Guns are still America’s religion

Also just noticed that every article on the front page of the Onion is the same except each one is about a different mass shooting.
Imagine the lives that could've been saved if Republicans were this passionate about preventing 18 year olds from buying assault weapons without question.


Bravo, Beto!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529519488391069697/
What a horrific event. I had hoped Sandy Hook would be a once in a lifetime event but here we are again with an someone who is technically an adult massacring a large number of young children. You can’t get much worse than that.

I will reiterate my point from the last major mass shooting, why do we allow 18 year olds to buy guns, especially AR-15 style assault rifles. The age really should be at least 21, preferably 24. It wouldn’t prevent all of the problems, but would likely cut down the problems.

I know we’re still unraveling the events and precise timeline but I’m a bit concerned about how this all happened. It sounds like the police were chasing him, allowed him to flee onto school property, he somehow managed to get into the building, lock himself in a room, take out essentially a class full of children, and wasn’t killed until the backup came- which ended up being a Border Patrol agent. I commend the reportedly off-duty BP agent who killed the perpatrator, evidently being wounded in the process. I’m amazed that that the lines of communication exist for the BP to respond so efficiently to something outside their normal purview (like a school shooting), that’s excellent to see. But my question is where were police that apparently were either literally chasing the tail or chasing moments behind the gunman?

My condolences go out to those affected by this atrocity. Their lives will never be the same, especially the victims classmates and teachers- who are also victims in this. But I think we should also recognize the first responders who had to deal with what I can only imagine to be a crime scene no one should ever have to see.

I’ve worked with a Sandy Hook first responder (they were a patient at the psych hospital I work at) and I can’t even begin to describe the trauma they have been through. Just hearing about the aftermath they experienced was traumatic for me and the other providers on the treatment team. First responders see awful things routinely, but I don’t think anything can prepare a person for a classroom full of massacred children. What they dealt with is an unimaginably horrific thing to have to live with. And I have the deepest empathy and respect for anyone who has had to see this type of thing. It is not something anyone should ever have to witness.

And in a cruelest of twists, apparently many of the first responders were parents of children in this school. At least one of their children was killed. Horrible.
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What a horrific event. I had hoped Sandy Hook would be a once in a lifetime event but here we are again with an someone who is technically an adult massacring a large number of young children. You can’t get much worse than that.

I will reiterate my point from the last major mass shooting, why do we allow 18 year olds to buy guns, especially AR-15 style assault rifles. The age really should be at least 21, preferably 24. It wouldn’t prevent all of the problems, but would likely cut down the problems.

I know we’re still unraveling the events and precise timeline but I’m a bit concerned about how this all happened. It sounds like the police were chasing him, allowed him to flee onto school property, he somehow managed to get into the building, lock himself in a room, take out essentially a class full of children, and wasn’t killed until the backup came- which ended up being a Border Patrol agent. I commend the reportedly off-duty BP agent who killed the perpatrator, evidently being wounded in the process. I’m amazed that that the lines of communication exist for the BP to respond so efficiently to something outside their normal purview (like a school shooting), that’s excellent to see. But my question is where were police that apparently were either literally chasing the tail or chasing moments behind the gunman?

My condolences go out to those affected by this atrocity. Their lives will never be the same, especially the victims classmates and teachers- who are also victims in this. But I think we should also recognize the first responders who had to deal with what I can only imagine to be a crime scene no one should ever have to see.

I’ve worked with a Sandy Hook first responder (they were a patient at the psych hospital I work at) and I can’t even begin to describe the trauma they have been through. Just hearing about the aftermath they experienced was traumatic for me and the other providers on the treatment team. First responders see awful things routinely, but I don’t think anything can prepare a person for a classroom full of massacred children. What they dealt with is an unimaginably horrific thing to have to live with. And I have the deepest empathy and respect for anyone who has had to see this type of thing. It is not something anyone should ever have to witness.
None of us individually can solve this. What we can do cumulatively is never ever vote for a person who supports the NRA. As long as people keep voting for them, these NRA-sponsored politicians will keep allowing our children to be murdered.

When Congress refused to act in 2012, they GUARANTEED that Sandy Hook would NOT be once-in-a-lifetime.

