Grumpy Greta: blah blah blah

She's here for everyone's mad feelings
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450356792391835650/
This thread made me think of something that was pointed out in an episode of Citations Needed. They were talking about teen football players taking a knee, but the point stands: teenagers are always accused of being apathetic, but when they do speak out, they're told to shut up and fall in line. It's almost like the only thing worse than being apathetic is actually doing something.
No, the only thing worse than being apathetic is doing the sort of something that shows them (that is - their arrogance, greed, amoral worldview, smugness and monstrous double standards) up.
No, the only thing worse than being apathetic is doing the sort of something that shows them (that is - their arrogance, greed, amoral worldview, smugness and monstrous double standards) up.
Old schmucks will keep on whinging, no matter what. "This is what happens when you live in a teenage girl's fantasy." This was a Tweet I've seen from Jordan Peterson, a so called psychologist, attached to an article headline blaming climate alarmism to hurt regular people. This really triggered some introspection in me because this gave me an unusually strong feeling of repulsion. Grown-ass men explicitly attacking an explicit teen is punching down to discredit a concept without having to argue about the underlying facts. This is a form of self-emasculation and I wish these men knew how incredibly weak they appear when they do this.
Old schmucks will keep on whinging, no matter what. "This is what happens when you live in a teenage girl's fantasy." This was a Tweet I've seen from Jordan Peterson, a so called psychologist, attached to an article headline blaming climate alarmism to hurt regular people. This really triggered some introspection in me because this gave me an unusually strong feeling of repulsion. Grown-ass men explicitly attacking an explicit teen is punching down to discredit a concept without having to argue about the underlying facts. This is a form of self-emasculation and I wish these men knew how incredibly weak they appear when they do this.
Well, Jordan Perterson - a sort of guru for modern misogyny and philosopher for incels - is not someone I would regard as a credible source when writing about any woman, least of all, an articulate, impressive, informed, driven, young person, such as Greta Thunberg.
Well, Jordan Perterson - a sort of guru for modern misogyny and philosopher for incels - is not someone I would regard as a credible source when writing about any woman, least of all, an articulate, impressive, informed, driven, young person, such as Greta Thunberg.
He's also not very good at psychology... Vice featured snippets from one of his lectures (w/o commentary) many years ago and he was saying that makeup like blush or lipstick is to mimic sexual arousal to grab mens attention. They both imply fertility (enlargement of capillaries in response to estrogen), but not arousal per se. I wonder if he mentioned that suites and ties are designed so men can hide their abdominal fat, their double chins and look more masculine through the shoulder padding... So yeah, his knowledge base is definitely not very impressive.
Well now. Some guy named Andrew Tate taunted Greta with how much pollution he was putting out from his 33 awesome cars. She responded with "her" e-mail address, He responded with a huge self-pwn thanking her for admitting she has such a small dick. including an image of him puffing on a cigar to celebrate his wittiness.

In the image, there was a pizza box that Romanian police were able to use as confirmation that he was in town and raided his villa, taking him in on human-trafficking charges.

Some day, her enemies will learn not to F with her and find out.
Well now. Some guy named Andrew Tate taunted Greta with how much pollution he was putting out from his 33 awesome cars. She responded with "her" e-mail address, He responded with a huge self-pwn thanking her for admitting she has such a small dick. including an image of him puffing on a cigar to celebrate his wittiness.

In the image, there was a pizza box that Romanian police were able to use as confirmation that he was in town and raided his villa, taking him in on human-trafficking charges.

Some day, her enemies will learn not to F with her and find out.

I know little of Andrew Tate, I only became aware of him after he was in the news for being kicked off many social media sites. From the little I’ve seen and read about him, he does seem like a quintessential d-bag. I think his tweets w/Greta make that quite apparent. I commend her wit.

There does appear to be a crisis of loneliness, underperformance, and despair among a growing number of young men, which is a recognized problem in the psych community… but turning to a snake oil salesman promoting misogyny and materialism is obviously not the answer.

As for how authorities were able to catch Tate, we’ll have to see. I’m not fully versed in his history, but I know he has been on their radar for quite some time. The reports claim he was arrested at his and his brother’s “luxury villa”, so I would imagine that means the police were at least somewhat aware of his location. There’s probably not a lot of Bugattis driving around in Romania either. They apparently raided his house previously in April. Greta’s followers locating him based off the pizza box is a nice story but probably is a bit of a stretch.

At the very least, its a great example of karma in action.

I don’t know the full details of the alleged abuse of what evidence exists, but all I can say is if he’s guilty, I hope they throw the book at him. Rape and sex trafficking are the most horrific of crimes. The ideology he impresses upon his young male followers is pretty sick too- not to mention he’s only doing it for financial gain.
Murdered by Greta…


Tweet link
This is Tainte's tweet, in which the boxes from Jerry's Pizza arrive in the middle of it. Romanian authorities (not fans of Greta) had their eye on him and this confirmed his location. He shot off his own thingie.

The police deny the pizza box had any involvement in tracking him. Again, it’s a funny story and certainly makes good headlines, but reportedly is not the case.

It does sound like however his numerous social media posts were used to verify his presence in the country, just not specifically the pizza box… the irony probably being at least some of these posts were him boasting about his wealth.


I’m curious how the law works in Romania- I don’t think the claims he has been “arrested” are actually accurate, at least as we understand arrests in American law. It appears he was detained for 24hrs, which has now been extended to 30 days while the authorities investigate the claims of rape and sex trafficking. So I assume this means he technically has not yet been charged with a crime.

Now that this loser and his alleged coconspirators are detained, it will be interesting to see if more victims come forwards. As you can imagine with sex crimes, victims don’t always want to come forward. The police demonstrating they have a promising case against him will hopefully draw out more victims and more evidence- hopefully leading the justice these women deserve if the allegations are indeed true. I tend prefer to see where things go before making judgements, but given his track record, bizarre/radical ideology, and apparent narcissistic and antisocial personality traits (with his ego only inflated further by his following and wealth), such crimes would not be surprising.