FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Chew Toy McCoy

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Judge Cannon is going to have her career defined by this case, and its not going to be a good character portrait - personally or professionally. I don't know this woman, and while there's a strong suspicion she did this as a favor (her arguments - or lack of - are indicative of that), its also possible she's just an unqualified republican judge who thought a special master may be a good compromise for transparency and oversight in such a high-profile case. However, all the circumstances around this make me doubt that.

I hope she has thought a lot about this and comes to a better decision. I'm not sure if she can reverse course or if this will automatically be bumped up to appeals court, but if the DoJ appeals and wins, it will be a really bad blemish on her career, and she's just gotten started.

As for these documents, this is almost certainly similar to the Jan. 6 scheme, in that its going to sweep a lot of people up into the storm. His lawyers on this case are already in jeopardy of being witnesses, if not criminal liability. And Trump most certainly did not get these documents home by himself. Even if he had destroyed the infrastructure in place that was meant to keep track of these documents, he clearly had help in both getting them to his club and concealing them from the archives and DoJ.

It's very early into the public knowledge of this case, but each nugget that comes out makes Trump and those around him look worse and worse.

I think it’s apparent by now that when Trump says “best people” he means “completely unqualified and/or has complete disdain for what I put them in charge of but will use the position to do whatever I tell them to.”

Runs For Fun

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Judge Cannon is going to have her career defined by this case, and its not going to be a good character portrait - personally or professionally. I don't know this woman, and while there's a strong suspicion she did this as a favor (her arguments - or lack of - are indicative of that), its also possible she's just an unqualified republican judge who thought a special master may be a good compromise for transparency and oversight in such a high-profile case. However, all the circumstances around this make me doubt that.

I hope she has thought a lot about this and comes to a better decision. I'm not sure if she can reverse course or if this will automatically be bumped up to appeals court, but if the DoJ appeals and wins, it will be a really bad blemish on her career, and she's just gotten started.

As for these documents, this is almost certainly similar to the Jan. 6 scheme, in that its going to sweep a lot of people up into the storm. His lawyers on this case are already in jeopardy of being witnesses, if not criminal liability. And Trump most certainly did not get these documents home by himself. Even if he had destroyed the infrastructure in place that was meant to keep track of these documents, he clearly had help in both getting them to his club and concealing them from the archives and DoJ.

It's very early into the public knowledge of this case, but each nugget that comes out makes Trump and those around him look worse and worse.
Her ruling on this was just so bad I can only hope it ruins her career.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Her ruling on this was just so bad I can only hope it ruins her career.

Article III §1
The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation

She really does not have to fret about her "career" as she is basically set for life.


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More than a dozen Trump cronies were subpoenaed this week, including doofus Stephen Miller. It’s related to the DoJ’s investigation into January 6. I wonder if these two cases will end up converging, like a two-act conviction saga,

They really ought to make a parody of these events modeled on The Godfather. They can call it “The Confather”.

But I hope the best is yet to come with everyone in this crime syndicate held accountable.


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More than a dozen Trump cronies were subpoenaed this week, including doofus Stephen Miller. It’s related to the DoJ’s investigation into January 6. I wonder if these two cases will end up converging, like a two-act conviction saga,

They really ought to make a parody of these events modeled on The Godfather. They can call it “The Confather”.

But I hope the best is yet to come with everyone in this crime syndicate held accountable.

Wowzers... Stephen Miller. There's a name I haven't heard in awhile - had forgotten about him. Wonder what the DOJ wants to ask him, and if he had a role in Jan6th?

Runs For Fun

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Not sure if this is related to the topic but this seems to be a breaking story. Stay tuned


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Not sure if this is related to the topic but this seems to be a breaking story. Stay tuned
Doubt Mango and his MAGAts would quietly participate in an indictment appearance. If it gets to that, they'll be loud, obnoxious and threatening. They'll make a spectacle of it. And I'm sure it'll leak to get the maximum exposure for the theatrics of an indictment.


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Maybe Trump is returning documents that he didn't take, that belonged to him, that the FBI planted, that he declassified, that he would have returned if they only asked and that he used to work from home because, as people like the My Pillow guy keep telling him, the 2020 election was rigged and he really won.


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Maybe Trump is returning documents that he didn't take, that belonged to him, that the FBI planted, that he declassified, that he would have returned if they only asked and that he used to work from home because, as people like the My Pillow guy keep telling him, the 2020 election was rigged and he really won.

Yeah, that's it!


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Lots of dissecting team-Trump's argument as to why the government should have a special master reviewing the government documents seized at Mar-A-Lago... notice how they hint the docs may be declassified (not that it would matter much), but never come right out and say so, because doing so would be lying to the court if they are not.

They know Trump didn't declassify these documents, so at best they're trying to hint and insinuate that he had the magic ability to wave his hand and retroactively declassify materials. They're trying to play both sides here and hope for the best.



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Catskill Mountains
Doubt Mango and his MAGAts would quietly participate in an indictment appearance. If it gets to that, they'll be loud, obnoxious and threatening. They'll make a spectacle of it. And I'm sure it'll leak to get the maximum exposure for the theatrics of an indictment.

Well if it's a sealed indictment with a gag order, Trump or other indicted individuals can't very well give interviews or post on social media about it.

As for pending subpoenas, apparently Trump gathered with some advisors, lawyers and possibly some subpoenaed individuals for a non-golfing afternoon on his Virginia golfing property... From the body language in some photos floating around Twitter, didn't look like everyone was necessarily on board with whatever Trump was proposing. Imagine that.


At this point, with everyone sane having lawyered up, Trump might not be "da boss" to extent he'd like to think, at least when it comes to crossing legal lines. People who used to work for him or still work for him should be careful. Time to look out for themselves and let Trump do the same.


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Not a good sign…

I just zoomed in on one of Trump’s golfing buddies…

I’m waiting for the surveillance plane to run out of gas and land on the fairway.



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The Justice Department has accepted one of the Trump team’s picks for special master…

I thought they were appealing, is that off the table now or is this something they're doing in parallel?
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