Empathy and respect are honorable things to offer: do you think a single person whose lives were touched by such a tragedy wants looser gun laws? If we truly empathize with them and respect them, we should make it as difficult as possible for people to get guns, and we should ban assault weapons completely.
None of us individually can solve this. What we can do cumulatively is never ever vote for a person who supports the NRA. As long as people keep voting for them, these NRA-sponsored politicians will keep allowing our children to be murdered.

When Congress refused to act in 2012, they GUARANTEED that Sandy Hook would NOT be once-in-a-lifetime.

Empathy and respect are honorable things to offer: do you think a single person whose lives were touched by such a tragedy wants looser gun laws? If we truly empathize with them and respect them, we should make it as difficult as possible for people to get guns, and we should ban assault weapons completely.

Not a NRA member or a gun owner, but the more I’ve heard more and more gun owners aren’t happy with the NRA and it’s minority rule within minority rule in that it’s the NRA leadership that wants to stonewall any and all gun legislation and a lot of their (shrinking) members dont agree with them. But it seems politicians only make time to hang out with extremists on freedom over safety and top wealth over the general population.
Today marks the one year anniversary when 10 employees at the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority rail yard in San Jose, California were killed by an armed co-worker.

Abbott doesn't care. I'm sure he does from a superficial "Gee, that's too bad" standpoint, but he'll be undeterred politically. Attending a fundraiser the same day? Bringing up Chicago, which is just an eyeroll-inducing retort from conservatives about gun violence.

Conservatives know this will only be in the news until the next terrible thing happens. The public Jan. 6 committee hearings are June 9, which will suck a lot of wind out of the story. That is, if we don't have another mass shooting first.
Abbott doesn't care. I'm sure he does from a superficial "Gee, that's too bad" standpoint, but he'll be undeterred politically. Attending a fundraiser the same day? Bringing up Chicago, which is just an eyeroll-inducing retort from conservatives about gun violence.

Conservatives know this will only be in the news until the next terrible thing happens. The public Jan. 6 committee hearings are June 9, which will suck a lot of wind out of the story. That is, if we don't have another mass shooting first.
why would he care its brown kids that died.
Um... no, the time to ask "Where is God?" is when the Texas Governor is cracking jokes on Twitter about Texas being second in the nation for gun sales, and wanting to displace California in having the most.

It maybe very slow, but I do believe the rest of the country is hitting a breaking point. The problem of course will be what happens when someone does hit that breaking point. I think the NRA has been fully aware of that possibility which is why they bizarrely ban guns at their events, but push for guns everywhere else. It's why law makers freaked out so much when Beto had the nerve to step up & confront them, when they did ritual of pretending to be powerless, after doing their best after the last shooting to make this happen.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529546836641447937/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529681862112714755/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529675142997188610/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529641078583853056/

I just fear it's going to become more & more soul crushing until someone does break bad. We've seen from the last 2 shootings within 10 days of each other that the "good gun with a gun" line just bullshit. It only got the good guy killed, and we don't know what happened with the resource officer that shooter managed to lose.

There's also of course the trauma that is building for a thing no one rightfully could anticipate.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529466518878031872/
:oops: 😖

I still can't wrap my head around the concept that guns have become the leading cause of death of kids. In America. That says way too much.
Never mind the ridiculous notion that teachers should be armed and at the ready for active shooters, even the cops can't handle it.

My "favorite" thing?

We are talking about these teachers.

They don't get paid enough as is, and aren't given enough resources for their classes. Now these entitled assholes who value a firearm over a child's life, want those same teachers to be armed? They already risk their lives. One of the teachers that died, supposedly died trying to cover a child.

Teachers don't sign up to be armed personnel. Where the hell are they going to find more time to be annually trained, so they are always prepared?

If these assholes aren't always blaming someone or something else for a mess they help create & make worse, they're turning around to always ask the wrong people to step up and do what they won't.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529247522547548161/
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Today marks the one year anniversary when 10 employees at the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority rail yard in San Jose, California were killed by an armed co-worker.

I put in the thread when that happened that I drive right by that transit station every day on my work commute, missed the shooting by about a half-hour. It's pretty surreal. It's getting to the point in the US that it feels like you can't consider yourself a legit American city until a mass shooting puts you on the map. At minimum I don't think anybody is going "that could never happen here".
Um... no, the time to ask "Where is God?" is when the Texas Governor is cracking jokes on Twitter about Texas being second in the nation for gun sales, and wanting to displace California in having the most.

Also wrap your head around more gun sales happening in California, probably the perceived "They're coming for your guns!" capital of the country.