Congrats! This is the biggest horseshit I've read on this forum to date. If it were up to guys like you, we'd still be smoking and lead would still be added to gasoline. And you're telling Greta why she's skipping school. Just wow.Fighting global warming costs money which most of these kids have no clue about. Every dollar needs to be evaluated if it's worth spending on something in nature. Nobody has proven that without man's involvement that the world wouldn't still continue to warm. We warmed after the last ice age and might be doing the same thing nowadays. I'm not convinced it's worth the effort unless I know the cost. The next climate scientist who shakes their research as proof I say: follow the money. These folk need to live on research grants into their topic so need this to be seen as a human crisis.
FWIW, where I live in snowy country we will get less snow and more rain during the summer. I am OK with that and I also don't live in a flood plane, live in a place with plenty of water, and live well above sea level. Life is about choices and if you want to live in Phoenix then don't complain about global warming. You live in a desert for goodness sakes.