most HR problems quite poorly whether it be racism, working conditions, factory safety, etc. Let’s not forget Musk refused to shut down production of Tesla during the pandemic, against state law. I think he’s made quite clear the business and production rate is far more important than the people.

Harvey Weinstein had many NDA’s yet everyone in Hollywood apparently knew his MO as an open secret. Same story with Bill Cosby and R. Kelly and Larry Nassar (via USA Gymnastics, etc). These powerful men who abuse women often have a clear pattern of behavior. The more NDAs, the more likely people will know who aren’t supposed to.

I will also say I don’t even think NDAs should be allowed to cover up sexual harassment and definitely not cases of sexual assault as all too often they are used to conceal a pattern of heinous behavior. If the parties want to settle quietly out of court for harassment, fine, but it shouldn’t involve an NDA- or at least be up to the victim if they wish to remain anonymous. If there’s a crime involved, that’s for the criminal Justice system to handle first.

One of Musk’s tweets, I believe the first or one of the first, said “there’s more to the story” which is an interesting comment to make. It’s not exactly an outright denial. Not quite sure what that means.

The fact he tweeted about joining the GOP and to expect bad press is awfully convenient for him when hours before he was contacted for comment on the original article. Especially after the left wing media had already turned on him.

But it is interesting if this release was, as you suggested, politically motivated (I would assume relevant to the twitter takeover given the now known timing). The friend barrier the story for years while many people on the left fawned over him but as soon as Musk is seen as an bad guy for his political views, then the story gets released. I don’t know about you but I don’t think things should work that way.

On the other hand, $250,000 doesn’t seem like a lot of money for someone being inappropriately propositioned, exposed to, and retaliated against. Especially when you’re seeking restitution one of the richest and most high profile men and companies on earth. Women have received tens of millions for sexual harassment without physical abuse- granted typically with extended terms of harassment and in some cases higher profile jobs, but in most cases their bosses are not Elon Musk-level notoriety and they are not exposing themselves.

Another thing I find interesting situation is that this sorry was leaked to Insider of all outlets. It just seems like a rather low-on-the-totem pole kind of choice. Not exactly WaPo or NYT- or did they not want to publish a story based on such loose grounds.

Part of the problem here is that we’re getting the story from a third hand source reporting on a second hand source (who won’t ever answer questions herself) who allegedly knows the details of the NDA-bound victims claimed experience. So there’s really no way to even verify with the victim the accuracy of the reporting or hear her side of the story directly and not on the 6 year old recollection of someone else. If Musk really wants to battle this, release the alleged victim from her NDA and let her prove her side of the story and Musk his. Obviously he won’t do that.

I suspect no one disagrees they were on the plane and she gave him a massage. I suspect there is little-no evidence to support whatever his side of the story is and likewise little to support her. My question is who else was on this plane besides the pilots?

Is it possible Musk propositioned her for sex in exchange for a hose and flashed her? While I wouldn’t say it’s consistent with his public persona, it’s certainly a possibility. The rest of the story sounds like exactly what Musk would do to someone making allegations.

Just out of legal curiosity, if the friend was aware of the situation was this known to SpaceX at the time? If so why didn’t the lawyers pay her off too? Or did they not even ask? Or do they assume a second hand account would have no credibility? Seems like an obvious loose end to tie up when talking about an NDA for a situation that already occurred.

And can we just pause for a moment and just ponder why all these billionaires propositioning random people to become massage therapists? Seems like you’d want to find the good massage therapist and then suggest she become your flight attendant too. It takes a lot longer to train as a message therapist than a flight attendant.

I’m also curious to know the logistics of getting a massage on a Gulfstream G650. It’s one of the bigger planes as far as business jets and you can walk down the center standing up straight, but there’s not exactly a lot of space for a massage table let alone walking around it without banging into furniture and sides of the ceiling.
And there is that pesky lack of a magnetic field that protects us Earth dwellers from solar radiation.

Yes, I mentioned the radiation earlier. The radiation on the trip is actually the bigger issue. Once you get to mars the lack of oxygen on the surface is probably the bigger problem than the radiation, especially considering you could live in underground shelters to shield yourself.

