Further details are coming to light. The parents are likely to be charged. The teachers and parents knew the kid was planning something… so why didn’t the parents make sure they knew where their newly-purchased semi-automatic handgun was?
A prosecutor has filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of a 15-year-old accused of killing four students and wounding seven other people at a Michigan high school.
Also, one victim died while trying to disarm the killer. According to the way they ruled on Rittenhouse, will that murder be called self defense by the shooter?
If we agree that bringing a weapon, pointing it at people is a provocation, then the people around you have a right to disarm you, especially after you have shot someone. Then you, gun owner are guilty.
This is the fundamental issue of carrying a firearm. There can’t be any assumption that how lethal force is wielded is justified by
how I felt. Justification must be independently determined, and if you have a bunch of pro-gun people sitting on the jury, this is what we’ll get.
I fantasized about shooting shop lifters or looters, picked up my gun and traveled to another community to live out my vigilante phantasy, but then I felt threatened, I feared for my life, and I justifiably murdered two people who objected to me pointing my gun at them. I’m gun blessed, my gun gave me the power, enabling me to kill people who objected to my actions of threatening them, what’s wrong with that?
The foundation of the jury‘s innocent verdict was they were good with a white guy with a gun playing vigilante, while many of us would condemn this action. The people who were shot were not minorities, not looters and if they had guns, this would have been more complicated for the pro-gun jury because now they’d have to examine their prejudices about social unrest, not guns, because if both parties are armed they would be “gun equal”. Sadly in any instance like this involved mixed ethnicity, the people of color would likely find themselves on the short end of the jury judgement.
My problem with this jury’s verdict is that the benefit of doubt was handed to the man with gun. This is incredibly dangerous, what used to be a fist fight, is now a killing. Therefore if this is the type jury you can expect, then in any gun altercation, if you want equality of judgement, you’d better have your own gun, or plan on being screwed by gun nuts on the jury, unless you are a minority, then you are in trouble regardless.