Guns are still America’s religion

I just listened to Texas Governor Abbott try to give a press briefing about this. Yikes… and they think Biden has an issue?
Sigh. Yet once again, nothing will be done.

Americans: "What can we do about all of this gun violence"

Republicans about to be elected in the midterms and get the keys back to everything: "We'll loosen all restrictions"

Americans: "Fuck yeah!"

Rinse, repeat.
Hard to say how much our political vitriol has to do with these things, but it certainly can’t be helping. 21 people dead from one lunatic. At a school. And it’s not the first, second or tenth times it’s happened. The reaction from gun owners I know is that it’s too bad, but has nothing to do with them or their guns.

And these are the reasonable people I know.
Hard to say how much our political vitriol has to do with these things, but it certainly can’t be helping. 21 people dead from one lunatic. At a school. And it’s not the first, second or tenth times it’s happened. The reaction from gun owners I know is that it’s too bad, but has nothing to do with them or their guns.

And these are the reasonable people I know.
I'm of the opinion that vitriol is needed, what's sad is nobody will listen. We make it as easy as possible for these psychos to slaughter as many children as possible with the most lethal firearms. We should be fucking outraged, every last one of us, at the ease of access for these weapons and the lack of political will to do anything about it. At best, the result will be more weapons sold after another round of thoughts and prayers.
The second amendment (emphasis mine): A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The gun madness in the U.S. is based on a distortion of the second amendment led by gun manufacturers and enabled by corrupt politicians.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529253772362276869/
Republicans BLOCKED background checks that 90% of Americans wanted. Even 60% of Texans opposed the state’s 2021 ”you don’t need a permit” gun law.

Abbott was bragging about that law until these kids died and now he pretends to give a 💩? He doesn’t care how many kids die as long as he stays in power.

The blood of these children is on their hands. They had a chance to do something and decided to side with the NRA instead of America’s children. If anybody votes for the GOP, they are voting for the murder of innocent children.
I'm of the opinion that vitriol is needed, what's sad is nobody will listen. We make it as easy as possible for these psychos to slaughter as many children as possible with the most lethal firearms. We should be fucking outraged, every last one of us, at the ease of access for these weapons and the lack of political will to do anything about it. At best, the result will be more weapons sold after another round of thoughts and prayers.
You are right. At this point we need all the vitriol we can muster. Because everything else has failed. This shit won't stop sadly, until certain people have to endure the pain so many others have had to. Which of course is why they shield themselves.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529273190723223555/

Everyone else gets some "thoughts & prayers" and good luck out there.

Perhaps since one party has decided to chuck decorum for so many things, perhaps it's time for everyone else to chuck decorum when it comes to this. Heap that vitriol on those who are going to be attending that NRA gathering also in Texas. Make them cry like so many about "cancel culture" and wokeness and whatever the fuck else. But make them cry.

Because all that crying won't be anything close to what so many families have had to go thru.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529296898317860864/
I tend to have the opinion that guns as objects aren’t the problem, but they are the last things you want in the hands of people in a society where there is clearly a desire to commit mass murder on a regular basis.

I'd suggest it's the reverse, or maybe the inverse[?] of what you said (which doesn't invalidate it), that being:

I believe there's a non-trivial amount of innate anger, violence, in our species, look at the knife attacks in your neck of the woods - and to be very clear: that just to illustrate that conflict exists and human beings can be violent, but more to your point, by giving them easy access to a much more lethal mechanism, it significantly compounds the issue.

I'd also say this:

There's an underlying "gun culture" in the US, it reinforces guns as a response, that guns empower you to take action, they provide a false sense of control that leads to be people being more confrontational. So many gun owners fetishize their firearms, they love boasting about their collections, displaying them, talking about them - as a matter of wanting one for defense and quietly owning it, sure, I myself am an owner.

I've seen a number of PhDs in the psych space speak on the matter, and they believe there's a sort of "violence empowerment" with gun ownership - when people carp about, "Well, cars or knifes can kill people" those mechanisms don't motivate, because they have a purpose that's not about killing, they're ultitiarian, or transportation. For the sick individuals that needs that extra push to do something horrific, guns are a conduit to thinking that killing/violence is the solution (beyond just the simple mechanics of how lethal a single person is with an automatic firearm).
You are right. At this point we need all the vitriol we can muster. Because everything else has failed. This shit won't stop sadly, until certain people have to endure the pain so many others have had to. Which of course is why they shield themselves.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529273190723223555/

Everyone else gets some "thoughts & prayers" and good luck out there.

Perhaps since one party has decided to chuck decorum for so many things, perhaps it's time for everyone else to chuck decorum when it comes to this. Heap that vitriol on those who are going to be attending that NRA gathering also in Texas. Make them cry like so many about "cancel culture" and wokeness and whatever the fuck else. But make them cry.

Because all that crying won't be anything close to what so many families have had to go thru.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529296898317860864/

TL;DW…. The AR-15 isn’t considered high power. Gun nuts want it because they want what the military has. The military is about to switch to a new rifle that is far deadlier. The civilian version is already available. The main reason it hasn’t made an appearance at these shootings is because it’s currently $8,000. Once the military fully adopts it the civilian price will greatly decrease.
've seen a number of PhDs in the psych space speak on the matter, and they believe there's a sort of "violence empowerment" with gun ownership - when people carp about, "Well, cars or knifes can kill people" those mechanisms don't motivate, because they have a purpose that's not about killing, they're ultitiarian, or transportation. For the sick individuals that needs that extra push to do something horrific, guns are a conduit to thinking that killing/violence is the solution (beyond just the simple mechanics of how lethal a single person is with an automatic firearm).

Spot on. Something that I've noticed from some gun owners is a certain pride about their ability to own assault weapons. And feeling smug that nobody can do anything about it, while knowing assault weapons are the instruments that kill innocent people in these shootings. I find that smugness particularly disturbing. Feels sociopathic.