You’re bringing me back to my days have having to study nuclear medicine. Not one my favorite topics.

Generally on earth normal people are exposed to an average of 6.2 millisieverts per year (half environmental, half manmade). The two most common workplace guidelines in the world are if you are invoked with radioactive materials, you’re generally allowed allowed 20msv per year (5msv if pregnant) or up to 50msv per year but no more than 100msv over 5 years. It’s a common suggestion not to exceed 400msv exposure in a lifetime.

I suppose this assumes no shielding on the spaceship, which are technologies being worked on. One of the less feasible sounding options is essentially creating a synthetic magnetosphere around the spaceship.

If the surface of mars is 40-50msv/year. That won’t kill you… at least not quickly, but it probably won’t be good for your longterm. But if you compare that to the trip through space that according to one study would expose interplanetary travelers to 1.75 to 3.0msv per day meaning 450-800msv each way or 900-1600msv round trip- assuming it takes 259 days each way (though it could take much longer depending when you leave and how fast you travel). 800msv in 259 days is a lot.

To put things in perspective, If you receive a dose of about 100msv in a year your chance of cancer increases. 1 sievert (1000msv) in year your risk of developing fatal cancer in the future increases vs the normal population. By comparison 1sv in an acute dose will cause acute radiation poisoning- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhaging, but should not kill you. 5sv is the acute lethal dose for 50% of people with 30 days. A dental X-ray is 0.01msv, a ct scan is 15msv.

So generally you can handle fairly high doses over a long course of time, but eventually it might catch up with you (or probably your children- that’s a whole can of worms there as rapidly diving cells are particularly sensatve to mutation from radiation ). Not exactly an ideal situation for building a new civilization.
Sorry, meant to respond to this earlier.

Regarding the claim last year, my understanding that was against the company, not Musk personally? Aka Musk was not the one accused for committing sexual harassment.
Just for clarification of the clarification.

I don't believe I said Musk was sued. Which actually isn't relevant. I did say anything involving Musk comes with a powerful NDA. What is relevant is that the woman took her complaint to Space X HR. The company went to a mediator ( which we know is in the company's favor ), and they signed her to the 250K severance agreement that included the NDA about Musk, Space X, and the payment. Which is why it was her friend who disclosed what happened, who was the friend that was told shortly after the incident with Musk what happened. Musk of course has had a few different denials, that didn't make him sound so great.

The rest of this, I have no idea. I know I didn't say anything about being a predator or whatever.
Just because Tesla or any other company is being sued over sexual harassment does not mean he’s a predator. Most giant companies have such suits- just google any company- Apple, Ford, Goldman Sachs, CVS, LL Bean, McDonalds, John Deere, etc. If the allegations are true, it certainly does not reflect well on him as a leader. Tesla allegedly handles most HR problems quite poorly whether it be racism, working conditions, factory safety, etc. Let’s not forget Musk refused to shut down production of Tesla during the pandemic, against state law. I think he’s made quite clear the business and production rate is far more important than the people.

Harvey Weinstein had many NDA’s yet everyone in Hollywood apparently knew his MO as an open secret. Same story with Bill Cosby and R. Kelly and Larry Nassar (via USA Gymnastics, etc). These powerful men who abuse women often have a clear pattern of behavior. The more NDAs, the more likely people will know who aren’t supposed to.

I will also say I don’t even think NDAs should be allowed to cover up sexual harassment and definitely not cases of sexual assault as all too often they are used to conceal a pattern of heinous behavior. If the parties want to settle quietly out of court for harassment, fine, but it shouldn’t involve an NDA- or at least be up to the victim if they wish to remain anonymous. If there’s a crime involved, that’s for the criminal Justice system to handle first.

One of Musk’s tweets, I believe the first or one of the first, said “there’s more to the story” which is an interesting comment to make. It’s not exactly an outright denial. Not quite sure what that means.

The fact he tweeted about joining the GOP and to expect bad press is awfully convenient for him when hours before he was contacted for comment on the original article. Especially after the left wing media had already turned on him.

