Hamas has launched a major attack on Israel


Elite Member
Oct 25, 2022
It seem Hamas managed to launch a major surprise attack on Israel from Gaza. A large number of infiltration groups are operating deep inside Israel whose primary goal appears to be to kill civilians. They are going door to door killing families and posting selfies with the dead bodies, the same with bus stops, and street corners. Plan likely helped or approved by Iran. IDF caught completely off guard. This will likely precipitate total war by Israel on Gaza.


Netanyahu finally did speak after the last tweet went about. And there was a defense minister slightly before it.
I don’t know if Netanyahu can survive this massive intelligence failure, but it will only strengthen the hardliners’ case and cause more death and destruction for Israelis and Palestinians. No doubt Iran played a major role in orchestrating these attacks, and I can see Israel responding directly against Iran at some point.
this massive intelligence failure

That aspect is really puzzling. I don't get how that operation could have been pulled off without its planning being detected far in advance by Israeli military and internal security services.
That aspect is really puzzling. I don't get how that operation could have been pulled off without its planning being detected far in advance by Israeli military and internal security services.
This is the 50 year anniversary nearly to the day I believe of the Yom Kippur war where Mossad/IDF failed to detect the buildup of regular armed forces. It happens. We don’t know where the breakdown was yet though and Israel’s pre-attack political situation is hardly stable and with a lot of strain in civil-military relations.

I never held much hope for this but yeah whatever was going to happen between Israel and the Saudis isn’t.
I don’t know if Netanyahu can survive this massive intelligence failure, but it will only strengthen the hardliners’ case and cause more death and destruction for Israelis and Palestinians. No doubt Iran played a major role in orchestrating these attacks, and I can see Israel responding directly against Iran at some point.


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This is the 50 year anniversary nearly to the day I believe of the Yom Kippur war where Mossad/IDF failed to detect the buildup of regular armed forces. It happens. We don’t know where the breakdown was yet though and Israel’s pre-attack political situation is hardly stable and with a lot of strain in civil-military relations.

More likely the domain of Shin Bet snd the IDF Intelligence Directorate. Mossad would be keeping tabs on Iran, should they be supplying weapons.
Given the sophistication of the Israeli intelligence apparatus and longstanding penetration of and attention to Hamas, I find it hard to believe Israel had no inkling of what was coming.

Given Netanyahu’ recent internal political situation, I can’t help but wonder if he calculated that “let them come and we will deal with it” could be his and Israeli extremist's net gain.
Given the sophistication of the Israeli intelligence apparatus and longstanding penetration of and attention to Hamas, I find it hard to believe Israel had no inkling of what was coming.

Given Netanyahu’ recent internal political situation, I can’t help but wonder if he calculated that “let them come and we will deal with it” could be his and Israeli extremist's net gain.

Totally agree on Israeli intelligence services - one of the best.

Regarding Netanyahu being advised by intelligence services, and then letting it happen... that would be a tough pill to swallow, and a tough secret to keep. Imo. But who knows...
Given the sophistication of the Israeli intelligence apparatus and longstanding penetration of and attention to Hamas, I find it hard to believe Israel had no inkling of what was coming.

Given Netanyahu’ recent internal political situation, I can’t help but wonder if he calculated that “let them come and we will deal with it” could be his and Israeli extremist's net gain.

No way. He’s going to get the blame for this, and even if there’s a short-term benefit, in the end the failure of his government to do the only thing it absolutely has to do - protect its citizens - is not going to benefit him.
No way. He’s going to get the blame for this, and even if there’s a short-term benefit, in the end the failure of his government to do the only thing it absolutely has to do - protect its citizens - is not going to benefit him.
No way what?
No way he gets away with it? I hope you are right - and I think you are right.
No way he was calculating this way? I hope I am wrong - but I think I am right.
No way Israel was aware? That would be surprisingly bad for Israel - and I think that's unlikely.
No way what?
No way he gets away with it? I hope you are right - and I think you are right.
No way he was calculating this way? I hope I am wrong - but I think I am right.
No way Israel was aware? That would be surprisingly bad for Israel - and I think that's unlikely.

The 4th. There is no way the Israeli gov’t knew that an attack was imminent and purposely did nothing.
No way what?
No way he gets away with it? I hope you are right - and I think you are right.
No way he was calculating this way? I hope I am wrong - but I think I am right.
No way Israel was aware? That would be surprisingly bad for Israel - and I think that's unlikely.

The 4th. There is no way the Israeli gov’t knew that an attack was imminent and purposely did nothing.

Another analysis:

Contends this was a result of a complete failure of the strategic planning by Netanyahu and goes into what that “security concept” was and what went wrong. As more information becomes available, more specific analyses will emerge but this is the overall consensus I’m seeing so far. No one thinks this was “deliberate”, the government’s initial response was too slow and too inept. Also doesn’t fit with Netanyahu’s agenda. He wants Hamas around as a minor irritant to keep people just scared enough to keep voting for his corrupt government. He does not want a major ground war slogging through one of the world’s densest populated areas where the IDF gets bogged down in street to street fighting. He does not want a complete failure of security as delivering “security” is what he bases his legitimacy on.
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