Well, I’m not against protests, especially non-violent ones. Blocking a street is a form of non-violent protest.
That said, I’m also someone who likes to get to where I’m going, and if there’s a protest, I want maximum convincing effectiveness. In the same way I was in favor of mass BLM protests, I was not in favor of violence, looting or rioting. This is not that, but… I don’t know if they’re endearing anyone to their cause. I’d imagine some billboards or visible protests that don’t impede the public would be better.
I usually make fun of the people outside planned parenthood holding signs… but they’re visible, I see them, some people honk, some ignore them, some laugh.. but they’re getting message out and not harming anyone.
I don’t know, I’d imagine most people ignore these road blockers, except for the ones they’re pissing off, so I’m not sure they’re gaining any traction.
A lot of the BLM protests in my area had parades, and roads blocked - in advance, with police presence, friendly cops who were doing their job with no sign of prejudice or overzealous support, neutral peacekeepers. Organized chaos is much better than chaotic chaos.