But it is interesting if this release was, as you suggested, politically motivated (I would assume relevant to the twitter takeover given the now known timing). The friend barrier the story for years while many people on the left fawned over him but as soon as Musk is seen as an bad guy for his political views, then the story gets released. I don’t know about you but I don’t think things should work that way.

On the other hand, $250,000 doesn’t seem like a lot of money for someone being inappropriately propositioned, exposed to, and retaliated against. Especially when you’re seeking restitution one of the richest and most high profile men and companies on earth. Women have received tens of millions for sexual harassment without physical abuse- granted typically with extended terms of harassment and in some cases higher profile jobs, but in most cases their bosses are not Elon Musk-level notoriety and they are not exposing themselves.

Another thing I find interesting situation is that this sorry was leaked to Insider of all outlets. It just seems like a rather low-on-the-totem pole kind of choice. Not exactly WaPo or NYT- or did they not want to publish a story based on such loose grounds.

Part of the problem here is that we’re getting the story from a third hand source reporting on a second hand source (who won’t ever answer questions herself) who allegedly knows the details of the NDA-bound victims claimed experience. So there’s really no way to even verify with the victim the accuracy of the reporting or hear her side of the story directly and not on the 6 year old recollection of someone else. If Musk really wants to battle this, release the alleged victim from her NDA and let her prove her side of the story and Musk his. Obviously he won’t do that.

I suspect no one disagrees they were on the plane and she gave him a massage. I suspect there is little-no evidence to support whatever his side of the story is and likewise little to support her. My question is who else was on this plane besides the pilots?

Is it possible Musk propositioned her for sex in exchange for a hose and flashed her? While I wouldn’t say it’s consistent with his public persona, it’s certainly a possibility. The rest of the story sounds like exactly what Musk would do to someone making allegations.

Just out of legal curiosity, if the friend was aware of the situation was this known to SpaceX at the time? If so why didn’t the lawyers pay her off too? Or did they not even ask? Or do they assume a second hand account would have no credibility? Seems like an obvious loose end to tie up when talking about an NDA for a situation that already occurred.

And can we just pause for a moment and just ponder why all these billionaires propositioning random people to become massage therapists? Seems like you’d want to find the good massage therapist and then suggest she become your flight attendant too. It takes a lot longer to train as a message therapist than a flight attendant.

I’m also curious to know the logistics of getting a massage on a Gulfstream G650. It’s one of the bigger planes as far as business jets and you can walk down the center standing up straight, but there’s not exactly a lot of space for a massage table let alone walking around it without banging into furniture and sides of the ceiling.

1. The friend was someone who backed up the attendant's claims & was on record. I don't believe lawyers per se were involved, just the mediators, so it wouldn't make sense for them to "pay off" the friend as well.

2. The masseuse thing was an actual thing with Space X, who had encouraged the attendant to get a license to do such.

3. No clue.

Now, what I DID say was referring to the comment about "timing".

The other suspicious element is the timing. The alleged incident occurred in 2018. Why not leak the story when he was in trouble with the SEC or when won Time’s person of the year in 2021?

Which I referred to as it happening because Musk decided to throw himself into the spotlight. Once one person decides to speak out, others may feel empowered.

My actual ultimate point to tie back to early comments is that in Musk's seeming to desire to continue to troll, he may have ultimately ended up trolling himself. Starting from his chosen price that was a marijuana reference that added unnecessary extra monies to his offer, to making the offer BEFORE Twitter's earnings were released / so Twitter's shareholder's of course jumped at the offer, to how the money was raised earning him the title of most leveraged, to the allegations & scandals that arose that have made him since pivot to becoming a republican.

All of this costing Musk & Tesla to lose billions all because Musk wanted to pretend to be a champion of free speech, while demonstrating he doesn't have a clue of what free speech is. Only to then begin seemingly backing out of the deal, to the humor of many.
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Elon Musk.. I don’t know what his true political leanings are, and I don’t care. But many wealthy white guys have learned there’s a lucrative gig available if you spew a little racism and try to “own the libs”. Trump, Dr. Oz, JD Vance, now Musk.

Declaring himself a conservative is a brilliant business strategy. Because now no matter what happens, he can blame it on the left. The left attacked him, the left plotted to set him up, etc.

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